In the fall season, pumpkin is one of the main resources for making jam. The combination with orange and lemon gives it a unique taste and amazing result. To make reserves for the winter, we offer a couple of simple steps to create a sweet masterpiece.
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Classic pumpkin jam with orange and lemon
Pumpkin is an amazing product - its taste is completely transformed when it begins to go through the cooking process.
The classic jam prescription suggests the following proportion - 1: 1: 2 (pumpkin - lemon - orange).
Advice! If possible, you should first try several options for pumpkin jam to taste, find out its composition and determine your preferences for the presence or absence of additional spices.
So as an additional flavoring effect in the preparation of pumpkin jam with orange and lemon, the following items can be used: cinnamon, anise, ginger and nutmeg. As for the original additives, many chefs recommend adding walnuts and pine nuts, ground nuts, or other varieties of fruits and berries.
Jam can be consumed in its natural form, served with tea, added to pies and to decorate sweet desserts.
- The ratio of the main ingredient - pumpkin varies and depends on the individual preferences of the person, but in most cases, the composition includes about 1-1.5 kilograms.
- All this mass is supplied with 1 kilogram of sugar, water and spices, ginger and cinnamon (two and one teaspoons, respectively) and 100 milliliters of water.
- The pumpkin is washed, cleaned, cut, diluted with water and cooked for some time over medium heat (usually 20-30 minutes).
Excess water that will be released must be drained.
- At this time, we prepare the orange and lemon, rub the zest and cut the pulp of fruit in parallel.
- Next, attach the pumpkin here, put spices and sugar here, cook all the sweet, bright mass until cooked.
- After 30 minutes, the pieces will remain intact, but the jam will already acquire the necessary taste.
- If there is a preference to make a jelly-like mass, then it is worth cooking the contents for an hour.
In a slow cooker
The method of preparation from the traditionally classical differs only in that a multicooker is used to implement the process. The option is much simpler and does not take much time. The operation of creating a pumpkin stock for the winter changes only by the fact that all future ingredients are loaded into the multicooker, where the necessary mode is set (in our case, “Stewing”). In time, the process takes on average about one and a half to two hours. To make jam in a slow cooker with a "finished" taste, after half the time allotted for "stewing" time, you need to add cinnamon here to enhance the spice of the dish.
- If there is a lot of portioned content, then freshly prepared jam is laid out in prepared jars.
- If the cooking option is valid at the moment, then it can be left in the refrigerator.
- Use is necessary to avoid problems within two weeks.
Advice! Previously, the ingredients before stewing, especially pumpkin, can be crushed using a food processor.
It is necessary to clearly control the addition of water to the dish, since the future consistency of the jam depends on this value. You can also use allspice, cardamom or nutmeg as original and bright flavors.
Recipe "Through a meat grinder" or without cooking
Here we will consider cooking pumpkin jam with lemon for the winter using a meat grinder. You will need to take a large pan with a compacted bottom and cook the syrup.
You will need: pumpkin, sugar, lemons. All the necessary fruits, headed by a pumpkin, are washed, peeled and peeled. Then they are cut into pieces of arbitrary shape. Pumpkin is passed through a meat grinder, the same operation is done with a lemon mass, from which all the bones are previously removed.
Advice! To give a sweeter and more vivid taste of jam, you can use oranges in the amount of 2-3 pieces.
Further, all the ingredients are rammed into a special container - a large pot - and sprinkled with sugar on top. After a while, when the juice appears, it is necessary to warm the contents several times over a fire, and pack in jars. You can also add some interesting spices to jam: anise stars, vanilla or pectin. It is noted that the taste of the treat is very similar to apricot jam. Along with this, its cost is much lower than that of any other similar sweet product.
With the addition of dried apricots - a step-by-step cooking process
There is a good way to dilute the usual taste of pumpkin jam - add a little dried apricots. So, for example, 300-350 grams of this dried fruit will give it an amazing aroma and exquisite taste. If we talk about the ratio of contents, then everything is simple: two kilograms of pumpkin, a little less, 1.7 sugar and a couple of lemon.
- Bones are taken out of the vegetable, the pumpkin is washed and cut into pieces.
- Dried apricots, previously scalded in boiling water, are cut into pieces of arbitrary shape.
- Two types of mashed potatoes are mixed together and also sprinkled with sugar.
- Lemon juice (5-6 tablespoons) is added here.
- It is necessary to leave the resulting mass until all sugar in the jam is completely melted.
- Then pumpkin jam is placed on pre-prepared and processed jars.
- You can store the mixture in the refrigerator and on the balcony.
If you have the desire and time and the opportunity to purchase additional components of the dish, then you can make pumpkin jam with orange, lemon and dried apricots.
Pumpkin, Oranges and Lemons Jam
Sunny, warm greetings from summer to warm winter can be obtained by opening a jar of pumpkin jam.In addition to the fact that jam is a large amount of vitamins and health benefits of human immunity, it can also be used as an additive for pies, dumplings, cakes and other delicious dishes. Along with this, it is important to take the pumpkin already well ripened, which refers to soft and juicy varieties.
To make jam, it is better to use an accelerated process, i.e. cook it a small amount of time.
It is worth explaining that the citrus component is a necessary element of jam. Since it is thanks to him that the taste of pumpkin acquires new colors of taste, because by its nature it has an ambiguous gastronomic accent.
- Grind the pumpkin (you can use the harvester).
- We also rub the zest of oranges and lemons.
- Lemons and oranges themselves are cut into pieces.
- Water is boiled in a pan, after which sugar is poured here.
- The fire should be small, since it is necessary to wait for the complete dissolution of sugar, after which we add pumpkin, pulp and zest of orange and lemon there.
- Separately, add orange and lemon juice.
- Let the jam boil a little until it cools partially, and then scroll its contents through a meat grinder or blender.
The result should be a homogeneous mass in the form of jam, which can later be used as an addition to tea or part of the recipes for sweet dishes.
We hope that our recipes will help you prepare delicious supplies for the winter and delight yourself with the amazing sweet and original taste of pumpkin jam.