Such a dessert as zucchini jam will appeal to even those households who do not eat this vegetable under any circumstances. Zucchini, in principle, has no taste, so it absorbs the taste and aromatic qualities of the added components like a sponge. There are a lot of ways to cook such an unusual delicacy, despite the fact that the recipes sometimes indicate incompatible products that ultimately give an incomparable taste and aroma.
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How to cook jam from zucchini for the winter
Before you cook jam from zucchini for the winter, every novice housewife should take note of cooking tips.
- When choosing a vegetable for jam, you should pay attention to ripe hard-skinned fruits with yellow flesh. The delicacy will turn out not only delicious, but also beautiful. Milk ripened vegetables are used to make gentle jam.
- The cooking container should be enameled, free of chips and cracks. Mix the jam during the cooking process with a wooden spatula or spoon. Glass jars and tin lids for storing blanks must be sterilized in advance.
- Before cooking, the zucchini sprinkled with sugar must be aged for at least 5 hours (it is best to leave the container overnight) to allow a sufficient amount of juice to stand out.
- To get a thick jam, grind the vegetables in a blender or in a meat grinder, and then squeeze out the juice that has stood out.
- Additionally, you can add your favorite spice to the recipe, which will add aroma and taste to the workpiece.
Amber Zucchini Jam
- 1 kg of zucchini
- 2 ripe oranges
- 1 lemon
- 1 kg of granulated sugar
- Peeled zucchini from the skin and seeds are cut into small cubes, slices or rubbed on a coarse grater.
- Lemon and oranges are also cut into small cubes or slices and mixed with zucchini in a cooking container.
If you plan to use citrus fruits with zest, you must first pour them with boiling water, otherwise the finished product will get an unpleasant bitterness.
- The mixed ingredients are filled with sugar, and then left for 5-6 hours to form a syrup.
- After a certain time, the container is put on a strong fire and brought to a boil. Then the fire is reduced, and the jam is cooked for 10 minutes.
- Cooking is carried out in several stages, each time allowing the workpiece to cool completely.
- Amber-colored hot jam is laid out on prepared jars and corked with lids for further storage.
For cooling, jam jars should not be turned over.
Fragrant zucchini and oranges jam
- 2 kg of young zucchini
- 1 kg of granulated sugar
- 2 large oranges
- 1 tsp citric acid
- Zucchini is peeled and peeled, cut into a small cube and sprinkled with sugar in a cooking container.
- To extract juice, squash with sugar is left overnight, after which they are thrown into a colander.
- The strained syrup is mixed with citric acid, brought to a boil and cooked for half an hour.
- During the cooking of the syrup, oranges, with or without zest, are sliced identically in zucchini.
- Prepared components are laid out in boiling syrup and boiled for half an hour over medium heat.
- Jam is cooked in 3 sets, with an interval of 2-3 hours.
- The jam is laid out on sterile jars in a hot state.
Squash jam with lemon
- 1 kg of zucchini
- 1 kg of sugar
- 2 lemons
- Zucchini, peeled from peel and seeds, is cut into 1 x 1 cm cubes and folded into an enameled container.
- Lemon, with or without zest, is cut into small cubes or slices and mixed with zucchini.
- Products are poured with sugar and left overnight to form a syrup.
- In the morning, the ingredients are brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes and left until the evening.
- The cooking procedure is repeated 2 more times in the evening and in the morning.
- Ready squash jam with lemon is laid out in sterile jars and tightly corked.
Cinnamon squash jam
- 1 kg of peeled squash
- 1 large lemon
- 2 sweet oranges
- 1 kg of granulated sugar
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 cinnamon stick
- Zucchini grated with a coarse cell.
- Lemon and oranges are peeled from the zest layer and cut into slices, which are ground in a blender to a mushy state.
- Citrus zest is cut into small pieces, grind in a blender with ground cinnamon and 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
- In a cooking container, all prepared ingredients are mixed, filled with 800 grams of sugar and put on low heat.
- After boiling, zucchini with orange and lemon is cooked for 15 minutes, then removed from the stove for infusion for 1 day. Using a wooden spatula, a cinnamon stick is immersed at the bottom of the container, which impregnates jam with taste and aroma.
- After the required time, the remaining sugar is poured into the jam. Everything is mixed and brought to a boil.
- Fragrant jam is cooked for 15 minutes and laid out in jars.
Zucchini and Strawberry Jam
- 0.5 kg peeled squash
- 0.5 kg ripe strawberries
- lemon
- 1.5 kg of granulated sugar
- Zucchini is cut into thin slices and sprinkled with half a kilogram of sugar. Top sprayed with juice squeezed from a lemon, and left to isolate syrup.
- Washed strawberries are laid out in a separate container, sprinkled with half a kilogram of sugar and left for 4-5 hours.
- After time, the juice from both containers is poured into an enamel pan, where the remaining sugar is added.
- The syrup is brought to a boil, after which strawberries are added to it and cooked for 5-7 minutes. The released foam is removed from the surface.
- Strawberries cool to room temperature, and again set to cook for 5-7 minutes.
- When the workpiece cools a second time, it is brought to a boil.
- Zucchini is laid out in boiling strawberry syrup and boiled for 5-7 minutes.
- The finished treat is poured hot on sterilized jars and stored in a cool, dark room.
Physalis Jam Recipe
Physalis or Peruvian gooseberry is a low-calorie diet product. Its fruits are considered medicinal, since they are used as a diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic, antiseptic and analgesic.
Sweet and sour berries with a specific taste of bitterness are consumed with boiling water before use to remove a sticky wax-like coating.
- 1 kg of peeled squash
- 0.5 kg of physalis fruits
- 1.5 kg of granulated sugar
- a pinch of clove flowers
- Zucchini is cut into a small cube and stacked in an enameled container.
- Small berries of physalis are cut in half, larger into 4-6 parts and added to the zucchini.
- Prepared ingredients are filled with granulated sugar and left for 5-6 hours to isolate the juice.
- After time, the jam is cooked in 3-4 sets with an interval of not more than 6 hours.
- Putting the cooking container one last time, clove is added to it. Everything is mixed, brought to a boil and bottled in pre-sterilized jars.
Zucchini Jam with Canned Pineapple
- 1.5 kg peeled zucchini
- 1.3 kg of sugar
- 1 can of canned pineapple
- half tsp citric acid
- Zucchini is cut into small cubes and poured into a container for cooking.
- Juice from a jar with pineapples is poured into a separate saucepan, granulated sugar is added to it, put on fire and boiled until sugar is completely dissolved.
- Ground zucchini is poured with hot syrup, citric acid is added, everything is mixed and left for an hour.
- After the time, the squash recline in a colander. The filtered liquid is again brought to a boil and poured into zucchini, after which it is left for another hour.
- Canned pineapples are diced and added to zucchini. All ingredients are mixed and put on low heat until boiling.
- Boiled jam is removed from the stove and cools down to 30-40 ° C.
- The cooking procedure is repeated 3-4 times, the finished jam is poured hot on sterile jars and closed.
At the beginning of cooking, zucchini will allocate a large amount of juice, but subsequently they absorb the released syrup. By reducing the amount of liquid, the jam will turn out quite thick.
Zucchini jam with apples
- For a kilogram of peeled zucchini, a kilogram of ripe apples of any grade and a kilogram of granulated sugar are taken.
- Zucchini with apples is finely chopped, laid out in an enameled pan, and filled with sugar.
- The jam is cooked over medium heat until the syrup stops spreading over the spoon.
- After being prepared, delicious jam is poured into sterile jars.
Have a nice tea party!