The reason for lethargy, apathy is often a lack of sleep after a busy day and lack of reserves in the body for self-healing. Various vitamins for vitality and energy in combination with minerals will help to shake, have fun, improve performance. In addition, you need to pay attention to good rest and good nutrition.
Material Content:
- 1 The daily human need for vitamins
- 2 How to choose vitamins for vitality and energy
- 3 What supplements are better for women and men
- 4 List of Vitamins to Increase Health
- 5 To increase physical activity, energy and vitality
- 6 What to drink during pregnancy
- 7 Natural sources for energy
- 8 The most budgetary funds
The daily human need for vitamins
Methods for calculating daily doses of vitamins necessary for a full life and restoration of strength vary. For example, according to WHO recommendations, the daily requirement for vitamin C is only 30 mg. Many national medical organizations have approved a daily norm of ascorbic acid of 100-150 mg.
The daily allowance of vitamins varies depending on gender, age, health status and living conditions.
It is better to choose vitamin-mineral complexes designed for your category. They contain bioactive substances (BAS) in dosages corresponding to the recommended norms of consumption. If the drugs are released in different countries, then the quantities of the components for the same age may vary.
The daily need for vitamins:
- A or retinol, mg - from 0.5 to 1.5 (up to 2.5 or 2-5 in terms of beta-carotene);
- C or ascorbic acid, mg - from 45 to 110;
- B9 or folic acid, mg - from 0.16 to 0.4;
- B5 pantothenic acid, mg - from 4.7 to 10;
- B3 (PP) or nicotinamide, mg - from 30 to 60;
- E or a group of tocopherols, mg - from 5 to 17;
- B6 or pyridoxine, mg - from 1.2 to 2.1;
- D or calciferol, mcg - from 10 to 20;
- B2 or riboflavin, mg - from 1.8 to 2;
- K or phylloquinone, mcg - from 45 to 80;
- B12 or cyancobalamin, mcg - 3;
- B1 or thiamine, mg - from 1 to 1.8;
- B7 or biotin, mg - 0.25.
Many vitamins are not one compound, but a group of substances. So, various tocopherols are called vitamin E, D - calciferols, P - flavonoids that increase the tone of the walls of blood vessels.
The body can accumulate part of the substances in reserve, gradually spend. Some substances are synthesized by bacteria in the intestine or formed from provitamins (retinol - from carotenes in many fruits, leaves). Hypervitaminosis is a rare occurrence. Excess vitamins are excreted by the kidneys. An overdose of retinol is most dangerous, especially for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
How to choose vitamins for vitality and energy
According to the prevailing therapeutic effect, vitamins belong to different groups. Against chronic fatigue and a decrease in activity, substances that increase the general reactivity of the body act. Vitamins from this group - A, C, B1, B2, B15, PP - regulate metabolism, tissue nutrition and the functions of the nervous system.
To find out what is the best composition for energy and vigor to choose for an adult, you need to have an idea about the functions they perform. In addition, the activity of these substances increases in the presence of other components.
Pantothenic acid is necessary for the production of hormones by the adrenal glands. Such a vitamin in combination with retinol is involved in the oxidation of nutrients. The effect of pantothenic acid also depends on the presence of folic, which, together with cyanocobalamin, exhibits an anti-anemic effect.
Thiamine is an active center of enzymes necessary for the complete absorption of glucose, maintaining the level of lactic and pyruvic acids in the blood. Vitamin B1 is needed for the normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels and nerves. Riboflavin is a coenzyme of a whole group of enzymes that improve tissue respiration.
B2, C, E and zinc are antioxidants, that is, protectors of cells from oxidative stress.
Pyridoxine is important for fat metabolism. Vitamin B6 deficiency causes loss of appetite, nausea, seborrheic dermatitis. Cyanobalamin deficiency is manifested by severe disorders, especially the process of hematopoiesis. A decrease in vitamin B12 leads to anemia.
Ascorbic acid increases the absorption of iron in the composition of hemoglobin. This blood component is necessary for oxygen transfer and energy exchange. If there is little vitamin C and iron in the body, then fatigue and impotence are felt. It is useful to supplement the list of substances that increase vigor and energy with calciferols (D2 and D3).
What supplements are better for women and men
Adults and children now rarely suffer from vitamin deficiency. The most common problem is not the complete lack of substances needed in the body, but their low level, that is, hypovitaminosis.
A lack of B vitamins necessary for energy and plastic metabolism is experienced by every second person over 40 years old.
Deficiency is often detected late, especially in men. Such symptoms as weakness and loss of strength are often explained not by hypovitaminosis, but by workload, stress.
The bioactive supplement Dynamizan is useful for men. This is a complex of vitamins, minerals, ginseng extract and amino acids. Supplements help fight fatigue during high physical and mental stress, weakening sexual function.
The causes of chronic fatigue, lethargy and drowsiness in women can be hypovitaminosis in combination with hormonal changes in different periods of the monthly cycle, during pregnancy, and the gradual extinction of ovarian function after 40-45 years.
The hormonal background can be normalized with the help of vitamin complexes.Use preparations containing ascorbic acid, necessary for the synthesis of steroids, the oxidation of amino acids. Stimulate the production of hormones and delay the aging of the body vitamins E, D, A and group B.
Names of drugs for women:
- Supradin (effervescent tablets, which can be taken during pregnancy);
- Vitrum Beauty Elite (for young women);
- Menopace (to alleviate the symptoms of menopause).
Vitamins of groups B, A and C increase the body's defense against pathogens of infectious diseases.
Preparations for immunity:
- Multi-tabs Immuno Plus;
- AlfaVit Classic;
- Immunap Forte;
- Complies;
- Supradin.
Deficiency of B vitamins is aggravated by stress, alcohol abuse, smoking, and inflammation. Chronic hypovitaminosis is a prerequisite for the so-called aging diseases (atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's and other disorders). With increased physical and mental stress, as well as in old age, you can take Undevit complex.
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List of Vitamins to Increase Health
AlfaVit energy is a dietary supplement divided into three doses: “Energy of the morning”, “Vigor of the day” and “Restoring”. A morning pill contains vitamins B1 and B9, extracts of lemongrass and eleutherococcus, which improve blood supply to the brain and increase mental activity.
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As part of a daily pill - vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium. Taking the second dose improves performance, forms resistance to the effects of harmful factors, loads. The effect is complemented by rutin and succinic acid.
An evening pill supports hematopoiesis, normalizes metabolism. Taking the third dose restores strength, reduces nervous tension. The complex is not suitable for hypertensive women, pregnant and lactating mothers.
Vitrum Performance - vitamins for women and men. Supplemented with minerals and ginseng extract. The components of the tablets have a positive effect on metabolic processes, help to overcome stress, increase efficiency. The price of packaging is 790 rubles.
To increase physical activity, energy and vitality
Gerimax Energy - a complex of vitamins, minerals, ginseng extract and green tea leaves. The tool helps the body with various overloads, increases overall resistance, improves memory. Biologically active substances in ginseng stimulate the production of hormones, which are necessary to maintain activity.
Elixir Doppelherz Energotonik - a complex of vitamins, minerals and plant extracts. The tool has a general tonic and adaptogenic effect. Take the elixir with a deficiency of B vitamins, an unbalanced diet, lack of rest, overwork and mood swings. Doppelherz Energotonik stimulates mental activity by improving metabolism and nervous activity.
What to drink during pregnancy
Fatigue, drowsiness during pregnancy will help overcome supplements containing folic acid and other vitamins. One of the drugs for expectant mothers is Elevit Pronatal. The complex includes 12 vitamins and 7 minerals.
Other vitamin preparations for pregnant women that increase stamina and activity:
- Mom's Alphabet Health;
- Vitrum Prenatal Forte;
- Complies trimesterum;
- Complies Mom;
- Berocca Plus;
- Vitaminoral;
- Bio-Max;
- Undevit;
- Duovit.
Vitamin complexes with mineral components from the list are taken not only during the period of gestation. These same drugs are suitable for use in planning pregnancy, after childbirth and while breastfeeding. At each stage, the requirements for bioactive substances are very high.
Natural sources for energy
Vigor and vitality do not appear at the time of eating food and vitamins, but as a result of the assimilation of various substances.In total, the body needs more than 600 compounds, among them, according to various sources, 13-17 vitamins. The energy role is played by carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Special complexes facilitate the change of nutrients as active centers of enzymes.
To get the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, you need to eat almost a kilogram of various fruits, vegetables, herbs every day.
This method of replenishing the missing supply of substances is not available to everyone, especially difficult in winter and spring. In addition, during storage and heat treatment, a significant part of vitamins and phytohormones is destroyed.
If you take drugs and dietary supplements containing vitamin complexes, you can accurately dose the intake of bioactive substances in the body. The compositions are developed by specialists, designed to solve health problems that arise in different periods of life.
The most budgetary funds
Vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed not only for hypo - and vitamin deficiencies. These same drugs are used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, syndromes. Often there is a need to drink the prescribed formulations for a long time. Therefore, the issue of financial costs is relevant.
Among vitamins for vitality and energy, there are many budgetary funds. First of all, these are monopreparations (price, rubles): Ascorbic acid (3-25), Thiamine (33), Pyridoxine (40-55), Retinol acetate (93). One type of vitamins does not solve the whole complex of health problems, perceived as a loss of strength, decreased activity and performance. Therefore, it is more profitable to buy inexpensive complex preparations.
List of budget vitamin preparations for energy and vitality (price, rubles):
- Doppelherts Energotonik (300);
- Doppelherz Asset (from 350);
- AlfaVit energy (300);
- Supradin (370-400);
- Multivita (265);
- Superjack (245);
- Bio-Max (320);
- Trijex (170);
- Undevit (60);
- Revit (48).
Deficiency of a number of bioactive substances is felt as weakness, chronic fatigue. Vitamins for increasing activity, working capacity, improving mood belong to group B. Vitamins A and C are needed to increase the effect. Mineral elements and plant extracts make an important contribution to the increase in vitality and energy.