People spend a third of their lives in a dream. Dreams are one of the mysteries of mankind, for the study of which even science exists. Everything that a person lives during the day, all his feelings and aspirations, are reflected in a dream. How to understand when prophetic dreams dream, and what do they indicate? How to solve them, and what needs to be done to see your future in a dream? All in detail later in the article.
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What is a prophetic dream?
The brain is constantly awake, because in a dream there are various images and actions, even if a person is sleeping. Most of the dreams after awakening are forgotten, leaving in memory only fragments of memories of what was dreamed of.
Prophetic dreams happen in ordinary people quite rarely.
There are practices to learn to see the future during sleep:
- mental concentration;
- fixing thoughts with objects;
- visualization of the question in writing.
Folk conspiracies are a combined method of invoking dreams. In this process, prayers and attributes of white magic are used in the process.
How to recognize a prophetic dream and how to understand its meaning to a simple layman?
- A sense of reality. Dreams that predict the imminent future, warning of impending disaster or serious illness, can surprise a person with their reality. After awakening, a person for some time may be in prostration, not understanding where he is, in reality or in reality. Such dreams are called visions.
- An opportunity to evaluate the practical situation and compare it with what he saw. The interpretation of dreams is an inaccurate science; it does not always give direct answers to questions that concern people. To understand whether a prophetic dream is just “night fantasy”, shown by the subconscious due to overwork, it is necessary to analyze it and, as it were, try on your own reality.It should be understood whether there is a sense in it and docking with current affairs.
- Direct indication or figurative meaning. History has vivid examples of prophetic dreams. This is the famous periodic table that a chemist dreamed in a dream. Napoleon Bonaparte had prophetic dreams more than once, but had figurative meanings and actions, which he independently guessed quite accurately. There are many such examples when influential and great people take dreams seriously.
Some dreams carry direct directions to actions or information about an impending event. Sometimes dreams are allegorical and indicate something or someone indirectly.
True and false visions
Prophetic dreams also occur during daytime sleep, not necessarily at night. The period of time in which a person dreams is called the REM sleep phase. At this time, the sleeping person has eye movement under the eyelids, temperature, blood pressure may increase, and the heart rate is increased. Often people can dream during the transition from wakefulness to drowsiness, as well as when leaving the phase of deep sleep. Most often in the morning, vivid and memorable dreams may also arise. It is they that cause a sense of reality of what is happening and carry a deep semantic load.
Depending on what days the dreams are and what time of day, they can be true and false, meaningful or empty.
Dreams by day of week:
- from Monday to Tuesday - an empty dream;
- from Tuesday to Wednesday - may come true, but not in the direct sense;
- from Wednesday to Thursday - dreams will not come true;
- from Thursday to Friday - prophetic dreams, dreams that come true;
- from Friday to Saturday - come true very rarely;
- from Saturday to Sunday - come true in a very short time, during the day;
- from Sunday to Monday - dreams of fears and doubts.
In addition, visions can be interpreted as true and false from a church point of view.
- True dreams are those that were seen during major church holidays.
- False are dreams in which an unclean person comes to a person. In such a dream, a person should not communicate with the evil one, and if there was such a need, one cannot believe what was said, since everything will be false.
Friday dreams
According to popular beliefs, dreams dreamed from Thursday to Friday come true in a short period of time, from 3 days to 3 months, sometimes in a longer period. There is a logical explanation for this. Friday is the day of the week sponsored by such a strong planet as Venus. It controls the feelings and intuition, material wealth and creative abilities of a person.
- It is considered very successful to see large amounts of money, gold or a treasure on a dream on a Friday night. Such a dream predicts an imminent improvement in material condition. Any purchase, gift, find in a dream is also interpreted very positively.
- Losing a worthwhile, very important thing on a Friday night’s dream is undesirable; it warns you to be careful.
- Black and white sleep is also considered positive, but warns that in order to achieve this goal you will need to make every effort to achieve what you want.
- Trying to get something, take it or get it, but not have such an opportunity in a dream is a warning that you should moderate your needs for a while and cut down on spending, because you will not have enough money.
- Friday dreams of a lovingly romantic nature are very positive. It is important to remember what you dreamed about, what emotional color the dream had and what were the personal feelings. A negative mood in a dream can warn of conflicts or impending troubles with those who dreamed. If a person in a dream felt joy and euphoria from what is happening with his couple, then there is nothing to worry about - nothing threatens a waking relationship.
It is believed that on this night, even a dreamed nightmare does not bear negative omens.Most likely, the day before was not entirely successful, a nervous tension affected by excitement and feelings affected.
Waking up in the morning, you can write down what you saw briefly, indicating the memorable fragments, and try to interpret it with the help of a dream book.
Times of Day
A person sees dreams regardless of whether he sleeps in the daytime or at night.
- It is believed that daytime dreams are empty or, as they are also called, bodily. Such dreams reflect everyday life. A nightmare or a bad dream during a day's rest does not bode well for the dreamer.
- An exception to the previous paragraph may be dreams, visions that come to a person in a state of half-sleep, at the border of sleep and wakefulness. Such visions should be taken seriously and try to decipher them.
- A night or evening dream has a chance to come true if it was clear, and the symbols and everything that happened in it made sense.
Dreams before awakening are a special category of dreams that come true.
A conspiracy to prophetic dream - white magic at home
Man is characterized by the desire to raise the veil of secrecy over his future. One way to look ahead is to “order” a viewing of a prophetic dream.
Before, a few tips and rules for the preparation and conduct of the ritual:
- The plot should be done a few days before the full moon, while it is in the growth phase.
- Before the conspiracy, you should take a bath or take a bath with herbs in order to relax as much as possible and remove the negative accumulated during the day.
- The atmosphere for the ritual should be appropriate - calm, without extraneous irritants. Therefore, you should turn off the phone, alarm clock, minimize all possible contacts with people in the evening. You need to wake up in the morning on your own, without rushing, which means you should spend the night before the weekend for this event.
- When reading the conspiracy, it is necessary to distract from the daily bustle and annoying thoughts, but you should not focus too much on the upcoming matter. Trying not to scatter thoughts, you need to think a little about what I would like to see in a dream.
- Go to bed 2 hours before midnight. If you have a habit of going to bed late, you will first have to adjust your schedule and only then proceed.
Conspiracy. Prepare for bed, comfortably settle in an already dismantled bed. In a state of half-sleep, preceding falling asleep, say out loud the phrase 5 times: “What should come true, let me dream. So I wish, so be it. ”
If in the morning the effect does not meet expectations, do not get upset. To achieve the result, you may need 2 to 3 attempts for a month.
In the morning, when the dream is nevertheless seen, it is necessary to quickly exhale into a loosely clenched fist and say: "What I wanted (a), I saw (a) in a dream."
A more common method is the practice of visualization and suggestion. Before going to bed, you will need to “program” your own subconscious mind to receive hints that will help you understand the tormenting problem. You should put to bed in a calm atmosphere, thinking in detail before that about what I would like to know. The question can be written on a piece of paper and hidden under a pillow. The phrase key must be formulated clearly and concisely. In the morning, all that remains is to remember what was dreaming and to analyze it.
Good helpers in remembering dreams can be a notebook and pen on the bedside table. You need to prepare them in the evening, before you see a prophetic dream. The recorded short fragments of dreams will help you remember better and not forget them over time.
The habit of taking notes of dreams will be a great help for compiling your own dream book. It is necessary to compare the seen symbols and sensations in a dream with what is happening after him in real life.
Rite with a mirror
To do this, you need a round mirror (it is advisable to purchase a new one).Before going to bed, you should put it under a pillow and say the following: “As darkness is reflected in this mirror now, so light will be reflected in my mind. Let the mirror show me the future. So that I dream about it on a dark night, on a moonlit night. To make my dream true. Amen".
Repeat 7 times, and then you can fall asleep. Having spoken a conspiracy, one should not talk to anyone and get out of bed. It would be nice to oversleep without interruption until awakening. So that no one would disturb during sleep, this night should sleep separately from the partner / spouse.
As a rule, remembering a night’s dream will not work right away, but a little later, throughout the day. Putting the puzzles together, it remains only to try to interpret the dream.
It is better to hide the mirror away and not use it in everyday life. Such attributes can be used for home magic.
Dreams can tell about the distant and near future, give answers to important questions or prompt and guide the dreamer in life. If you wish, you can learn not only to interpret your dreams, but also to manage them. So good night and interesting dreams!