It’s hard to find someone who wouldn’t like pizza. Today in cafes and supermarkets you can see options for such a treat with a filling for every taste. Difficulties arise only for those who are interested in vegetarian pizza. Therefore, it will be easier to cook it yourself.

Vegetarian Pizza Dough Recipes

To please the home with proper vegetarian pizza, you will have to change not only the usual options for the filling, but also the very base. There are two of the most popular dough recipes for such baking. This is a yeast and yeast-free vegetarian pizza dough.

Basic Vegetarian Pizza Yeast Dough

Flour can be used not only wheat, but also its mixture with rye product. For example, in the ratio: 70% to 30%.


  • flour or a mixture of two varieties - a pound;
  • water - 1.5 tbsp .;
  • fast yeast - 7-8 grams;
  • salt and sugar - 1 tsp each.


  1. Sift the flour onto a surface convenient for kneading in the form of a slide.
  2. Form a small hole in the center of the resulting flour elevation, pour water mixed with all other components of the recipe into it.
  3. Knead the mass with your hands for 7-8 minutes. It should become smooth, uniform.
  4. Wrap the dough in a bag, leave it for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Next - roll it thinly.

It remains to cover the resulting base with selected sauces and filling.

It is interesting:pizza dough

Yeast-free pizza dough

Some vegetarians also exclude yeast from their diet. For such gourmets, there is a separate recipe for pizza dough.


  • flour - 1.5 tbsp .;
  • water - 90-100 ml;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • any vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l


  1. Pour cold water into a large bowl.
  2. Gradually pour all the dry components of the dough into it.
  3. Add oil.
  4. Mix everything, arrange the connected products in the form of a kolobok, send it for 25-35 minutes in the refrigerator.

The dough according to this recipe is perfectly stored in the freezer. It can be kept in stock in case of unexpected arrival of guests.

Vegetarian Margarita Pizza

If a vegetarian does not set strict limits for himself, besides eating meat, then he can safely try the usual Margarita. But there is a special recipe for her - with spicy garlic sauce and chilli in the filling.


  • mozzarella - 80-100 g;
  • cherry - 1 large handful;
  • basil and dried chili to taste;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • apple cider vinegar - 2 tsp;
  • a mixture of dried Italian herbs - 1 pinch;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp .;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • onion - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • finished dough for the base.


  1. To get a vegetarian pizza, the first thing you need to do is take care of its basis. To do this, prepare the dough according to one of the recipes published above and roll it thinly.
  2. Chop the onion and garlic and brown in a small amount of olive oil. Add herbs, tomato paste, sugar. If desired, salt can also be used.
  3. Stew the sauce under the lid over low heat for a little less than half an hour. Then - kill with a blender.
  4. In a separate pan, mix the mozzarella cubes and apple cider vinegar. Also warm the mass and treat it with a blender.
  5. On the basis of pizza, first distribute the sauce, then the cheese composition.
  6. Top with basil leaves, chopped chilli, halves of cherry. Sprinkle with the remaining oil.

Bake the treat for 12-14 minutes at 130-250 degrees. Ready pizza can also be sprinkled with chopped basil.

How to cook marinara

Olives and olives are perfectly combined with the filling in such pizza. You can connect them together.


  • finished dough - half a kilo;
  • mozzarella - 80-100 g;
  • basil - 7-8 leaves;
  • tomato sauce - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • large tomato - 1 pc.;
  • olives and / or olives - 1 handful.


  1. Thinly roll out the dough. Spread the sauce.
  2. Lay out large pieces of cheese on top.
  3. Next - tomato circles and green leaves.
  4. Last place finely chopped olives / olives.
  5. If desired, you can sprinkle the workpiece with a special mixture of herbs on top.
  6. Bake pizza for 6-8 minutes at 230-250 degrees. It is necessary that the cheese is melted, but not seized with a crust.

Appetizing sprinkle the top of the finished treat with ground pepper and chopped parmesan.

Eggplant Filling

Eggplant pizza is always very nutritious. It saturates no worse than a meat dish.


  • finished dough - half a kilo;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomato sauce - 1 tbsp .;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • tomatoes - 130-150 g;
  • eggplant - 180-200 g;
  • oregano, salt, oil.


  1. When preparing the filling for pizza, you need to start with eggplant. They should be finely chopped, sprinkled with salt and left for half an hour under oppression. Then rinse and dry.
  2. Chop the onion in half rings.
  3. Fry vegetables together until cooked. In the process of salt. Cool.
  4. Stretch the dough into a cake and put on a baking sheet. Spread it with olive oil. Cover with fried vegetables.
  5. Put tomatoes on top. Pour small cubes of garlic, as well as oregano.
  6. Cover with sauce.
  7. Bake the dish for 8-9 minutes at 230-250 degrees.

Ready-made treats are deliciously sprinkled with any chopped greens.

With spinach and cheese

Mushrooms are an optional ingredient in the filling for such a pizza. They are added to the taste and desire of the cook.


  • finished dough - half a kilo;
  • mushrooms - 180-200 g;
  • cheese (blue) - 40 g;
  • spinach - 160 g;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • walnuts (peeled) - 4-6 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • rapeseed oil - 1 tsp.


  1. Sauté sliced ​​mushrooms and diced garlic in oil.
  2. Add spinach and wait until it softens.
  3. Pour finely chopped onions. Stir the contents of the pan and immediately remove it from the heat.
  4. Roll out the dough on parchment, sprinkled with flour.
  5. Cover the base with the contents of the pan. Spread cheese and nut crumbs on top.

Bake pizza for 15-17 minutes at 230 degrees in the oven.

With zucchini, onion and parmesan

In the zucchini season, housewives usually puzzle over where to add this healthy vegetable. A great solution is to make a light and tasty vegetarian pizza with him.


  • finished dough - half a kilo;
  • small zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • Parmesan - 40-50 g;
  • green onions - 2-3 bunches;
  • salt, mint leaves, oil.


  1. You will need to immediately put the oven to warm up. The optimum temperature is 260 degrees.
  2. While the oven is heating, you can do the filling. To do this, cut the zucchini into thin circles. If these are young and soft vegetables, then it is advisable to leave them with a peel.
  3. Roll the dough thinly. Immediately cover the base with vegetable circles, generously sprinkle with chopped onions.
  4. Pour the filling with a little olive oil (instead of sauce). Sprinkle with chopped parmesan.
  5. Bake the treat for 12-14 minutes at the above temperature.
  6. Decorate the finished pizza with mint leaves.

Baking according to this recipe is low-calorie. Especially if the basis is a yeast-free vegetarian dough. Therefore, a couple of pieces of such a treat can be safely afford even during a diet. There will be no particular harm to the figure from such a tasty snack.

Read also:yeast-free pizza dough

Mushroom Recipe

Mushrooms for filling are very different. But, since forest ones require long preparation - soaking, complicated cleaning and cooking, it is much easier to use champignons.


  • mushrooms - 130-150 g;
  • olive oil - 1-2 tbsp. l .;
  • zucchini - half;
  • onion - half;
  • Cherry - 8-9 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pod;
  • tomato - 1 large, fleshy;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • finished dough - half a kilo;
  • salt, spices, oil.


  1. Roll out the finished dough thinly.
  2. Large tomato rid of the skin. It is convenient to do this by dipping the fruit first with boiling water, and then with cold water.
  3. Remove the hard middle from the vegetable, knead in a saucepan. Add crushed garlic, salt, spices, darken for a couple of minutes.
  4. The resulting composition generously lubricate the basis for future treats.
  5. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices. Champignons can not be cleaned beforehand. Chop onion and pepper in long strips. Cherry chopped in half. Chop zucchini with peel into thin slices.
  6. Arrange all prepared vegetables on a base with sauce. Sprinkle them with olive oil.

Bake pizza for 17-20 minutes at 230 degrees. Serve hot.

Vegetarian pizza can become a regular guest of the meat-eaters table because it has a minimal calorie content. Such baking, even with its frequent use, does not harm the figure. And, besides, it always turns out juicy, tasty, fragrant.