Do you love all these people, covered with wool, fur or feathers? Then you will definitely like the following scenes with the participation of our smaller brothers. All of them were captured by the creators. Chillwildlife Channel on instagram.

These gifs and pictures depict the daily life of animals. Often they behave like people, which makes them even more amusing. Well, let's not languish - let's start viewing these unusual gifs that capture moments from the completely ordinary life of animals!

Funny pet scenes

This cat, apparently, for the first time in his life met his own reflection in the mirror. His gaze is so interested that it seems that he is about to speak with his mirror double.


By the way, the creators of these funny videos and pictures of animals are not bad. The following examples confirm this:

Photos and videos of funny animals
Funny Spitz in a cap
Photos and videos of funny animals
Levitating cat
Photos and videos of funny animals
Cutie, fishnet tights are right for you!
Photos and videos of funny animals
This dog is ready to give an answer to any traffic cop
Photos and videos of funny animals
“And how does the mistress only walk in these shackles?”
Photos and videos of funny animals
Hamster in the role of a computer mouse