For a woman in a position, diseases caused by herpes viruses are extremely dangerous. Among them is chickenpox. Usually, preschool children suffer from it, but it can develop much later. Chickenpox and pregnancy are not too common tandem, which, however, can cause many problems.
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What is the danger of chickenpox during pregnancy
After conception, a woman’s immunity weakens, her body becomes susceptible to various diseases, so chickenpox during pregnancy rarely remains without consequences. Usually, future mothers suffer from its bright manifestation in the form of high fever, headache, violent rash, serious intoxication.
At the very beginning of the development of the disease, a woman suffers from weakness, nervousness, lack of appetite, apathy. A few days later there is a sharp deterioration in well-being with a rise in temperature. After about 7 days, the patient's body becomes covered with specific vesicles.
Features of infection at different times
Whether the complications of the woman and the child will develop is influenced by the period for which the expectant mother is.
- Chickenpox in the first trimester usually does not cause infection of the fetus. If intrauterine infection occurs, then it definitely leads to pathologies. In addition, any disease in the early stages is unsafe. Since right now all the fetal systems are being laid. The placenta, due to its temporary underdevelopment, does not provide complete protection. In this case, the death of the child, serious damage to the central nervous system, deformity is possible.
- In the 2nd trimester, the disease is more harmless.The placenta is already quite formed and provides complete protection to the fetus. If infection does occur, then it manifests itself in a violation of the brain, paralysis, convulsive syndromes, damage to the epithelium of the unborn child.
- In the 3rd trimester, an infection usually always leads to various kinds of complications. The fetus suffers from neonatal chickenpox, which causes inflammation of the liver cells, respiratory infections, and encephalitis.
The most dangerous disease is just before childbirth. Since the female body does not produce protective antibodies that stop chickenpox, a healthy baby may be infected during childbirth.
Diagnostic Methods
Diagnosis of chickenpox is carried out by the doctor, leading the pregnancy. He talks with the patient, finds out if she had contact with patients, conducts a visual examination. Of particular concern are the symptoms of chickenpox at the beginning of bearing a child.
To establish a diagnosis, the expectant mother is assigned the following examinations:
- An ultrasound that determines the condition of the child, evaluates how viable it is, and reveals the presence of defects.
- If after an ultrasound examination any doubts remain, amniocentesis will be recommended. During this procedure, amniotic fluid is examined.
- To confirm or refute the defects, cordocentesis is prescribed. This test examines blood taken from the umbilical cord.
Diagnosis allows us to assess the condition of the fetus and the presence of defects incompatible with life.
Therapeutic tactics and strategy
Infection therapy is carried out with antiseptics, anti-itch drugs, medicinal ointments, which contribute to the healing of the skin. Treatment of rashes with brilliant green, Fucorcin, methylene blue should be carried out. Hygienic procedures are carried out in the shower without soap and a washcloth. It is important to eliminate the high temperature of the water.
On a note. A small number of rashes can be treated without prescribing antiviral agents.
- In the presence of high temperature, bed rest, plentiful vitamin drink, vitamin therapy are indicated.
- The severe or moderate course of chickenpox requires the use of antiviral drugs, such as Acyclovir.
- In a complicated condition, antiviral drugs are administered intravenously or into the muscle. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the disease is treated for 5 days. In the second and third, extension to 2 weeks is possible.
In case of infection before the birth, the woman is placed in a maternity hospital in a separate unit and everything possible is done to inhibit the birth. Over the course of 7 days, antibodies are developed that are transmitted to the baby and do not allow infection during the birth period.
If childbirth cannot be stopped, then immunoglobulins are administered that inhibit viral activity. With severe rashes on the genital area, childbirth is performed by cesarean section. After that, the woman is isolated from the baby for 14 days to track the infectious signs in the baby. If necessary, he is given antiviral therapy.
Complications of chickenpox in mother and baby
Chickenpox during pregnancy poses a threat to both the woman and the fetus. Most often, this combination ends with viral pneumonia in the mother, which can lead to death.
In addition, the development of the following phenomena is possible:
- inflammatory processes in the brain;
- impaired coordination of movement;
- myocarditis;
- eye infections
- joint pathologies;
- appendicitis;
- pancreatic abnormalities;
- impaired renal function.
Severe chickenpox should be treated exclusively in a hospital setting.
Hospitalization is necessary when the following symptoms appear:
- bleeding
- extensive rash;
- respiratory failure;
- Dizziness
- blood rash;
- vomiting
Typically, for a woman, chickenpox passes without any complications, but can have the following consequences for a child:
- frozen pregnancy;
- violation of the integrity of the epithelium;
- skeleton asymmetry;
- pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
- CNS pathology;
- clubfoot;
- extra fingers;
- pathology of the eyes.
It happens that a pregnant woman becomes infected a month before giving birth. In this case, she has time to develop antibodies that are transmitted to the fetus. Then the disease proceeds without complications.
Chickenpox vaccine
To prevent infection during bearing a child, you should prepare in advance for pregnancy. If necessary, get vaccinated, and after vaccination against chickenpox it is not recommended to plan a pregnancy of 3 months.
It happens that a woman does not remember whether she had previously had chickenpox. In this case, she will be advised to do an antibody test, which will help determine whether to vaccinate. If pregnancy has occurred, then they are no longer vaccinated.
Preventive measures
Prevention of chickenpox is to vaccinate before pregnancy. In addition, women in position should avoid crowded places. It is not recommended to go to kindergartens, schools, hospitals in order to prevent the possibility of infection.
If the older child has chickenpox, then isolation from the mother expecting the baby is important. It is necessary to entrust the care of him to the next of kin and to visit the doctor conducting the pregnancy. Perhaps an immunoglobulin injection will be performed, which will exclude the infection of the pregnant woman. The effectiveness of this injection is proven only if the virus entered the body 2 to 3 days ago.
Chickenpox while carrying a child is a rather complicated condition. But when you see a doctor soon and follow all his recommendations, you can avoid complications and give birth to a healthy baby.