A bath with slimming soda is considered a comprehensive measure. For the unique property of acting on the body from the inside and outside, removing negative emotions together with fat and excess fluid, this technique was not only appreciated by lovers of “lazy” weight loss, but also by doctors, and even psychologists!
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Features of a soda bath for weight loss
The active ingredient in a slimming bath at home is regular baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Natural sorbent has a powerful antacid and bactericidal effect. Powder dissolved in warm water in half an hour is able to actively influence body weight.
The result of the program determines the amount of excess volumes, the causes of deposits, the composition of the fat layer. If the subcutaneous layer consists mainly of loose fat, there are signs of congestive lipodystrophy, then the soda procedure for weight loss will have a pronounced effect. Accordingly, with a minimal fat layer, the result will not strike with an effect.
The mechanism of action of the procedure
The protective resources of the body help trigger the cleansing mechanism while taking a hot bath. The combination of temperature and alkaline solution first causes the expansion of blood vessels, and then an almost instant spasm.So the body tries to protect the internal system: the body begins to sweat intensely and is forced to function in a saving “cooling mode”. Pores gradually open and easily give off excess fluid with harmful salts, toxins and slag.
Even the first procedure shows a noticeable result of a decrease in mass and, most importantly, body volume. Weight reduction reaches 2 kg. The problematic cellulite zones react especially positively - friable fat structures separate most easily from tissue moisture.
It is important to remember that the rapid loss of kilograms due to the removal of water is prone to a quick return due to heavy drinking, which is shown during soda procedures.
Subsequent sessions of this method of losing weight will reduce weight gradually - by about 300 g.
This is the basis for the negative opinion of opponents of soda baths, as methods of losing weight. Experts believe that losing weight by sitting in a warm soda composition is almost impossible. Many agree that water procedures should be supplemented by training and restriction of nutrition. Only a complex effect can bring long-term and pronounced effect of weight loss.
Benefits and benefits
The use of a bath with baking soda is noted by many "testers" and is manifested by the following physiological and psychological results:
- a relaxed person improves mood, stress resistance is strengthened;
- the painful need for “seizing” problems is reduced;
- Appetite control appears, portions are reduced;
- kidney activity and urine outflow are improved, swelling is reduced;
- blood vessels become toned, capillaries expand;
- blood circulation and lymph flow are activated;
- subcutaneous deep layers are cleansed, which reduces the manifestations of cellulite tuberosity;
- from the first procedure, the tone and general condition of the skin improves (small areas are dried, the skin becomes soft, velvety and tender);
- the skin is subjected to disinfection with sodium bicarbonate: the likelihood of manifestations of dermatitis, seborrhea, dry eczema and fungal infections is reduced.
Soda baths are an excellent prophylactic to prevent sagging and sagging skin - inevitable companions for losing significant amounts of weight.
A course of 8-10 procedures will provide detoxification of the body, activates metabolism. Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, the state of intoxication, including alcohol, can significantly improve.
Varieties of cosmetic procedures
Soda baths have their own cosmetic features:
- Ordinary. Just a solution of edible sodium bicarbonate - nothing more. They are aimed at relaxing and softening the skin.
- Anti-cellulite. The action of soda is supplemented with essential oils of orange, lemon, fir, juniper.
- For weight loss. Sea salt is added to the bath. In combination with these crystals, soda gives a quick result in removing excess fluid.
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How to take
In order for the procedure to bring only benefit, observe simple rules:
- Water temperature should not exceed 37 ° С. Higher values cause stress on the skin and blood vessels. After the body has adapted to temperature, the degree can be increased by no more than 2 indicators. During the procedure, the heat level must be maintained and hot water added periodically.
- Soda in water should be placed in the form of a ready-made solution.
- The bath is taken only in a sitting position. It is advisable that the fluid line does not reach the level of the heart: this reduces the risk of exposure to the circulatory system.
- The average duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.
- After taking a bath, it is imperative to wash the soda off the skin under a warm shower.This is a controversial point: many believe that the substance should remain on the skin after the bath and continue the healing effects for at least another hour. And only then - a shower.
- Wrap in a large towel and completely dry the skin.
- Put on warm clothes, drink a large cup of herbal tea and go under the covers for an hour and a half.
- The course of soda procedures is 8-12, every other day.
- You can repeat the sessions after 2-3 months.
Maintaining a constant temperature regime is an important condition for soda therapy, and increased sweating confirms that everything is done correctly.
Slimming Bath Recipes
To get a more impressive result, add directional auxiliary components. Fillers and proportions are selected based on their preferences. All recipes are given for the usual volume of a standard bath.
A simple and effective way. This is the main recipe on which more sophisticated methods are based if desired. 0.5 liter or a whole pack of soda is dissolved in one liter of water, the composition is poured into the prepared bath.
For intense tightening
Especially active subcutaneous fluid will be excreted if you apply the recipe with soda and sea salt. 500 g of crystals are dissolved in a soda bath and the procedure is carried out as usual. If you wish, you can fill up a kilogram: even such a concentration will yield to real sea water.
Active anti-cellulite
To enhance the effect on cellulite cells, citrus, needles, geranium or rosemary essential oils are added to the classic or salt composition. 5-8 drops of oil are dissolved in half a glass of milk and introduced into the bath. The procedure will start an active metabolism and accelerate the elimination of toxins.
For the mood
The emotional background will improve if you add the necessary essential oils to the soda bath:
- to calm down, you need lavender, sage, mint;
- for cleansing the skin and preventing skin problems - tea tree;
- to cheer up, attach bergamot, ylang-ylang;
- to achieve focus will help the nutmeg.
Against body fat
The subcutaneous fat layer will “melt” faster if the soda solution is supplemented with grated ginger. Given individual sensitivity, you need to use 1.5–3 tbsp. l root. This recipe will give the skin additional elasticity.
For problem skin
To cleanse the skin, prevent dermatitis and fungal infections, soda composition is replenished with 7 drops of tea tree essential oil.
A popular soda product for the home spa. It can be purchased at natural cosmetics stores or made by yourself. Apricot kernel oil, wheat germ or almonds are used as the base base.
- In a mortar or coffee grinder, grind 8 tbsp. l sodium bicarbonate and 4 tbsp. l citric acid powder.
- Enter into the mixture of 2 tbsp. l starch (or optionally milk powder), 5 drops of any essential oil and 1 s. l basic composition, mix everything well.
- Wear gloves.
- Check the mass by compression: if it is dry and crumbles, gradually add the base oil.
- A plastic mixture of the correct consistency is laid out in silicone or plastic molds, well tamped. You can purchase ready-made containers or use children's kits for the sandbox.
- After an hour and a half, carefully remove the components, lay them out on paper. "Bombs" will dry for 2 days.
- Finished products are wrapped with cling film.
For one spa procedure, usually 2-3 are used. They can add crushed herbs, cocoa powder, apply for a relaxing foot bath. The effect is also aimed at the psychological state: when interacting with water, they originally hiss and smell great.
All the ingredients indicated in soda bath recipes can be combined. The result is a maximum of beneficial effects on volume, appearance and mood.The effectiveness of such therapy increases, and the session becomes more comfortable and enjoyable.
Recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of the procedure
We will share small secrets about how to increase the effectiveness of soda baths for weight loss, to bring the desired effect.
- 2 hours before the bath you can not eat. During this period, it is useful to drink green tea with any additives, take a walk.
- Before immersing in water, it is necessary to treat the skin with a scrub with hard particles or rub the body with a brush.
- It is imperative to maintain the desired temperature and do not forget to add hot water.
- After taking a bath, apply an anti-cellulite product. The skin will be ideally ready for that - cleansed and warmed up. Therefore, the return will be maximum.
Recipe for homemade soda scrub: mix 2 tbsp. l soda and 4 tbsp. l honey. The mass is applied to moisturized skin, rubbed well, washed off in the shower.
Losing weight with soda baths is useful against the background of sports activities and reducing the calorie intake. It happens that diets are contraindicated, and the sport lacks motivation and willpower. In these cases, the procedure is used without "amplification", not expecting rapid results.
Contraindications and side effects
It is important to consider that a soda bath with all the positive qualities can harm the body. Immediately after the body is immersed in hot water, the vessels expand, blood pressure rises. Hypertensive patients are contraindicated in such procedures.
The body in the bath loses fluid. If you do not drink enough water, the blood will begin to thicken, there is a risk of thrombosis, heart attack or stroke.
Soda therapy has other contraindications:
- Cardiovascular pathology.
- Asthma.
- Allergy to sodium bicarbonate. It is rare, but it happens.
- Open wound surfaces.
- Gynecological diseases.
- Heat.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Varicose veins.
- Oncology.
It is categorically not recommended to lose weight in this way with exacerbation of chronic ailments in the postoperative period.
There are periodic symptoms of poor health - arrhythmia, dizziness, shortness of breath. This means losing weight with soda hot baths is not your way.
Sometimes it’s enough to reduce the concentration of soda solution, lower the water temperature by 2-3 degrees, or fill the bathtub with a smaller volume, and such manifestations will cease to disturb.
Dry or sensitive skin can react to soda solution with irritation and peeling. The day before the start of the procedure, you need to test the body and check the reaction by applying a solution to the skin of the inner part of the forearm.
If there are contraindications or suspicions of possible problems, you should consult your doctor.
Soda baths for weight loss have a general healing effect. In addition to losing weight, cellulite and fatigue, she is able to resist infections, strengthen the nervous system and immunity, and fight joint and muscle pain.