Among the masterpieces of indoor plants, "Roly wet" has a special place. He has been living in our homes for a long time. "Vanka is a wet flower" is a purely Russian name for the flower, in England it is called the "Zealous Lisa", and the botanical name is room balm.
This houseplant gained popularity due to its decorativeness and unpretentiousness. It is not difficult to care for him, and the result obtained in the form of abundant and very bright flowering will make it possible to decorate any interior. Uncomplicated inflorescences resembling roses almost cover its foliage with their petals, forming a colorful bouquet with a light aroma.
Balsam flowers have a color from bright red to pale pink, orange-yellow, orange-red, and pale pink with darker, lilac-purple flower centers are also found. Due to the shape of inflorescences, this flower is often called indoor roses.
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Wet Roly Flower: Features of Growing
In total, botanists distinguish more than 600 species, including indoor balsam.
There are two large species of this plant: annual and perennial.
But, regardless of the type, there are several general rules for caring for Vanka:
- Vanka - a wet flower - a name that arose not by chance, but due to its moisture loving nature. A flower needs regular watering, otherwise it ceases to bloom, and the leaves lose their freshness, brightness and healthy appearance. The lack of moisture is expressed in the fact that at first the bush becomes drooping, you can see how the stems literally lie down. You can also see how, after abundant watering, the plant comes to life right before your eyes, leaves are poured with juice, ovaries of inflorescences are formed, and the stems acquire their former resistance.
- Watering in winter can be slightly reduced, but in the summer and spring months, especially during the heat season, it is better to overfill the bush than not to fill it with water. It begins to wither quickly. In rooms where it is too hot, watering must be done every other day.
- Abundant flowering is provided not only by fertilizing, but also by the small size of the pot. Experienced gardeners often plant indoor balsamin in small plastic pots and seedlings, and then several such pots are placed in a rectangular flower tray. To make this composition decorative, tow or a stone-sand mixture is used. The latter provides drainage, moisture retention and aeration. For decorative purposes, the composition is formed from balsam with inflorescences of different colors.
- Flowering is also directly dependent on the quality of pruning and lighting.
- Balsam is photophilous, in the shade the plant continues to grow, but with less intensity, and flowering is significantly reduced and is short-lived.
The general principle of caring for plants is their regular feeding. Vanka is not particularly demanding on her, but the use of mixtures for indoor flowers, such as "Ideal" provides an improvement in the appearance of color, and also improves flowering. Consider in more detail the subtleties of caring for balsam.
Soil selection
Balsam is not particularly picky to the soil, for planting seedlings you can buy a regular soil for indoor plants or growing seedlings.
If the landing is carried out in the fall, or in the spring-summer period, then you can make the mixture yourself:
- Lay small pebbles at the bottom of the pot - for drainage and aeration of the roots;
- Then we prepare the planting mixture of 2 parts of sand, 2 parts of garden soil, 1 part of distillation or peat, 3-5 tablespoons of wood ash;
- The resulting mixture must be treated with a manganese solution or scalded with boiling water;
- The mixture is cooled after treatment with boiling water, briefly held in the sun.
So, the mixture is ready for planting, in addition, after planting a seedling, the ground under it can be covered with small stones or use special drainage stones.
It is interesting:balsam
The subtleties of watering
Vanka is very fond of moisture, which means that he needs frequent, but moderate watering. So, in the summer it is recommended to water a little, but every day or more plentifully, but every other day. In winter, water the plant should be no more than 2-4 times a week, if the room is hot.
At the same time, make sure that the water does not stagnate in the sinuses of the soil. If stagnation has formed, then you can either add soil, remove the flower in a warm place so that the water evaporates, use cotton wool, just drain the excess water.
Fertilizer and fertilizer
Fertilizing the plant is important during periods of flowering and active spring growth. In spring, Vanka should be fed with mineral fertilizers. It is recommended to top dress at least twice a month. For these purposes, you can buy a "uniflor-bud" or any other mixture of mineral fertilizers. Top dressing can be applied simultaneously with watering or separately, under the root.
After transplants, the plant must be fed. You can use mineral or nitrogen fertilizers. In winter Vanka needs complex top dressing, for example, a universal mixture - "Ideal", a mixture for indoor flowering plants.
It is recommended to transplant annually, preferably in the spring. Over the year, the soil is depleted, which leads to the fact that the bush begins to wither. Vanka does not like big pots, which means that you can use the old one, and if the bush has grown too much, then divide it and plant it in small pots. Transplantation will benefit the plant, and after a couple of days, it must be fed.
- The transplant process itself is not complicated:
- We release the plant from the old soil;
- The roots can be washed a little or placed in a container with water;
- A sprout is placed in a pot with prepared soil mixture and sprinkled with soil;
- After that, water a little, add more soil and ram it with a spoon or spatula.
After the soil has settled in the pot, you can sprinkle with sand or small gravel.
Trimming room balsam
Understanding when a plant needs pruning is not difficult.
- As soon as the balsam bush has released too many lateral sprouts or has become too tall:
- Once the shoots reach the desired level, they must be pinched, which will contribute to the growth of lateral branches;
- If there are too many lateral shoots, they must be cut;
- A bush should be formed with a height of not more than 30-35 cm, if the pot is medium in size, if the pot is small, then 20-25 cm is enough.
Pruning will give the bush a neat appearance and improve the flowering process.
Diseases and Pests
With good care, the plant is more rare, but if neighboring plants are susceptible to pests, then the latter may well affect balsam.
So, if the stems of a plant are bare, and the leaves become small, then there may be several reasons for this:
- The plant is hot;
- Too cramped, became a pot;
- The soil has exhausted its nutrients and it is necessary to feed or transplant the bush.
If these manipulations did not help, then the flower has simply grown and needs to be updated. That is, select the cuttings and put in water until the roots appear, and then, transplant them into the ground.
If the balsam leaves are curled and the stalk becomes sluggish, it means the plant is just cold, and also if the soil is too wet. It is necessary to put the bush in a dry place or transplant.