In the first months of life, health, immunity, and beauty are laid. That is why it is extremely important during this period to maximize the needs of your pet. And since the daily diet extremely rarely carries the entire norm of nutrients, it is worth studying the existing vitamins for kittens and choosing the best option for your pet.

What vitamins are necessary for a pet

The owner of the kitten should not forget about the responsibility that he took upon himself by bringing this playful lump to the house. He needs attention and care, as well as proper nutrition, supplemented with necessary vitamins.

Their choice depends on several factors:

  • breed of pet;
  • his age;
  • type of food;
  • exogenous and endogenous features.

To choose the right complex for your pet, you need to visit a veterinarian. He will conduct examinations, discover the weaknesses of the kitten's health. Based on this, prescribe vitamins, schedule a schedule for their intake.

There are universal drugs that are equally suitable for any breed.

Such complexes, as a rule, should contain the following components:

  • taurine (improves eyesight);
  • L-carotene (promotes the formation of strong muscles);
  • Vitamin A (the main component for growth, improves digestion);
  • B vitamins (also responsible for the digestion and energy of the animal);
  • Vitamin C (removes toxins, strengthens the immune system);
  • Vitamin D (positively affects the condition of the coat and bones);
  • Vitamin E (helps the reproductive system to develop properly);
  • Vitamin K (plays an important role in blood formation).

According to the individual differences of the animal, vitamins for kittens with calcium, iron and other trace elements can be prescribed.

How to understand what a kitten is missing

In order to determine which vitamins are best for kittens in a particular case, you need to closely monitor the behavior of the pet. Even minor changes in the habits of a furry friend can indicate a disease or a lack of some useful minerals.

So, having noticed the following signals, you should seek the help of a qualified veterinarian:

  1. The general mood of the cat is depressed, he moves little, sleeps a lot.
  2. The movements became clumsy and insecure.
  3. The condition of the skin worsens, the hair has become dull or even begins to fall out.
  4. A sharp decrease in mass, pronounced ridge and ribs.

If there is at least one disorder from the list, vitamin deficiency can be diagnosed.

Lack of one or another substance is diagnosed by more serious and pronounced symptoms, namely:

  • Vitamin A - with tearing of the eyes, improper digestion of food, difficulty breathing;
  • B vitamins - with general drowsiness, heavy assimilation of food, hair loss, weight loss, problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • Vitamin C - for tooth loss, soreness, scurvy;
  • vitamin D - with curvature of the spine, bones, rickets, slow development;
  • Vitamin K - with a decrease in appetite, aggression, poor blood coagulation.

All these problems must be solved with the help of timely and proper intake of the necessary vitamins.

Overview of popular brands and their composition

Today on the market there are a large number of vitamin preparations for kittens. Let's try to understand their effectiveness.

For kittens on a natural diet

A natural-nourished kitten needs additional vitamin supplements, which are presented in a wide assortment by Beaphar. In the gold series of this manufacturer there is a feed supplement in the form of Kitty’s junior tablets, which is prescribed for babies from the age of 6 weeks. The package contains 75 pills that are designed for daily consumption in an amount of 2 to 5 pieces / day. Beafar vitamins support the pet’s general state of health, and comprehensively affect all vital systems of the young body.

Another useful supplement that is also universal (used for both kittens and puppies) is Junior Cal. The rich composition of these vitamins helps strengthen teeth, bones, improve the condition of the coat, and the work of the cardiovascular system. It includes such beneficial substances as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, vitamin C. In addition, the company introduced a feed supplement with biotin in the form of tablets, which is enriched with vitamins of group B. These microelements, in turn, normalize the nervous system systems that maintain skin health, improve metabolism, prevent anemia, maintain the condition of hair and nails.

An alternative can be the equally popular Gimpet Baby Tabs food additives, which can also be included in the diet of kittens based on natural nutrition. This complex perfectly meets the needs of the kitten's body due to the sufficient content of calcium, minerals, taurine, L-carnitine and colostrum.


Usually manufacturers of kitten food indicate that such nutrition replenishes the balance of all necessary substances. But in most cases, the rapid development and rapid growth of a small organism requires an increased amount of certain vitamins and minerals. For this, it is worth paying attention to additional vitamin complexes.

Ideally, the feed and supplement should be the same company, but a close examination and the advice of a veterinarian will help to combine the diet from different companies.

One of the most successful feed additives is rightfully recognized Gimpet Kase-Rollis, cheese balls for cats "Multivitamin".It contains milk and dairy products, minerals, fiber, which helps to strengthen the immune system, improves appearance, increases activity, and also sharpens eyesight. In addition, this company produces complete feeds that can be given to the baby along with the supplement.

Canina Cat Mineral Tabs vitamins also receive a lot of positive feedback. They are well compatible with any kind of feed. The active complex is supplemented by beneficial substances (calcium, phosphorus), helping the body to develop properly. It can be given to an animal at any age. A pleasant bonus is that the pet will enjoy the supplement on its own, as it has a delicious smell and pleasant taste.

How to give vitamins

Vitamin complexes for cats are produced in various forms.

Most often, they are presented on the market in the form of:

  • powders;
  • capsules;
  • pills
  • gels;
  • drops;
  • injection.

There is no difference in the effectiveness of different forms of drugs, so the choice should be based on the individual preferences of the animal. Some cats are happy to chew fragrant pills, while others, on the contrary, refuse to do this. In this case, it is worth choosing a complex in the form of a gel or powder. The smallest favorites will be most convenient to give vitamins in the form of drops, but do not forget that you need to start such complementary foods no earlier than two months old. If the animal is sick or weak, then the most rational solution is the injection of beneficial substances.


Not only vitamin deficiency can harm the body of a kitten, but an excess of vitamins can also cause the animal to feel unwell. Self-administration or an overdose is fraught with serious consequences.

As a rule, contraindications to the intake of certain vitamins are:

  • hypervitaminosis;
  • individual intolerance and sensitivity to some components of the drug;
  • incompatibility with other medicines.

And also it is necessary to comply with the dosage specified by the manufacturer. With negative changes in the well-being of a kitten, you should stop giving him the drug and immediately seek help.

Nutritional supplements selected by an experienced veterinarian in accordance with the age and condition of the kitten are of great benefit to his body. It is extremely important to devote some time and effort to this issue, because the correct intake of vitamin complexes is the key to the health and beauty of a little fidget.