By planting radiant Kishmish grapes in your area, you can harvest annually a crop of juicy, sweet berries with a nutmeg flavor. Information about the features of this variety and the agricultural technology of its cultivation will be useful to winegrowers and novice gardeners.
Material Content:
Grade description
The clusters of Kishmish are radiant elongated, irregular in shape, conical, cylindrical or branched up to 40 cm long. The berries are very tasty and fragrant, children especially like them. The sugar content in the dense pulp is about 17%, the acidity is 6.5 g / l. The mass of one berry is up to 4 g.
Ripening period is early or medium, depending on climatic conditions. Bunches weighing 500 - 700 grams. The berries are beautiful dark pink, elongated, transparent in the sun and as if filled with light.
Rules for planting grapes
Grapes are planted in the spring. In the middle zone of Russia, it is launched in early or mid-May. In cold regions, in the Urals and in Eastern Siberia, heat-loving varieties are grown most often in greenhouses.
How to plant Kishmish radiant grapes in open ground:
- For grapes choose a place well-lit by the sun, protected from cold wind and damp.
- The hole is made according to the size of the root system from 0.2 m to 0.5 m.
- Organic and complex mineral fertilizers are added to it, mixing them well with the soil.
- The roots spread on the mound at the bottom of the hole.
- Sprinkle the seedling with soil, ramming it well.
- Watered with warm water.
- Mulch with compost or manure.
A distance of about 1.5 m is left between the seedlings in a row. In the first 2 to 3 weeks, daily abundant watering is carried out with warm water. Shade seedlings from the sun until they successfully take root.
Outdoor Care
Next to the planted vine set trellis, which will help the shoots to develop properly. As the vine grows, they are neatly tied to it, guiding the shoots in the right direction. On young, just planted grapes, inflorescences are removed so that they do not weaken the plants.
Mandatory care is the annual pruning of adult vines. Spend it in the fall, when the movement of juice slows down. From the end of June to the end of August, all stepsons are cut off on a non-bearing vine, which is not involved in the creation of the next year's crop. So that the branches do not begin to grow again, leave the bottom sheet, which is closest to the trunk, and cut off the rest. Slices are cauterized or covered with bitumen.
Fruit grapes need good nutrition. From April to mid-summer, rotted organic matter and ash are brought under the bushes, watered with infusion of weeds. Since July, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers have been preferred - superphosphate and ash. For top dressing with microelements they are sprayed 4 times per season with Uniflormicro solution.
In order to collect a good harvest, radiant Kishmish grapes must be treated with preparations containing gibberellin before flowering.
The formation of a large crop is also facilitated by timely pruning. When the vine grows to 2.5 m, pinch its top, stimulating ripening. At the end of June, fruiting shoots are shortened, covering the cut with bitumen. Where you need to make a cut, tell the antennae, which grew on a vine with bunches, after which the fruits will no longer be tied.
Shelter of radiant grape raisins for the winter
After autumn leaf fall, formative and sanitary pruning of grapes is carried out. Before the first night frosts begin, the grapes are removed from the support, treated with iron or copper sulphate and covered for the winter.
Before sheltering, the vine is well watered - the moist earth does not freeze and gives off heat to plants.
If winters are cold, make complete shelter of the vine. All shoots are tied in one bundle, bent to the ground and covered with clean old rags made of natural materials. A film or agrofibre is still stretched from above, and the structure is sprinkled with earth. Its layer can be from 15 to 30 cm. Instead of “clothes” and blankets, you can use dry straw.
Having covered the vine for the winter, they save it from the destructive icing of shoots. On warm winter days, the shelter should be regularly ventilated so that condensation does not accumulate under it, and the plant does not begin to vegetate ahead of time. In the spring, shelter is removed altogether when the frost and sudden temperature fluctuations stop.
Disease and Pest Prevention
- For the prevention of diseases and the formation of resistance to adverse weather conditions, the grapes are sprayed with biological products “Epin” and “Zircon”.
- Prevention of fungal diseases that can leave the bush without a crop is leaf treatment with fungicides (“Fitosporin”). It is carried out in June several times with an interval of 5 days. Fallen foliage and cut vine in the fall are collected and burned. In spring, when the winter shelter is removed, they spray three times with copper sulfate (3%) or with Skorr, Topaz, and Tiavit preparations.
- Ripe crops can destroy birds. To protect against them, grids are mounted on trellises at the level of ripening bunches.
- To combat the spider mite and scale insects, which are planted on the plant most often in the greenhouse, they are sprayed with “Aktara”, “Aktellik”, “Fitoverm”.
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Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Choosing a new grape variety Kishmish radiant, read about its advantages and high merits. But it is equally important to know the weaknesses of the acquired fruit crop in order to provide it with optimal care and to harvest a good crop.
- this variety can successfully grow and bear fruit even in the Kiev region, because planting material is grown on rootstocks;
- ripe grapes have a good presentation and tasty berries; they are willingly bought in the market;
- there are no seeds in the berries;
- the crop is stored for a long time;
- early ripening:
- disease resistance.
- relatively low frost resistance;
- small berry that grows without special treatment.
Many people are afraid to plant radiant raisins, but they do it in vain, if we take into account and compensate for all the weaknesses, this grape variety is very cost-effective.