Tired of the usual recipes and don’t know what to do with this, of course, healthy berry? Try making wine from aronia at home.
Material Content:
Classic Chokeberry Wine Recipe
Required Products:
- 4 kg of sugar;
- 10 kg of mountain ash;
- two liters of water.
Cooking process:
- Do not wash the berry, immediately chop with a combine.
- Pour the mass with two kilograms of sugar and pour a liter of warm water.
- Cover with gauze, clean in a dark place and mix twice a day.
- After a week, strain the juice, but do not discard the pulp.
- Pour juice into a clean glass container and close tightly.
- Add the remaining sugar and water to the pulp, leave for another five days, strain.
- Mix what has been filtered with previously prepared juice, close and let stand for another week.
- Through a tube, drain the liquid into a clean container and repeat these steps every week until fermentation is complete.
- Pass through cheesecloth, bottle, let stand for three months, then strain again and can be consumed.
With cinnamon
Homemade chokeberry wine with cinnamon is somewhat reminiscent of an expensive liquor. It turns out a bright and spicy drink.
Required Products:
- 5 kg of mountain ash;
- five grams of cinnamon;
- four kilograms of sugar;
- half a liter of vodka.
Cooking process:
- Turn mountain ash into mashed potatoes in any convenient way.
- Pour sugar, cinnamon into the mass and mix everything well.
- We place in a wide container, cover with a cloth and clean in a warm place.
- Every day we mix contents 2-3 times, and after 9 days we filter.
- The resulting juice is placed in a bottle, closed with a water seal and left for 40 days.
- When the fermentation process ends, we filter the wine through cheesecloth, mix it with vodka, bottle it and let it stand for about three months before drinking.
Cooking from Frozen Berries
Homemade wine can be prepared from frozen berries. During defrosting, juice will stand out, and then it will be needed.
Required Products:
- three liters of mountain ash juice;
- 0.4 kg of sugar;
- 150 grams of raisins;
- three liters of water.
Cooking process:
- Combine the indicated amount of juice with warm water, up to 30 degrees, add sugar and stir until it dissolves.
- Pour everything into a wide container, put raisins, tightly close with a water seal and leave until the fermentation process is completely over.
- After that, the wine is filtered, bottled and put away for storage.
Aronia wine cooked in a jar
Required Products:
- kilogram of sugar;
- 100 grams of raisins;
- half a liter of water;
- 700 grams of mountain ash.
Cooking process:
- Break the berries with the help of a combine and place in a clean jar.
- Pour in water, add only 300 grams of sugar and raisins.
- Cover the container with a nylon cloth, making a small hole in it, and place it in a warm place.
- Keep the jar for a week, every day, stirring and shaking the contents.
- After this time, add another 300 grams, mix and close again.
- Repeat for another seven days, and after a month, pour in what is left of sugar and leave the jar. It is necessary that the berries sink to the bottom, and the drink itself becomes sufficiently transparent.
- When this happens, strain the wine and bottle.
The easiest homemade wine recipe
Required Products:
- two cloves;
- one gram of citric acid;
- a kilogram of mountain ash;
- litere of water;
- half a liter of vodka;
- 100 grams of sugar;
- two grams of cinnamon.
Cooking process:
- Sort the berries, crush well, sprinkle with the indicated amount of sugar, pour two cups of warm water and put on the stove. Cook for about 30 minutes over low heat.
- When the mixture has cooled, squeeze the juice from it. Cake, which remains necessary to fill in with the remaining water, sprinkle with spices from the list and also boil for half an hour, then cool and squeeze thoroughly.
- Mix the two juices together, strain, add vodka to them, bottle them and put them in storage.
Fortified drink with blueberries
Required Products:
- a kilogram of blueberries and the same amount of mountain ash;
- two liters of vodka;
- kilogram of sugar.
Cooking process:
- In a large glass container, place the berries, pour the indicated amount of sugar, pour vodka or other alcohol of the same strength.
- Shake the container well so that the sugar is evenly distributed on it and put in a dark, cool place for a week.
- During this time, shake the jar twice a day and leave it for another two months. During this period, it will be enough to shake the contents no more than 1-2 times every seven days.
- Strain the drink through cheesecloth, pour into small bottles of glass and store.
With cherry leaves
The vitamin composition of cherry leaves will complement the drink with beneficial properties.
Required Products:
- 100 grams of cherry tree leaves;
- a spoon of citric acid;
- a kilogram of mountain ash;
- a glass of sugar;
- litere of water;
- 500 milliliters of vodka.
Cooking process:
- Rinse the berries, knead well and put in a saucepan.
- Add to them the indicated number of cherry leaves, fill with water, send to the stove and when the contents boil, make a minimum heating level and cook for about 30 minutes.
- After this, cool the mixture a little, filter into another clean container, mix with sugar and citric acid.
- Mix the resulting mass very carefully so that the sugar is evenly distributed, and again put on the stove.
- Turn on low heat and cook no more than 15 minutes. This is enough to completely dissolve the sugar crystals.
- We wait for cooling, combine with vodka. You can also use moonshine instead, but it must be cleaned.
- We pour everything into a sterilized container, cover it tightly and put it in some very cool place for at least three weeks so that the drink has time to brew well.
- After this time, the wine can already be bottled and consumed.