It is rare to meet a couple whose partners are in perfect harmony with each other. But it is quite possible in the union of Libra and Libra - compatibility in the love relationship between these zodiac signs is almost perfect.
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Zodiac sign characteristic
As a rule, Libra is pleasant in communication and calm. Even when they are annoyed, they try not to show negative and not spoil the interlocutor's mood. Scales often idealize their partners, especially they are inclined to this in the first respects. As a result, over time, they realize that they loved people who did not even exist, and their partner was completely different internally.
Libra is able to easily win the heart of a person who wants a strong, calm union.
- They are ready to give the partner care, respect and affection without any quarrels, if they receive the same in return. They do not have a candy-bouquet period with lush courtship and hiking in restaurants; they prefer to spend time with a person they like in a warm home environment or for a walk in the park. If Libra begins a relationship with a representative of another zodiac sign, understanding problems may arise. The partner may want a period of courtship similar to a love affair. But when Libra converges with Libra, they do it on a more mundane manifestation of romance.
- Both the Libra man and the Libra woman prefer to go with the flow and not take over the management of relationships. Both partners expect decisive action from each other, and they can wait for many years. Against this background, there may be misunderstandings and small quarrels.There are practically no major scandals in the life of a pair of Libra: these are calm, balanced signs that prefer to solve problems with calm conversations.
- There are also cases when a non-conflict Libra accumulates a grudge for a very long time, which at one moment spills out onto a partner and develops into a loud quarrel. Fortunately, such an extreme in the relationship of two Libra rarely happens, and basically their relationship is peaceful and happy.
Compatible Men Scales and Women Scales
Harmony and mutual respect reign in the relations of the two Libra. Such couples spend their whole lives in peace and harmony, solving occasionally problems that arise without abuse and insults.
In a love relationship
In most couples, the most beautiful and tender period is at the beginning of the relationship, the so-called candy-bouquet period. In the case of two Libra, tenderness and concern for a partner doubles when awareness of the seriousness of feelings comes. When Libra realizes that they love each other, they begin to take care of each other even more, show attention and tenderness. It is in this pair that the rule “do not treat me the way you do not want to be treated with you” applies for one hundred percent. Both people in the union are as loyal to each other as possible and try to give their partner only positive emotions.
The only thing that may be lacking in this union is passion and swiftness. Libra is an indecisive sign, and can walk for a long time with a partner by the handle, afraid to tell the truth about his feelings. Sometimes adult Libra, who have already had relationships more than once, are afraid to take the first step, from which the partner’s interest fades. Therefore, one of the couple must step over their fears and, finally, admit to the second that what is happening in his soul.
In family life, a pair of Libra and Libra have maximum compatibility of signs.
They strive for harmony and fair distribution of responsibilities, equality. Both in the union respect each other, are always ready to help.
Such couples have every chance to carry their quiet love that does not incinerate with a riot of emotions through their whole lives. If Libra and Libra decide to have children, they are usually surrounded by the love and attention of both parents.
The love union of two Libra is a model of an ideal family, in which the equality and emotional state of both partners are most valued.
In friendship
Libra is not one of those who call and write to their friends every day, being afraid to break the connection for at least a few hours. They may disappear for weeks, but maintain an invisible connection with their loved ones.
If a woman and a man are friends with Libra, sexual sparks do not slip between them.
Sex for Libra is very important, and they prefer to do it only with regular partners.
Therefore, friends for the scales are asexual, and they do not perceive friends of the opposite sex as a possible sexual partner. Therefore, there are very few cases when the friendship of unfree Libra and Libra has moved into a romantic channel.
Sexual compatibility
Libra is a shy sign that can wait a very long time for the first step from a partner. Even an experienced person in sex and relationships may be afraid to the last to be rejected or rush to the transition to sex in a relationship, and sometimes even refuses to believe that he really wants to.
If Libra finally turned to sex, at first it may seem too gentle and boring. Libra is embarrassed by herself, and also afraid to make her partner hurt and unpleasant, because for many months they are revealed to each other sexually. But when this happens, compatibility in sex is almost one hundred percent - the partners complement each other perfectly.
In work and career
Scales do not like when someone tries to control them.
For this reason, if one of Libra is a subordinate and the second is a boss, they may have problems understanding each other. If both are connected by one thing and work together, it will be a strong working union.
An experience can become negative when two Libra will have to solve money problems, allocate a budget or do bookkeeping. Scales are afraid to make serious decisions, and conflicts can arise on this basis.
Psychological compatibility
As mentioned above, a pair of Libra has almost no problems until the conversation comes to the distribution of money. If they have financial difficulties, a major conflict can grow.
If a couple has problems, a woman takes the lead in the family.
She is able to quickly cope with herself and circumstances and is not afraid to ask for help from relatives and friends. The Libra man will insist to the last not to attract outsiders, but in the end he will agree that it is difficult to do without it.
The union of the two Libra reigns perfect balance and harmony. They never betray each other, discuss all the prohibitions in relations and try not to go beyond what is permitted. The trust and feelings of a partner are very important to them, but there is a minus in this pair - the almost complete inability of both Libra to make serious decisions.
Positive and negative sides of the union
The union of the two Libra is almost perfect, with many positive aspects. The main one is complete mutual understanding between partners, since both of them are able to objectively evaluate themselves and their actions, looking at a loved one, as if in a mirror.
But there are other pluses:
- The vital positions of the two Libra almost completely coincide. They have similar family values, goals in relationships, a look at treason, and more.
- For Libra, bright disturbing emotions do not play a significant role, because they are not afraid of the fading of passion. For them, family tenderness, constant care and respect between partners are much more important.
- Scales are able to accept their mistakes and correct them to make a partner happy.
- Two Libra have a great time with each other, losing track of time during night conversations and walks.
- They know how to forget the past and forgive. Therefore, if two Libra converge after the break, they do not “poke” each other into past mistakes and do not spoil the newly born relationship.
- Scales by nature are not jealous, and will not roll up a tantrum due to an accidental smile.
It may seem that in the pair of Libra there are no conflicts and quarrels, but this is not so. Misunderstandings also occur in such harmonious pairs. Major conflicts may arise amid serious decisions. Also, the relationship of the two Libra may simply not develop due to the fact that both are afraid to take the first step and admit sympathy.