Due to poor ecology and poor nutrition, the liver suffers the most. To maintain it, special preparations are made. Ursosan's analogs, like the drug itself, will help put the body in order and ensure the normal functioning of internal organs.
Material Content:
The composition (active substance) of the drug
The drug is available in two dosage forms: capsules and tablets. The first type contains 250 or 500 mg of active substance, the second is only 500 mg each. Ursodeoxycholic acid is used as the active ingredient in the product. It prevents the development of calculous cholecystitis, breaks down cholesterol stones and reduces the risk of repeated relapses. As an additional effect, there is an immunomodulatory effect and protection of hepatocytes from damage.
Ursosan tablets are sorted in 50 or 100 pcs. packaged. They have a shell so that the bitter taste of the acid does not cause inconvenience. Another form of release is 250 mg capsules of 10, 50 or 100 pcs. and 500 mg each 10 pcs. The dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor, and the type of medicine can be determined by the patient, depending on preferences and ease of use.
Cheap domestic analogues Ursosan
Analogues cheaper than Ursosan can be found among Russian drugs. In composition, Ursosan 250 mg corresponds to Greenterol, manufactured by the company "Grinteks". It relieves discomfort in the liver, acts as a hepatoprotector and improves immunity. The medicine also helps control the amount of cholesterol in the bile, which prevents the formation of calculi. The tool is available in capsules of 250 mg, packaged in 50 pcs.
Ursodez is also a substitute for Ursosan. It is produced at the North Star factory in the Russian Federation. The medicine is used for the prevention and treatment of gallstone disease, biliary reflex gastritis and symptomatic cirrhosis by suppressing fibrotic transformation. The drug is packaged in packs of 50 pcs. with a concentration of 250 mg and 30 pcs. - 500 mg.
Among the Russian analogues is Urdox. It is produced by the Fariproekt company. It has the same properties and components as other drugs in this group. The medicine is available in the form of capsules with 250 mg of the active substance in 50 pcs. packaged.
Ursoliv capsules have a similar effect. In 1 pack are 10, 50 or 100 pcs. 250 mg each. The medicine helps to reduce the toxic load on the liver, improve the work of the gall bladder, lower the concentration of cholesterol in the blood by reducing its synthesis and absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. It also increases the secretion of gastric juice and pancreatic enzymes.
Another hepatoprotector of Russian production is Urdox. It is produced in the form of capsules of 250 mg of active ingredient. Each package contains 50 or 100 pcs. The medicine helps to avoid hepatitis by protecting the liver cells from the harmful effects of bile acids on them. The treatment regimen is similar to that of the other analogues.
Belarusian, Ukrainian generics
In the countries closest to Russia, they produce their own analogues of Ursosan.
In Ukraine it is:
- Ursokhol in the form of capsules of 250 mg (100 pcs. In a pack);
- Stole in the form of a suspension (250 mg per 5 ml of solution) or in tablets (250 and 500 mg in packs of 30 and 100 pcs.);
- Ursomax in capsules of 250 mg per 100 pcs. packaged.
The Republic of Belarus produces the generic Ursosan - Ursocaps. It is in the form of capsules with 250 mg of active substance. Instructions for use are similar to those of the original drug. It contains recommended norms for each case of the disease, which can be adjusted by the attending physician depending on the patient's condition.
Foreign hepatoprotector substitutes
Among foreign drugs with a low price, the Indian counterpart Livodex can be distinguished. But the concentration of the active substance in one capsule is 150 or 300 mg, which is less than in Ursosan, and in one package - 50 pcs. This must be considered when choosing a dosage.
A less budgetary analogue is the Egyptian Holudexan. It is available in the form of capsules with a concentration of 300 mg. In a pack - only 20 pcs., Which is less than that of Ursosan. Therefore, the benefits of such a replacement may be doubtful.
The German drug Ursofalk is not inferior in effectiveness to Ursosan. It is produced in the form of a suspension for oral administration and in the form of capsules. In 5 ml of solution and 1 tablet contains 250 mg of ursodeoxycholic acid. The pack contains 10, 50 or 100 pcs. capsules or 1-2 bottles per 250 ml of suspension.
In the search for analogues of Ursosan, it is worth paying attention not only to the price and active substance, but also to its concentration.
Budget generics may contain less active ingredient, which will require a larger dosage for treatment. This may not be as profitable as it seemed at first glance. Therefore, the medicine must be selected with a doctor and refuse to independently replace one with another.