Melon jam in some countries is valued as highly as natural bee honey due to its taste and benefits hidden in its composition. Of course, heat treatment slightly reduces the amount of useful vitamins and other substances compared to fresh melon, but this is quite enough to sweetly meet the winter without vitamin deficiency, fatigue and bad mood.

Classic melon jam for the winter

The melon jam, cooked according to the classic recipe, is a beautiful amber pieces of pulp in a thick aromatic syrup. It can be served with toast for tea, then on the table it will look like a piece of the summer sun in a crepe.

For this winter harvest you will need:

  • 1000 g of prepared melon pulp;
  • 1200 g of crystalline white sugar;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 5 g of vanilla powder;
  • 3 g of citric acid crystals.

Workflow in steps:

  1. Boil water in a pan of the appropriate size, dip the melon diced into cubes for five minutes. Then drain the water, and let the pulp cool completely.
  2. From sugar, vanilla, lemon acid and water, boil the syrup. For syrup, you can take the water in which the melon blanched.
  3. Pour the cooled melon cubes with hot syrup and leave for 6 hours.
  4. After exposure to syrup, bring the contents of the container to a boil, boil for a quarter of an hour and can be preserved. Containers for preservation should definitely be sterilized.

Easiest recipe

This recipe can be safely called the simplest, both in the number of required ingredients and in the preparation technology. As for the quality of the feedstock, it is better to choose the fruits of those varieties that have hard flesh.

The ratio of sugar to fruit:

  • 1000 g of melon pulp;
  • 600 g of sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Prepared (without peel and seeds) melon pulp cut into cubes, put in a container in which the jam will be cooked, and cover with sugar on top. Leave the feedstock alone until the juice is released. Depending on the juiciness of the fruit, this may take about half an hour.
  2. After that, over low heat, bring the melon with sugar in its own juice to a boil, immediately turn off the stove and allow the mass to cool completely under the lid.
  3. Then re-bring the contents of the container to a boil, boil for a while and seal hot in sterile jars for long-term storage.

To best preserve the aroma of fresh melon, you do not need to boil jam for more than five minutes.

With lemon

A very interesting taste is obtained in the winter preparation of melon, if you add lemon to it. This component will not only balance the sweetness of the main ingredient, give a fresh citrus flavor, but also act as a natural preservative, due to the acid content.

For melon and lemon jam you need to take:

  • 1000 g ripe melon;
  • 700 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 large lemon.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Wash the ripe melon fruit, gently peel it with a kitchen knife, remove the seeds and cut into cubes with sides at least 1-2 cm. Pour sugar, mix and leave until the juice is allocated.
  2. Meanwhile, the lemon washed in hot water should be wiped dry and cut into 4-8 parts so that all bones can be easily removed. After this, pass the pitted citrus through a meat grinder or turn it into a pulp with a zest and films through a stationary blender.
  3. Add lemon gruel to the melon, mix and bring to a boil over medium heat. Then boil the jam for half an hour, but already on low heat, and cool.
  4. With cooled jam, repeat boiling over low heat for half an hour. Cork it hot in sterile jars and wrap it in a warm blanket until it cools completely (for 2-3 days).

From melon and watermelon

Such gourds like melon and watermelon can not only coexist in the shops in the summer, but also make a tasty tandem in the form of jam.

To cook a delicious workpiece for the winter from the juicy pulp of watermelon and melon, you will need:

  • 500 g of melon pulp;
  • 500 g of watermelon pulp;
  • 1000 g of sugar;
  • 2 medium-sized lemons;
  • 250 ml of water.

Cooking Method:

  1. The pulp of both melons and gourds should be cut into cubes with sides one centimeter in size. Fold in a saucepan, pour 600 g of sugar and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours until the juice stands out.
  2. Gently remove the zest from the lemons with a fine grater and squeeze the juice. In order to have more juice, the fruits can be pressed a little while rolling down the table.
  3. Pour the remaining sugar into a saucepan, pour water into it and boil the syrup. When the sugar has completely dissolved and the contents of the stewpan boil, send lemon juice and zest into it, mix everything.
  4. Pour the cooled syrup into a container with fruit pulp, then bring the mass to a boil, boil for 30-40 minutes and the jam is ready. It can be rolled up in prepared jars.

With an orange for the winter

Melon jam with orange is not only magical in taste, even its aroma is delicious. Such a fruit and citrus combination has recently gained great popularity among housewives, such blanks are usually made in small portions.

So for three half-liter jars of melon jam with orange you will need:

  • 1500 g of melon pulp;
  • 2000 g of sugar;
  • 600 ml of drinking water;
  • 2 large oranges.

Cooking progress:

  1. Dice the melon pulp with half a kilogram of sugar and put aside for two hours.
  2. From the remaining sugar and water, boil the syrup. Pour the pulp with hot boiling syrup and leave for ten hours to insist.
  3. Then drain the syrup, boil again and pour hot to the melon, repeat the sweet soaking for 10 hours.
  4. Wash and cut oranges into slices and shift to a melon. Next, boil the jam until the slices of the melon become transparent, and the consistency of the final product is thick.
  5. Hot jam corked in clean sterile jars and covered with iron lids.

Cinnamon Melon Jam

Spicy melon jam with cinnamon flavor can turn any ordinary dessert into a gourmet dessert, whether it is ice cream, cottage cheese casserole, pancakes or an ordinary slice of toasted bread.

The composition of melon jam with cinnamon flavor includes:

  • 2000 g melon flesh;
  • 2000 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of vodka;
  • 200 ml of filtered water;
  • 1 medium lemon;
  • 1 stick of cinnamon in each half-liter jar.

The canning process in stages:

  1. Dense and firm (but ripe) melon flesh cut into 2-3 cm cubes. Transfer the prepared flesh into a colander and scald with boiling water. Then leave to let the water completely glass.
  2. Make syrup. To do this, mix half the prescription amount of sugar with vodka and simmer over a fire until all crystals are completely dissolved. Then add the remaining sugar and pour water. Cook, stirring until boiling.
  3. Boil melon slices in syrup until translucent. This will take an average of 15-20 minutes. Remove the container from the stove and leave it alone for 12 hours.
  4. Then take out the translucent melon cubes, and boil the syrup until halved. After boiling, squeeze the juice of one lemon into the syrup and return the melon.
  5. Let it boil a little mass and you can proceed with canning. In each sterile jar, put a stick of cinnamon, pour jam to the top and close with an iron lid.

With bananas

A simple and at the same time amazing dessert can be prepared from melons and bananas. This jam is very thick and sweet, and the aromas of two fruits perfectly complement each other.

To cook jam from melon and banana, you need to prepare:

  • 750 g of melon pulp;
  • 400 g peeled bananas;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • 2 medium lemons;
  • 200 ml of water.


  1. Sprinkle chopped melon flesh with sugar and forget about it for 12-16 hours.
  2. Squeeze the juice of one lemon to the melon that started the juice and boil everything over medium heat for about thirty minutes.
  3. Cut the remaining lemon with bananas into rings and put in a saucepan to the jam. After that, reduce the heat to a minimum and, stirring, cook to a puree state.
  4. Transfer the jam into clean prepared jars and cork.

To increase the shelf life of the billet, before rolling up the lids, you can cover the jam with a circle of paper dipped in vodka on top.

Unusual melon peel jam

The following recipe for jam from melon for the winter will cause a cry of surprise and amazement, because it uses not the juicy sweet pulp of the fruit, but the crust. Nevertheless, the workpiece comes out very tasty and relatively not expensive, since the raw material for it is what is usually sent to the bin.

So, the proportions of the necessary ingredients:

  • 1000 g melon peels;
  • 1000 g of sugar;
  • 1000 ml of drinking water.

Algorithm for preparing a workpiece from melon crusts:

  1. Jam is cooked from the hard and hard part of the fruit, which is located between the pulp and rough thin skin. To get it, you need to carefully cut the flesh with a knife, and then gently remove the peel from the potato peeler.
  2. Cut the prepared crusts into squares of one to two centimeters and after washing in cold water, soak for an hour in salt water. So you can absolutely be sure of the absence of a bitter aftertaste and a finished product.
  3. Prepare syrup: mix water and sugar, warm until the crystalline component dissolves.
  4. Transfer the crusts to syrup and bring to a boil. Then remove the container from the heat and cool its contents. Repeat boiling and cooling four more times. As a result, the peels should become transparent.
  5. After that, it remains only to pour the hot workpiece into the banks and roll up the lids for the winter.

How to cook in a slow cooker?

With almost minimal time, you can cook delicious melon jam in a slow cooker. This recipe is interesting not only using a modern gadget, but also because the queen of autumn with orange (king of winter) and sesame seeds are combined together in the ingredients.

For two half-liter cans of melon jam in a slow cooker you will need:

  • 700 g of melon pulp;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 1 large orange;
  • 30 g sesame seeds;
  • 20 g of vanilla sugar.

Cooking jam in the following order:

  1. The entire procurement process will include product preparation, heat treatment and canning. Melon is prepared similarly to the previous recipes. It is washed, cleaned from seeds and peel, cut into cubes. Orange is also peeled, peeled, and white partitions removed, the bones, if any, are removed and cut into cubes.
  2. Slices of melon are laid out in the multicook, slices of orange are placed on them, they are covered with both types of sugar and sesame seeds on top. After that, close the gadget cover and start the quenching program for one hour. During it, jam can be stirred from time to time.
  3. Ready dainty to cheer up a dull winter pour into banks, twist and wrap until cool.