Libra and Libra have almost perfect compatibility in a love relationship. First of all, it is explained by the ability to find compromises and smooth out any quarrels. Such couples often have many children. Spouses become excellent parents.
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Zodiac Sign Characteristic
Libra men and Libra women are similar in nature and behavior in a love relationship. More often these are very pleasant and friendly people. But they remain so until the moment when someone tries to command Libra. They really do not like to feel someone's pressure from the outside and are not ready to obey anyone.
Sometimes the representatives of the sign under discussion suddenly become discouraged. For a while they become gloomy and taciturn. At such a time, it is better not to disturb the man or woman. Scales are perfectly able to independently cope with such conditions.
The main goal of the representatives of the sign is to achieve balance in all areas of life. Only then will Libra be able to feel truly happy. If, despite all attempts, balance cannot be achieved, a man or woman may become depressed. A person becomes irritable, and sometimes even embittered and aggressive.
In general, representatives of the air sign strive for harmony in everything. But some of them can abuse food, intimate pleasures and alcohol. Especially men.
Libra is hardly a lazy, inactive sign. But it often happens that they work hard for a long time, and then suddenly they cannot get out of the couch and literally “fall into hibernation”. But in no case should you scold them for a few days of laziness.This is a natural state for Libra. It allows them to replenish wasted energy reserves and regain peace of mind.
Representatives of the discussed zodiac sign love to give advice to others. They always have answers to all questions. And the habit of rationalizing everything (up to love feelings) can greatly annoy the soulmate. But as soon as Libra extends its charm to a new acquaintance, it will be extremely difficult to break off the beginning relationship with them. Numerous advantages of this air sign outweigh its cons.
Compatible Men Scales and Women Scales
As already noted above, the compatibility of signs, or rather, Libra partners, is very high. If the lovers reach the wedding, then most likely they will never part and will do everything possible to maintain a relationship even in the presence of serious problems.
In a love relationship
Libra is good at finding compromises. Especially with each other. Insurmountable differences between them can arise only in matters of conscience and morality. Here lovers will have to try to come to a common opinion for a long time. If this is not possible, parting is inevitable.
Scales of romance. They like to arrange pleasant surprises and romantic evenings for each other. Such a couple will rarely leave the house and invite friends. They are much more interested in the two of them - to communicate, do something, just hug and bask. True, Libra just needs to part for a while, despite the desire to literally “stick” to each other. Otherwise, their relationship will quickly become boring and bland.
In marriage, after a short period of "grinding", Libra will completely suit each other. Between them, over time, a strong thread of spiritual intimacy forms. Problems will arise exclusively in the material sphere. Both men and women. Libra is slow, indecisive. In their union there is no one to take care of finances. Representatives of this sign consider themselves too subtle elevated natures to, for example, wash the toilet or take out the trash. And often they don’t want to think about the material. They will succeed in achieving family happiness and harmony, clearly dividing household and financial responsibilities among themselves.
In friendship
Libra of both sexes become excellent, faithful and reliable friends. They are always interested in together. Between a man and a woman there are no quarrels and misunderstandings. They also become extremely rare in the category of lovers from friends. Therefore, the second half of Libra may not be jealous of such a friend / friend.
Representatives of the air sign are always interested together. They are capable of enthusiastically collecting old coins, exchanging, bragging about each other's finds, or visiting the gym with the same zeal. Often, Libra's friends begin to spend too much time together. This does not mean that love feelings or sexual attraction arise between them. Just such people are very comfortable and pleasant to be around.
Sexual compatibility
If we talk about compatibility in sex, first of all, it is worth noting that representatives of the zodiac sign under discussion are literally born for love. Both a man and a woman in such a pair are very fond of experiments and are ready to spend all day in bed.
Libra is both tender and passionate. They will never think about problems or anything else during intimacy. Representatives of this sign are able to completely turn off the head and endlessly enjoy the eroticism and sexuality of their soulmate.
The signs Libra and Libra have amazing compatibility in bed. But in order to achieve it, lovers need to reach a certain level of maturity.
In work and career
In work and career, Libra of both sexes becomes an excellent productive tandem. Together they are able to achieve significant heights and bring any business to a higher level.
Most likely, among colleagues, Libra will become a real "engine".They will constantly offer more and more new ideas, come up with the best ways to solve problems. It should be noted that at the same time, Libra is extremely indecisive, so they constantly need external support.
Psychological compatibility
The signs Libra and Libra have perfect psychological compatibility. They perfectly understand each other literally in everything. But such compatibility is dangerous for the couple. As a result, lovers can quickly become too alike and begin to condescendingly perceive even the shortcomings of the second half. For example, a mutual love of fast food and fatty foods can lead to overweight, and drinking a couple of glasses of wine before bedtime can lead to an even more dangerous addiction.
To avoid such problems, both partners need to control themselves. You can not allow the outweighing of their qualities and habits in the negative direction.
Positive and negative sides of the union
It is safe to say that the Libra-Libra union has more positive qualities. Among them:
- Mutual love for children. Libra of both sexes becomes ideal parents whom children simply adore.
- Between lovers almost never quarrels. And if conflicts do happen, partners can quickly smooth them out.
- Libra gives each other the necessary psychological support. Together they are comfortable even in the most difficult life periods.
Among the negative aspects of the union, one can note a tendency to betray both partners and financial insolvency. It’s great if they have a more practical family friend who will tell you which way to look for material well-being.
Libra woman and Libra man can build a very harmonious and happy relationship. Especially if a genuine true love feeling was born between them.