A wine bite, as the name implies, is obtained as a result of fermentation of grapes. Many have probably heard about this product, but not everyone knows where it can be used, and how to do it yourself.
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White and red wine vinegar: composition, benefits and harms
It would seem that in these two types of vinegar, the difference is only in color, which depends on the variety used in the preparation of grapes of light and dark shades. But in fact, there is another nuance: the fermentation process.
Despite this, their composition is almost identical, as well as useful properties.
- The composition of wine vinegar includes pectins, which cleanse the body of toxins.
- Dietary fiber has a beneficial effect on digestion, improves stomach function, and stabilizes stool.
- A small amount of alcohols formed during fermentation has an antiseptic effect.
- Carbohydrates energize, improve brain function.
- Lactic and malic acids accelerate the metabolism, and tartaric acid prevents the cells from oxidizing.
- Antioxidants, of course, affect the aging process, slowing them down.
- Aldehydes help to cope with stress and improve the functioning of the nervous system.
- Vitamins of group B, as well as A and C strengthen immunity, positively affect vision, help to better absorb other beneficial elements.
- A large number of minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, fluorine and others, have a wide impact on the general condition.Affect soft tissues, provide nutrition to organs, make bones and teeth stronger, improve blood quality, and also help cells develop.
As for the harm, this product should be especially wary only of those who have an individual intolerance to its components or increased acidity of the stomach, as well as gastritis or an ulcer. Do not forget about the condition of the teeth, because acid acts destructively on enamel. To avoid this, be sure to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after eating this product.
Well, of course, you should not use it in liters, everything should be in moderation.
Fortress, how many percent happens
The strength of the finished product depends on the strength of the raw materials. The percentage of vinegar is exactly two times less than that of wine.
If we take the average strength of an alcoholic drink, which is 8 - 14 degrees, then for vinegar this number drops to 4 - 9%.
The use of wine vinegar in cooking
The use of wine vinegar is no longer considered unusual, because it is common throughout the world. Most often, it acts as the basis for various marinades for meat and fish. In addition, it is a part of sauces and is a very tasty addition to salad dressing.
It is very important to know what ingredients it does not combine with.
- Do not combine vinegar with dairy products or with legumes.
- Nothing good will come of baking potato or fried potatoes with such a bite. In this case, problems in the functioning of the stomach can be expected.
What can be replaced in cooking
We found a wonderful dish, we already decided to cook, and here is the misfortune, the necessary component was not found at home? Not a problem! Let's look at how to replace wine vinegar.
- In any case, it includes acetic acid, which means that it can be replaced with any other vinegar: apple, table, or even fermented fruit juice.
- Another option is the most ordinary wine. But do not forget that it is stronger, so put it in a smaller amount or dilute it with clean water.
- Lemon and lime juice. These fruits also contain acid and will be an excellent substitute for wine vinegar. Again, do not forget about concentration. If you introduce juice into baking, then you do not need to dilute it. If you dress salad, it is very important not to overdo it.
How to drink wine vinegar for weight loss
No matter how strange it may sound, but at this gas station you can lose weight, and this is a proven fact.
This occurs due to the following effects on the body:
- the digestive process improves;
- metabolism accelerates;
- collected toxins and toxins come out;
- intestinal microflora is restored;
- appetite decreases, the constant desire to chew something disappears;
- carbohydrates begin to break down faster than usual;
- the immune system is strengthened, and the skin is in good shape.
Of course, you need to drink wine vinegar along with a diet or rejection of harmful products. It is recommended to use it on an empty stomach, some time before each meal, but not in its pure form, but in diluted form. It is enough to pour a large spoonful of wine vinegar into a glass of cold water, mix and drink the resulting drink.
Use in cosmetology
Red and white wine vinegar can not only make a better dish, but also significantly affect the condition of the skin and hair.
- If you want to remove unpleasant shine, improve the functioning of sweat glands, cleanse the skin of dirt and eliminate hateful rashes, it is recommended to treat the skin at least once every two days with the product under discussion.
- You can also have wine peeling, because vinegar has acids. To do this, he is well warmed up and soaked with gauze. Slots are made in it for the eyes, nose and lips, after which it is placed on the face for 10 minutes.Then the product is removed, and after an hour the skin is rinsed, wiped with a hard cloth and tinted with an ice cube.
- And if you mix wine vinegar and water, then you can carry out wraps that relieve cellulite.
- As for hair, wine vinegar is just a find here. It positively affects the hair, which is often dyed, removes oily sheen, strengthens the structure, stimulates growth, fights against dandruff and fungus.
How to make wine vinegar at home
It is not necessary to buy a finished product, because you can do it yourself and be sure of the quality and composition. Most often, the home-made option is prepared on a fermenting basis - wine, juice or wort.
Essential Ingredients:
- 400 grams of sugar or as much good honey;
- about one and a half liters of a fermented base, such as wine;
- about five liters of pure water.
Cooking process:
- Prepare a glass container, wash it well and wipe dry.
- Pour pure water there, add sugar or honey and mix so that the contents dissolve.
- Pour the base there (in this recipe we will cook on wine) and mix everything again so that the products are evenly distributed.
- Cover the container with gauze and leave to roam, be sure, in a warm room. This will take about two months.
- After this time, the resulting liquid is filtered through cheesecloth, folded several times, and then the finished vinegar is bottled.
We can say that wine vinegar is a unique product. It is widely used in cooking and cosmetology, since it has a positive effect not only on the appearance of a person, but also on the work of his internal organs. If you take care of yourself, then wine vinegar must be present in your home.