A rare household plot does without fruit and berry trees, among which cherry stands out especially. Such popularity is justified by the fact that cherry trees have a docile character and, with proper care, please with plentiful harvests.

Cherry - description, types and varieties of wood

Cherry refers to fruit trees. Despite the outward general similarity, different varieties of cherries react differently to climatic conditions, so it is worth choosing those varieties that are bred for growing in a particular climatic zone.

  1. Such frost-resistant varieties include Mayak, Metelitsa, Ob, Maksimovskaya, Novoaltayskaya, Zmeinogorskaya. All types of felt cherries and steppes tolerate even extremely low temperatures.
  2. In warmer places you can plant such varieties as Turgenevka, Meeting, Toy, Coral.

Outdoor landing

Cherry tolerates planting well in a variety of soils and can withstand even extremely severe frosts, because the tree has good restoration ability.

But still, it is worth considering that it will be ideal to plant cherries in such soils as:

  • sandy;
  • chernozems.

It is interesting:youth cherry: care and cultivation

Soil preparation and location

But even if the composition of the soil on the garden plot does not correspond to what is necessary, then the situation can be corrected correctly by choosing a place and preparing the soil.

  1. It is best for a cherry to take root if the tree is planted on the west, south or southwest side. Light penumbra covering the trunk and the trunk circle is welcomed, but the crown should be in the sun. This result can be achieved by planting a low shrub in the direction of the sun, which will cover the lower part of the cherry.
  2. The size of the landing pit should be at least 50 cm wide and about 60 cm deep. It is important to remember that a cherry tree will feel good if, at its planting site, groundwater occurs two meters from the surface of the earth. Otherwise, root decay may occur. It is best to dig a planting hole a few days before planting and if it is very full of water, then you need to transfer the cherry to another place. Or, as an option, plant bushes nearby that consume a lot of moisture, such as hydrangea.
  3. The soil mixture is prepared as follows. Half of the dug up earth is mixed with 1 part of coarse sand, ½ part of fine sand, ½ part of wood ash, 1 part of rotted manure, 1 part of turf land. This mixture is thoroughly mixed and placed in a large container for about a week. After this, it should be shed with biofungicides or potassium permanganate. During the maturation of the soil should be mixed once a day.

It is important to know that you can’t add fallen leaves to the nutrient soil mixture because pathogenic flora can live there, which immediately settles in the roots of a young tree.

How and when to plant

It is best to carry out planting work in May after the frost retreats, because the autumn planting threatens that the plant will not have time to gain strength and die.

  1. Prepared landing pit shed with biofungicides.
  2. A layer of coarse sand or pebbles is laid at the bottom.
  3. Then a small mound of prepared soil mixture is poured.
  4. The roots of the seedling are soaked for several hours in a solution that prevents the appearance of rot, and then in a composition that stimulates root formation.
  5. Landing is best done before sunset.
  6. The tree is removed from the solution and lowered into the pit.
  7. The roots should be carefully disassembled and laid by hand.
  8. The prepared soil is filled up from above.
  9. The soil must be compacted to avoid the appearance of voids where air will accumulate.
  10. After planting, the cherry should be poured with settled water.
  11. Further, after the earth settles after irrigation, it is necessary to add soil and mulch the trunk circle with a thick layer.
  12. On the contour of the trunk circle, it is necessary to pour an earthen rampart.

Attention! If sawdust is used as mulch, then they must be ripe, that is, they have been lying for at least two years, otherwise caustic resins can ruin the young plant.

Cherries: care at different times of the year

Growing cherries does not bring much concern, and even more so when there is a clear time schedule for caring for a tree.

Watering schedule

It is worth remembering that cherries do not like excess moisture. Therefore, watering should be carried out with caution, otherwise the fruits in the future will be very watery and acidic.

The first spring watering should be after the retreat of frost. About 2 buckets of water are poured into the earthen rampart poured around the tree. The next watering is done when about 2 cm of the top soil layer dries.

It is curious that if there is free space near the cherries, you can dig out the soil on the bayonet of the shovel and see how wet the earthen lump is, so you can make sure that watering is necessary.

Feeding and wood processing

Cherry top dressing is an important period because the development of the tree will depend on this.

In the first two years, if the planting was carried out according to all the rules, do not overfeed the plant. It will be useful to spring and autumn tillage with biofungicides.

At the beginning of the third year, before the flowering begins, it is necessary to make preparations containing nitrogen.

  • 30 g of saltpeter per 10 l of water.

After the tree blooms in the soil, you need to make organic fertilizers according to the following recipe:

  • ½ bucket of compost + ½ bucket of rotted manure. Fertilizers are bred in two buckets of water and applied to the soil with water. After fertilizing, the trunk circle must be well mulched.

In mid-August, the procedure is worth repeating. And in the fall, add potassium and phosphorus.

It is interesting:felt cherry

How to care for fruiting cherries, harvesting

And to obtain a good harvest, and at a time when the berries begin to form, there is a care technology that helps increase productivity.

  1. If the spring turned out to be rainy, then it is worth irrigating the tree with boiled or filtered water diluted with honey to attract insects that will pollinate the plant into the garden.
  2. If the weather is dry, then watering should be plentiful.
  3. The acidity of the soil should not be high, otherwise the ovaries may fall.
  4. If the summer was dry and the autumn is also not rich in rains, then at the end of September it is necessary to pour about 8 buckets of water under the tree during the day.

It is important to remember that after such abundant watering, part of the soil may settle, therefore, after settling of moisture, it is necessary to add soil and mulch.

Formative tree pruning

If you do not know how to cut the cherry correctly, then you can damage the tree.

Therefore, pruning should take place according to the following rules:

  1. Cherry cut immediately after planting. From the top layer of the earth to the first branch there should not be any branches at a distance of 50 cm.
  2. Next, about 8 branches are selected that will form a crown. They should be located in relation to the trunk at an angle of 45 degrees, they are shortened to 8 - 9 cm.
  3. The remaining branches must be cut.
  4. Every year it is necessary to remove basal shoots.

It is important to remember that the cut line must be parallel to the trunk. After trimming, open areas should be well covered with var.

Preparing for the winter

Cherry care includes its proper preparation for wintering. Although cherries tolerate frosts well, additional protection will help in the future to get a good harvest.

  1. At the end of summer, cherries are additionally fed humus.
  2. In the autumn, after applying all the fertilizers, it is necessary to well mulch the earth around the trunk.
  3. Further, the ground is covered with straw.
  4. Then on top of the spruce branches.
  5. If the tree is still young, then you can additionally protect it by wrapping it with a special cloth.
  6. If winter has stood out with a small amount of snow, then it is worth pouring snow around the tree and putting the spruce branch on top again.

Prevention and disposal of pests and diseases

If cherries are well cared for, then the tree will be avoided by pests and diseases, but still preventive protection methods will not hurt.

  1. After the first autumn frosts, the trunk itself, the crown and the trunk circle must be sprayed with a urea solution to get rid of the causative agents of the disease.
  2. In the spring, after a full thaw, you should immediately remove the entire preserving layer of mulch and shed the tree with biofungicides, as well as spray it completely.
  3. After this, you can spray the plant with a weak solution of drugs that prevent the destruction of aphids and other pests for prevention.

It is important to remember that varietal Surinamese cherries are particularly prone to attack.

How to prune cherries in spring and autumn

Before spring and autumn processing, sanitary pruning of trees is necessary. All weak and broken off, as well as dried branches are removed.

It is important to remember that if the bark burst on the trunk, then such places should be carefully covered with var.

Propagation of cherries: the main methods

The best and most reliable way is grafting.

  • during the period of intensive tree development in mid-July, cuttings can be made;
  • shoots with pliable bark on top and numb at the place of attachment to the trunk are suitable for cuttings;
  • a shoot about 20 cm long is cut off at dawn or late in the evening;
  • the cut shoot is placed in water where growth stimulants are added;
  • after a day, the stalk is planted in a greenhouse, deepening it by 3 cm;
  • for better development of the future plant, it is necessary to plant it in the soil enriched with sand and peat, then it will be easier for the young tree to take root;
  • cherry is best left for the winter in the greenhouse, after feeding it and falling asleep with a good layer of mulch.

If you follow all the rules for planting and caring for cherries, you can grow a good cherry orchard. Indeed, when the cherry blossoms after winter, the whole garden seems to be covered with a light pinkish haze, and it becomes clear that the long-awaited summer time is coming.