Lilac pleases the eye and caresses the smell of bright aroma every spring. The genus of abundantly flowering plants has approximately 30 varieties, which include the Hungarian lilac, which is characterized by unpretentiousness and resistance to bad weather conditions.

Plant description

Hungarian lilacs are represented by elegant shrub plants with a height in the wild of up to 4 m. The growth rate of the bushes is quite fast: annual growth is 35 cm. Having reached optimal sizes, the plant does not grow, since it does not give root growth.

A distinctive feature of the species is a compact openwork crown, consisting of dense, graceful shoots, developing upwards. Green leaves of elliptical shape with notches along the edges in length can reach 12 cm.

In early summer, lilac flowers are collected on the bushes, collected in tiered inflorescences, which are characteristic of the Hungarian lilac. The duration of the flowering phase is 20 to 25 days.

Common varieties of Hungarian lilacs and species

The original variety of lilacs is presented in several forms:

  • Pale - characterized by a pale lilac color of inflorescences.
  • Red-flowered - a spectacular form, characterized by expressive flowers of a reddish hue.
  • White-flowered - lilac with snow-white inflorescences that stand out effectively against the background of dark greenery.
  • Rosacea - owes its name to the pink color of lush inflorescences.

Outdoor landing

Proper planting is the key to a long life and maintaining high decorative qualities of any kind of lilac.

For planting Hungarian lilacs, it is necessary to choose a place in a well-lit and sheltered from the wind section with a deep occurrence of groundwater.

It is preferable to plant a plant on fertile soils with a neutral or slightly acid reaction, where lilacs will radiate health and beauty.

In order for the lilacs to quickly take root and begin to grow, it is worth planting the seedlings at the optimum time in the second half of summer - early autumn.

When carrying out planting, it is recommended to follow the basic rules:

  1. At the selected site, a landing pit is excavated with dimensions of 50x50 cm with fertile soil and 1x1 m in poor soil conditions.
  2. From humus, compost, wood ash and a small amount of superphosphate, a fertile soil mixture is prepared.
  3. Broken bricks descend into the pit, which will perform a drainage function.
  4. Drainage is covered by a thin layer of substrate on which a seedling with a spread root system is placed.
  5. The pit is filled with soil mixture.
  6. The near-stem circle is watered abundantly and, after absorbing the liquid, is mulched by a layer of humus with a thickness of 7 cm.
  7. Seedling shoots are shortened by 2 buds.

Caring for Hungarian Lilac (Syringa josikaea)

Lilac is an unpretentious plant, so care for it is to perform normal procedures.

  • Watering. It is recommended to water Hungarian lilacs abundantly only during the period of rooting, growth of young shoots and flowering. The plant tolerates drought persistently; therefore, during the summer period it is watered 2–3 times in conditions of complete absence of natural precipitation.
  • Soil treatment. During the season, the trunk circle loosens 3-4 times. Also from under the bush, all weed vegetation is necessarily removed. To save time and provide the necessary soil performance, it is recommended to mulch the area around the trunk.
  • Fertilizing and fertilizers. Top dressing begins with the second year of bush growth. In spring, the soil is enriched with nitrogen-containing mineral or organic fertilizers. During the flowering period, phosphorus and potassium are introduced into the fertilizing composition.
  • Pruning. The formation of the crown begins in the third year, when the beginning of intensive growth is marked. As skeletal branches, the most successfully located ones are selected. Pruning is done before the sap flow begins. For sanitary purposes, injured and inward shoots are removed.
  • Preparing for the winter. A frost-resistant plant needs protection from the cold only at a young age. Then the trunk circle is well mulched by peat or garden foliage.

Breeding methods

Hungarian lilac propagated by cuttings and seeds.

But since the seed method does not guarantee the preservation of varietal characteristics, then at home, cuttings are more used, in which:

  1. After flowering, cuttings with a length of 15 cm are cut.
  2. Planting material is buried by 2 cm in a sandy peat substrate and covered with bottles.
  3. After rooting, the bottles are removed, and the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place.

Possible growing problems

When cultivating lilacs, a Hungarian gardener may encounter the appearance of various spots and patterns on the shoots, which are signs of spotting or mosaic. The treatment of shrubs should be started immediately by spraying with fungicide. Also the appearance of pests - scabies, spider mites and spotted moths - brings no less problems. To cope with pest attacks, it is worth resorting to treating the shoots with an insecticide according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Advice! To avoid such difficulties, it is necessary to spray lilac with Bordeaux mixture in the spring, and with the arrival of autumn, timely remove the fallen leaves, which serves as an excellent litter for the wintering stock of pests.

Use in landscape design

Compact bushes with openwork crown are used by landscape designers to create and design:

  • hedges;
  • shrubby rabatki;
  • flower beds;
  • mixborders;
  • garden recreation areas.

The Hungarian lilac is a beautifully flowering and unpretentious shrub that is an exquisite decoration of the garden throughout the season.