Such a drug as Viagra is considered to be the means No. 1 for improving male potency. However, the strengths are not always to blame for the failures in the intimate life of two partners. Often the reason lies in the partial or complete absence of libido from the partner, so in this case, a special Viagra for women will help to solve the problem.
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How does a male aphrodisiac affect women
Sometimes, ladies from idle curiosity are interested in the influence of male Viagra on the female body. We are all used to the fact that this drug is designed exclusively for men, but whether it is able to affect the fair sex - for most this question remains open.
To understand how Viagra acts on women, first you need to analyze in more detail the principle of the effect of the drug on the man's body. A stable erection occurs only when a sufficient amount of blood is rushed to the pelvic organs.
It is blood flow disorders in the penis caused by a number of reasons that provoke the further development of erectile dysfunction.
In women, in turn, insufficient blood flow does not affect the process of arousal. However, the improvement in blood flow that occurs after taking Viagra contributes to a more intensive production of vaginal lubrication, which is necessary for high-quality sexual intercourse.A sufficient amount of secretions helps to eliminate pain during sex, making the entire intimate process more enjoyable and exciting for both women and men.
On a note. Although the principle of action of male and female Viagra is identical, the composition of these two agents is different. Sildenafil acts as the main component in both the first and second cases, however, the auxiliary components are selected taking into account the characteristics of the female body.
In which cases a woman is prescribed Viagra
Since the dryness of the vagina does not allow a woman to experience sufficient satisfaction from sexual intimacy and to achieve orgasm, to enhance the production of the sex glands, Viagra is prescribed, the action of which is aimed at expanding the vessels in the pelvic organs. Special preparations for women appeared on the pharmaceutical market, developed in accordance with the main features of the female reproductive system.
In addition, Viagra is prescribed not only to improve the quality of intimate life. Exciting pills for women are becoming a necessary tool to maintain the health of the pelvic organs after removal of the uterus. Viagra is prescribed in this case, if hormone therapy, for certain reasons, is contraindicated in the patient.
The main indications for the appointment are:
- frigidity;
- decreased libido;
- insufficient production of vaginal lubrication;
- low genital sensitivity due to surgical intervention.
Instructions for use of the drug
The optimal dosage of the drug per day is 100 mg. In some cases, if there are abnormalities in the liver or kidneys, the dosage is reduced to 50 mg per day. They drink the medicine an hour before intimacy. Drinking it is allowed both with ordinary water and low-alcohol drinks.
Note! Take medication only once a day. Between the first and subsequent admission should pass at least 24 hours.
Drug interaction
Drugs whose active substance is sildenafil is not recommended to be combined with medicines developed on the basis of nitrates, beta-blockers and nitrogen donors. The simultaneous use of such drugs can lead to serious side effects that pose a threat to the female body.
In addition, malnutrition, which includes a large amount of fatty foods, can reduce the effectiveness of the female pathogen. Fats of plant and animal origin slow down the absorption of the active ingredients, thereby affecting the effectiveness of the medication.
If you are taking any medications on an ongoing basis, it is recommended that you first consult with a good specialist before using female Viagra.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Girls with a weak nervous system and a tendency to neurosis should not use drugs that stimulate sexual desire, since they affect the cerebral cortex. In addition, prolonged use of the drug can cause subsequent addiction to the body, thereby provoking dependence on these stimulants. Female Viagra is contraindicated in virgins. An increased rush of blood to the pelvic organs will only aggravate the pain at the time of the first sexual intercourse.
A medication is also contraindicated if:
- discovered individual intolerance of the components included in the composition of the tool;
- there are disorders in the cardiovascular system;
- an inflammatory process is active in the pelvic organs;
- increased body temperature.
And also it is impossible to accept sexual stimulants during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
Drugs that increase libido have a number of side effects if the specified dosage is exceeded.
These include:
- dizziness;
- nausea;
- insomnia or fatigue;
- disorders of the central nervous system.
Before you start taking the medicine, be sure to read the attached instructions to prevent the symptoms of overdose described above.
Among the analogs of Viagra for women existing on the pharmaceutical market, there are two dietary supplements developed on the basis of plant components:
- Silver Fox is a natural dietary supplement in powder form. The basis of the drug contains substances of plant origin, which act like aphrodisiacs. After administration, blood circulation in the pelvis increases, which, in turn, contributes to a more intensive production of vaginal secretion. The supplement acts a few minutes after ingestion.
- G-Female is a bioadditive, the composition of which is enriched with a whole complex of plant extracts. It contributes not only to an increase in libido, but also improves the condition of the entire female reproductive system. The main difference from Viagra is that the drug normalizes the natural balance of hormones in the body, thereby increasing a woman's sexual desire. Beneficial effect on the immune system, and also contributes to a more active contraction of the vagina.
The question of what will happen if a woman drinks male Viagra is of interest to many people. The drug, designed for men, will not be able to fully affect the female reproductive system. To stimulate attraction, it is best for a woman to choose specialized means that will not only increase libido, but also improve the condition of the whole organism.
And do not forget that the full sexual satisfaction of a woman depends on her emotional state. Therefore, caring, tenderness and trusting relationships are an integral part of a healthy intimate life of two partners.