The benefits and harms of water with lemon are comparable to the properties of the main product, with the only difference being that in diluted form, fruit juice is less aggressive. It is more easily perceived by the stomach and can be used not only for healing purposes, but also as a refreshing tonic.
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Water with lemon: health benefits
The effect of citrus fruits on the body is most often explained by the large amount of vitamin C present in them. However, in the hierarchy of products rich in ascorbic acid, lemon occupies far from leading positions. In addition to the substance mentioned, its juice contains other important components: carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, rutin. The latter in the presence of ascorbic acid has a much stronger effect than each of these compounds individually.
It is in a harmonious combination of vitamins, flavonoids, phytoncides macro and microelements that the strength of lemon water lies.
Despite the sour taste, the yellow fruit is able to alkalize the internal environment of the body, restore electrolytic balance and pH.
The drink exhibits good antioxidant properties. Prevents premature aging and the development of cancer. Protects from free radicals.
Improves vascular tone. Reduces capillary permeability and fragility. It prolongs the period of thrombosis, and increases the elasticity of red blood cells. Acidified water limits the flow of glucose into the blood.
Lemon drink reduces intoxication.Accelerates the process of disposal of metabolic by-products. Reduces the viscosity of bile. Stimulates the work of liver cells, which are a natural filter of the body.
Citric acid inhibits the formation of salt conglomerates. Dissolves kidney, liver and gall bladder stones.
The drink helps digestion. Gives a feeling of fullness. Breaks down heavy fats. Promotes regular bowel cleansing. Normalizes blood cholesterol.
Maintains mineral balance. Increases immunity. Accelerates perspiration. It exhibits bactericidal properties. The drink cleanses the oral cavity of bacteria caused by the appearance of odor.
Lemon water contributes to the healing and purification of the whole body. It is considered an effective tool in the fight against extra pounds.
Help with weight loss
Water with lemon for weight loss is not the only way to get rid of figure defects. It is imperative to observe the water regime and load yourself with feasible physical activity.
However, an acidified drink helps fight weight gain. Fasting with lemon water speeds up metabolism. Servings drunk between meals suppress hunger. Lemon water breaks down body fat. The drink stimulates the formation, and the outflow of urine helps to remove excess moisture.
The diuretic effect is enhanced if ordinary water is replaced with mineral water. The correct intake of a lemon drink helps get rid of edema, and subsequently from extra centimeters on the waist and hips.
How to cook and drink on an empty stomach?
During the night, our body loses some moisture. A glass of water taken in the morning helps to wake up and cheer up.
A lemon drink is similar in composition to our saliva. A cup of warm drink on an empty stomach starts the digestive tract. Cleans it from accumulated mucus.
To prepare a lemon drink you need to use pure, for example, filtered water. It should be heated to 30-40 ° C. Cold liquid in the morning causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
In a glass of water, squeeze a tablespoon of citrus juice. You can add a couple of slices of fruit to the drink. The lemon is pre-washed well and sanded from a wax coating. Cut into circles, without removing the peel. Slices are infused for 10-15 minutes.
Drink the drink slowly in sips. Have breakfast no earlier than half an hour. After water with lemon, you must eat.
Drinks are prepared immediately before use. It should not be stored, since useful substances tend to break down over time. Ascorbic acid is one of the most fragile vitamins. It loses its activity after a few hours, is sensitive to heat and temperature changes.
Traditional medicine recipes
Traditional medicine knows many ways to cure with lemon. She uses the whole spectrum of its healing properties.
Help with colds, with a viral infection
Lemon water supports immunity. Disinfects the throat with a cold and dulls pain. Warm drinking promotes sweat and lowers temperature.
To prepare a drink, take a glass of warm, but not hot water. In it add the juice of half a lemon, a tablespoon of honey and rub literally half a centimeter of ginger root. Drinking is consumed in a warm form for half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and then another 3 times during the day between meals.
To relieve sore throat, rinse with warm lemon water. In a glass with heated liquid squeeze the juice of half the fruit. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day for half an hour before meals or after meals.
For digestion
In diseases of the stomach, accompanied by increased acidity, taking water with lemon is contraindicated. However, with hypoacid (with low acidity) gastritis, on the contrary, it is useful.But you can drink it no more than once a day.
The drink should be warm, since a cold drink inhibits digestion that is already impaired. Whole lemon with peel is ground in a blender. Juice is squeezed out of the resulting slurry. It is diluted with warm bottled or filtered water to obtain 200 ml of the drink.
Lemon water prepared in this way contains the largest amount of vitamin P, flavonoids, volatile and carotene, which, together with ascorbic acid, strengthen the walls of the capillaries of the mucosa, heal the inflamed membranes of the stomach and destroy the pathogenic flora.
Lemon potion is good to drink to prevent and treat constipation. It is made from the juice of half a citrus, a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of chopped zest.
The drink enriched with fiber of the fruit peel is consumed only in the morning slowly on an empty stomach half an hour before a meal. Lemon water stimulates peristalsis and helps establish regular stools.
More materials:fasting water with lemon
For blood vessels and heart
In the treatment of atherosclerosis, 150 ml of non-hot, clean water, juice of half one fruit and a teaspoon of honey are mixed daily. The resulting solution is drunk before bedtime.
To prevent atherosclerosis, you can chop the head of garlic and one whole lemon. Pour gruel with a liter of water. Insist for two days. Drink a tablespoon three times a day before meals.
With hypertension, an infusion of fresh or dried lemon peel helps. The tool is poured into a glass of water. Insist on a water bath for 30 minutes. Leave alone for ten minutes. Filter. Drink half a cup 30 minutes before meals three times a day.
For the nervous system
A remedy prepared from four peeled citruses, peeled through a meat grinder, a glass of olive oil, a glass of fresh lemon juice, fifteen grams of tincture of hawthorn and valerian, 15 drops of peppermint oil and 1 g of camphor helps with nervous exhaustion. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator. It is taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
To prepare tinctures for alcohol in a liter of vodka lay 100 g of washed dried lemon peel. The mixture is insisted in a dark place for three weeks. Take 25 drops, mixed in half a glass of water three times a day twenty minutes before meals.
Skin Benefits
Lemon ice cubes are a great way to rejuvenate. They can be used in the absence of severe inflammation. The product whitens the skin, tightens pores, reduces the production of fat, eliminates small acne.
To prepare, mix water and citrus juice one to one. Poured into molds. Sent to the freezer. In the morning and in the evening during washing, treat the face after the main cleansing.
To strengthen the nails using a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil. Components are taken in equal proportions. The product is applied for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. After leaving, you can anoint your hands with a light cream.
Rinse hair with lemon water to reduce greasy and shine. The juice of one fruit is diluted with two parts of water. Apply every time after bathing.
The duration of each treatment method is selected strictly individually. With colds, lemon water is consumed until recovery. For preventive purposes, it is drunk on average for 10 days. In the treatment of specific problems and losing weight, the course can be extended after consultation with a leading doctor.
What can be added to water with lemon, and what will be the effect?
To improve digestion, zest is added to the water with lemon. It contains fiber and essential oils that promote bowel function. The tool has a laxative effect and helps to establish regular stools.
In addition to the main components, grated cucumber and mint are put in slimming water. They enhance the diuretic effect. Together with citrus juice, fats are more actively broken down.
Ginger and honey fortify the drink.These products are added both to trigger metabolism and to create a more pleasant taste. Water with lemon and honey has a mild sedative effect. It is better to take it in the afternoon.
Ginger is a natural stimulant. Helps to cheer up. It activates mental activity. Water with lemon and ginger is suitable for morning use.
Contraindications and possible harm
Citric acid corrodes tooth enamel, so it is better to drink the drink through a tube.
In some cases, you should refuse to drink:
- the drug is contraindicated in people with serious diseases of the digestive tract; fasting lemon water should never be drunk by those who have a stomach ulcer, pancreatitis and any digestive tract diseases accompanied by high acidity;
- frequent drinking can cause bloating and heartburn;
- lemon intensively removes fluid from the body, with its regular use you need to drink enough clean water;
- citric acid can provoke a tone of the uterus, so pregnant women should transfer all these procedures to later.
You need to listen to your body and give it exactly what he wants. Lemon water is an elixir of beauty and youth, but it helps only those who follow all the precautions.