This berry can compete with citrus fruits in terms of vitamin C content, and in terms of the amount of useful iodine, it overtakes gooseberries, strawberries and raspberries, but, unfortunately, not many people use it to prepare preparations for the winter. All this is due to the astringency of the fruit and hard skin. Fortunately, there are technologies for making jam from aronia, preserving the benefits of berries, eliminating astringency and making the skin softer. The most delicious of them are given in our selection.
Material Content:
- 1 Classic aronia jam
- 2 How to cook with lemon and orange
- 3 With apples
- 4 Quick Recipe - Five Minute
- 5 Dry jam from mountain ash and plum
- 6 Cooking with apples and nuts
- 7 Original zucchini recipe
- 8 Rowan jam with cherry leaves
- 9 Variant with Moscow-style currant berries
- 10 How to cook a cranberry treat
- 11 Aronia and pear jam
- 12 Chokeberry, rubbed with sugar
Classic aronia jam
The classic jam recipe from this berry has a cherry flavor, which gives a combination of the taste of mountain ash and vanilla.
The list of ingredients used and their ratio:
- 1000 g of chokeberry berries;
- 1200 g of sugar;
- 250 ml of water;
- 3-5 g of vanilla powder.
The recipe for a classic jam step by step:
- Carefully remove the berries from the bunch, selecting dry specimens, leaves and stalks. Rinse the mountain ash and recline in a colander so that all the glass water.
- Meanwhile, in a pan with a wide bottom, boil water, transfer the prepared berries and gently mixing them with a spatula for five to seven minutes to make each dip in boiling water.
- Then add sugar to the berries, mix and cook 15 minutes after boiling, cool. Return the jam to the fire again, add the vanilla and boil for another quarter of an hour. After that, the jam is ready for subsequent sealing and storage in prepared containers.
How to cook with lemon and orange
Adding citrus fruits to chamomile jam almost completely deprives the finished product of tartness unloved by many.
For one serving of an invigorating treat from rowan, orange and lemon you will need:
- 1000 g of chokeberry berries;
- 1 large orange;
- 1 lemon;
- 1000 g of sugar.
Work algorithm:
- Sort the mountain ash, rinse under running water and dry. Wash the lemon and orange thoroughly, pour over boiling water, cut into small slices and remove the seeds.
- Twist the berries and citrus fruits along with the peel through a meat grinder, cover with sugar, mix and cook jam 40-45 minutes after boiling. Then hot cork in jars.
With apples
Aronia jam with apples is cooked from the following list of ingredients:
- 1000 g of chokeberry;
- 700 g of apples;
- 1200 g of granulated sugar;
- 400 ml of drinking water;
- ¼ lemon (juice);
- 1-2 cinnamon sticks.
Step-by-step preparation:
- Blanched the prepared rowan berries for five minutes in boiling water, then immediately cool under running cold water.
- From the water and a pound of sugar, boil the syrup, lower the mountain ash into it, and after five minutes of boiling the berries actively, turn off the fire and forget about the chokeberry in the syrup for at least 8 hours, or better, overnight.
- Pour the remaining sugar into syrup with chokeberry, stir and put on fire. In the meantime, peel the apples from the peel and seeds, cut into slices, blanch them for 6-8 minutes in boiling acidified water and also cool under running cold water.
- Put the prepared apples to the boiled rowan, add cinnamon and taste lemon juice. Boil the jam twice for 10 minutes, completely cooling in breaks. Roll up the finished product in sterile jars.
Quick Recipe - Five Minute
For three liters of finished mountain ash jam you need to take:
- 1000 g of chokeberry;
- 2000 g of sugar.
How to cook:
- Blanched and washed black chokeberry for five minutes in boiling water. Then dry the berries on paper towels.In chokeberry, berries are covered with thick skin, which can be made softer as a result of short-term blanching in boiling water or a half-hour exposure in the freezer.
- Grind chokeberry with a meat grinder or blender, combine with sugar. On a quiet fire, bring the jam to a boil, then increase the heat and simmer for five minutes.
- Distribute the jam in half-liter jars, cover with lids and sterilize in a pot of boiling water for 20 minutes. Then roll up the cans with lids.
Dry jam from mountain ash and plum
Dry jam is often also called “Kiev”, since in this city in the 18th century the industrial production of this delicacy was established, which was delivered even to the royal table.
Read also: medicinal properties of chokeberry
For dry rowan jam and plum, you will need:
- 500 g of solid plums;
- 500 g of chokeberry;
- 400 g of sugar;
- 300 ml of water;
- 2 g of cinnamon powder.
Stages of preparation:
- Dry the washed rowan clusters, then send for half an hour to the freezer. Wash the plums, wipe dry, halve and remove the seeds.
- From the water, cinnamon and half the prescription amount of sugar, boil the syrup, dip the prepared berries and plums into it, let them cool completely in a sweet solution. Repeat this procedure two more times.
- Next, throw the mountain ash and plums onto a colander or sieve so that the syrup is completely stacked. After that, roll them in sugar, put on a wire rack and dry for two hours at 100 degrees in the oven. Store ready-made dry jam in a sealed container.
Cooking with apples and nuts
For harvesting chokeberry with apples and nuts you will need:
- 1000 g of chokeberry;
- 400 g prepared apples;
- 100 g kernels of walnuts or other nuts;
- 1000 g of sugar;
- 200 ml of water.
We cook the workpiece as follows:
- Blanched off the brushes and sorted mountain ash for two minutes in boiling water. Allow water to drain well. Finely chop the kernels. Peel the apples, cut the seed box and cut into cubes.
- Bring sugar and water over the fire to dissolve grains and boil, remove from heat. Transfer mountain ash, apples and nuts to the hot syrup. Maintain the ingredients in syrup until cool for about 6 hours.
- Put the jam on the fire and cook until tender. Pour hot over prepared glassware and tightly seal with tin or nylon covers.
Original zucchini recipe
Zucchini has a neutral taste, so the vegetable is often used not only for vegetable dishes, but also for fruit and berry preparations.
Original jam from aronia with zucchini has in its composition:
- 2000 g of chokeberry;
- 2000 g of young zucchini;
- 2000 g of sugar;
- 1 stick of cinnamon.
Cooking Technology:
- Wash washed and dried rowan berries in an even layer on the bottom of the jam cooking container, top them with 1/2 of the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe.
- Wash and chop the zucchini in small cubes. Put the zucchini on a layer of sugar on top of the mountain ash and fill it with the remaining sweet sand.
- Leave vegetables for three hours. During this time, zucchini will allocate a sufficient amount of juice, and the mountain ash will have time to soak.
- Put the jam on the fire, after boiling put in it a stick of cinnamon and cook on medium heat for half an hour. During cooking, jam must be mixed so that sugar does not burn to the bottom of the container.
Rowan jam with cherry leaves
Not knowing what the jam is made of, it is difficult to guess what became the raw material for its production. So strong is the cherry flavor. The more cherry leaves there are in the syrup broth, the tastier the billet will be.
Proportions of ingredients for jam with cherry flavor:
- 2000 g of chokeberry berries;
- 1600 g of granulated sugar;
- 200 g of cherry leaves;
- 1000 ml of water.
Cooking method:
- Remove the rowan berries from the stalk, transfer to a sieve or colander, rinse under running water, and then let the water drain thoroughly.
- In the meantime, pour the washed cherry leaves with water so that it completely covers them, boil 20 minutes after boiling and strain through several layers of gauze.
- Pour sugar into a saucepan with filtered broth of cherry leaves, stir well and boil the syrup.
- In a boiling sweet liquid, send the berries, boil them for five minutes and completely cool the jam. We repeat all the actions three more times. Boil and pour into cans for the last time, cork with lids.
Variant with Moscow-style currant berries
For jam from aronia and blackcurrant you will need:
- 500 g of chokeberry berries;
- 500 g of black currant;
- 1000 g of sugar.
How to cook jam "In Moscow":
- To sort both types of berries from the stalks and tails, wash and dry. Excess moisture can completely ruin the taste of the workpiece.
- We lay out the currants and rowan berries in glass jars, generously pouring them with layers of sugar. We close the jars with lids and leave until the berries are completely covered with the allocated juice.
- Then pour the berries in their own juice into a refractory container and cook until tender. Cork hot jam in prepared containers.
How to cook a cranberry treat
For chokeberry jam with cranberries and apples you will need to prepare:
- 500 g of chokeberry;
- 100 g cranberries;
- 100 g cubed apple pulp;
- 100 ml apple juice;
- 20 ml of lemon juice;
- 600 g of sugar.
- We sort the berries of mountain ash and lower it for 3-5 minutes in a container with boiling water, then let it drain moisture and dry it with paper towels.
- In a container for cooking jam, combine lemon and apple juice, granulated sugar. Heat the syrup until the sweet crystals dissolve.
- In a homogeneous sweet solution, put the prepared mountain ash, washed cranberries and cubes of apple pulp. Let the berry and fruit mass boil for a quarter of an hour, then completely cool under the lid.
- Repeat the process twice more. After the third boiling, do not cool the jam, but put it in prepared jars and put it in storage.
Aronia and pear jam
A little tart and aromatic in the autumn turns jam from chokeberry and pears.
A treat is being prepared from:
- 1000 g of chokeberry berries;
- 300 g of sweet honey pears;
- 1500 g of sugar;
- cinnamon, vanillin and cloves to taste and desire.
Working process:
- Sort the berries of rowan from the stalk and litter, which could get during the collection, wash and dry.
- Put the berries in a saucepan for cooking, cover with half sugar on top, put on fire. When they are heated to a boil, boil for a quarter of an hour, and then stand in syrup for 6-8 hours. You do not need to mix the berries with sugar before cooking, since the sweetener can begin to caramelize and crystallize before the juice separates from the berries.
- Wash the pears, peel, cut in half, cut the seed nest, and then cut into thin slices. Pear in a colander and dip in boiling water for 10 minutes. Then remove along with a colander and let the liquid drain.
- In the present mountain ash, add the other half of sugar and boil again for 20 minutes over medium heat after boiling. Next, lay out the pear slices and spices, boil for another 10 minutes and pack in heated glass jars.
Chokeberry, rubbed with sugar
The absence of any heat treatment will make the workpiece as useful as possible, but in order to preserve the jam until winter, special attention should be paid to the container in which it will be stored. Small glass jars should be taken, which should be carefully washed and sterilized.
The ratio of berries and sugar:
- 1200 g of chokeberry;
- 800 g of granulated sugar.
- Rowan berries are carefully removed from the bunches and washed thoroughly. Allow them to drain a little, laying out in a colander, and then dry, spreading out in a thin layer on a waffle towel.
- Transfer half of the prepared berries and ½ part of the prescription amount of sugar into a blender bowl and beat everything into a homogeneous mass.
- Put the remaining whole berries and sugar in the resulting puree. Then, thoroughly, but carefully mix with a spatula until the sweet grains are completely dissolved.
- Arrange the jam in small sterile glass jars, close with sterile lids and store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator until winter.