Ureaplasmosis is an insidious asymptomatic genital infection that manifests itself only in certain cases. Often a cause of infertility in men and women. What is ureaplasma in women, the symptoms and treatment of this ailment are worth knowing in order to take action in time.

General characteristics of ureaplasma in women:

Infection for a long time does not reveal itself. Therefore, some scientists believe that the causative agent of ureaplasmosis is a natural conditionally pathogenic microorganism that lives constantly inside the female body. And only during some special situations can it develop rapidly and cause a violation in health, inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Ways of transmission and causes of development

It is believed that the main route of transmission is through sexual contact. It is not proven that a microorganism can be transmitted through a kiss, in everyday life, in pools and saunas, through common things.

But the causative agent of the disease is quite capable of penetrating the blood of a newborn when it passes through the birth canal of the mother. But interestingly, children heal themselves without any medication. Science does not know the nature of this phenomenon. With adults, everything is different - having penetrated the body, the infection lives for the time being, without causing harm. And only in certain situations begins its detrimental effect.

Causes of ureaplasmosis:

  • decreased immunity due to some disease;
  • hormonal changes, including during pregnancy and menstruation;
  • frequent change of partners who can transmit some other infections that can lower immunity and start the development of ureaplasmosis;
  • medical manipulations - abortion, examination of the vagina and cervix, the establishment or removal of the spiral, surgical treatment of the genitourinary system, hysteroscopy and so on.

Regardless of how the pathogen was transmitted or was already inside, the manifestation of ureaplasmosis cannot be overlooked.

Symptoms of ureaplasmosis in women

Symptoms may be mild or similar to many other sexually transmitted diseases. Only tests will show the true cause of the disease.

When the disease has entered the active stage, the woman feels:

  • burning sensation during urination;
  • recurrent pain in the lower abdomen;
  • excessive vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Many manifestations of this ailment are not related to the disease, especially if they occur during menstruation. Others consider this a response in some stressful situations. Symptoms can go away after a while by themselves. Hence the appeal for help is often late.

In the meantime, the infection causes great harm to the body in the form of infertility, or the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes (hence infertility and ectopic pregnancy).

Ureaplasmosis - diagnosis

This disease is diagnosed by sowing vaginal and urethral smears. There can be no errors, the test shows one hundred percent result.

You need to be examined:

  • in the presence of infertility;
  • when planning motherhood;
  • with chronic inflammation of the genitourinary organs;
  • with violations of the menstrual cycle.

If the pathogen is found, the patient will be diagnosed and appropriate treatment will be prescribed. The sooner the disease is identified, the greater the chance of a speedy recovery.

During pregnancy

During gestation, getting sick with ureaplasmosis means exposing the child to danger and even death. That is why it is so important when planning pregnancy, first to be examined for the presence of this dangerous microorganism, and then to conceive a child.

Infection can cause premature birth, miscarriage, as well as intrauterine death of the baby.

How to treat ureaplasma in women - scheme

The treatment regimen for ureaplasma in women includes a set of measures. This includes:

  • sanitation (improvement) of the vagina;
  • antibacterial help;
  • immunostimulating medications;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • the use of probiotics;
  • gynecological massage, mud therapy, laser blood irradiation, magnetotherapy and other physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • a diet that excludes alcohol, fatty foods, fried and spicy foods.

Treatment of the disease will take a lot of time, since it is not so easy to completely destroy the pathogen. Often he comes back again. Therefore, one course of treatment is not enough. It is also required to comply with the recommendations of the attending physician regarding nutrition and lifestyle.

Drugs prescribed by your doctor for treatment should not be taken together. Therefore, a certain scheme is prescribed, indicating the dosage and duration of taking this or that medication. That is, in the first days one drug is taken, in the next - another. Then the treatment will bring the expected effect.

Antibiotics for ureaplasmosis

Antibiotic therapy is not always required. It all depends on the degree of infection of the genitourinary system. Antibiotics are prescribed when it is precisely confirmed that ureaplasmosis has led to inflammatory processes, has caused a miscarriage, or is a factor in infertility.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must determine the sensitivity of the intracellular parasites of Ureaplasma to certain drugs. And prescribe exactly those drugs that will be effective. Otherwise, the treatment will be ineffective.

Vaginal sanitation is usually carried out using special vaginal agents with antibacterial and antifungal properties.

After treatment, a second check for the presence of bacteria is prescribed. Women are usually prescribed an analysis before menstruation, and then a month later before menstruation. If all the results are negative, then the treatment was successful. If not, the doctor will pick up another antibiotic.

Immunomodulators and not only

Immunomodulators are needed in order to increase the body's resistance to parasites, as well as to establish normal microflora in the vagina. Vaginal dysbacteriosis in inflammatory processes - alas, a natural phenomenon. For the treatment of gynecological ailments, women are usually prescribed immunostimulating drugs such as Cycloferon, Genferon and the like. The duration of treatment depends on individual characteristics.

In addition to immunomodulators, probiotics (for example, Vagilak) and multivitamin complexes are prescribed. All this is aimed both at suppressing inflammation, and at raising the internal forces of the body.

It is forbidden during treatment:

  • drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes;

as well as:

  • reduce consumption of sweet, greasy, fried;
  • to hold back with intimacy.
  • protect yourself from hypothermia and colds. This includes the use of slippers, warm trousers in cold weather and dry shoes at home. It is forbidden to sit on stone benches, curbs.

What suppositories help with ureaplasmosis?

Candles are very convenient to use. They quickly dissolve in the vagina, act gently, restore microflora.

Most often, doctors prescribe candles such as:

  • Terzhinan. It easily fights viruses and even fungi, and also restores normal microflora in the vagina;
  • Hexicon D. Has a wide spectrum of action, destroys pathogens. These candles can be used even during pregnancy and lactation.

Suppositories are also good because you do not need to swallow tablets and irritate the stomach with the drug. Help comes where it is needed.

Traditional medicine and folk remedies

Over the years, people have learned to treat the disease with various folk remedies. This is douching, the use of tampons, tinctures of herbs, a special diet.

An effective remedy is an herbal decoction of several medicinal herbs.

It is necessary to take in equal proportions:

  • pharmacy chamomile;
  • alder cones;
  • licorice;
  • levzea;
  • penny root.

A tablespoon of chopped herbs is brewed with a glass of boiling water. And when the tincture cools down, it is drunk in a third of a glass three times a day.

Tea tree oil is considered a good remedy for treating illness at home. It is added 2-3 drops per liter of water for washing. Tea tree oil kills ureaplasma.

Itching and burning will eliminate daily douching with a decoction of oak bark (sold in a pharmacy along with a prescription). After a week, you need to douche only 2-3 times every two days. And in just a month, no more than 10 procedures, so as not to disturb the vaginal microflora.

Regular garlic helps in strengthening immunity. It should be eaten every day for 3-4 cloves. The state of health will noticeably improve in a week.

You can combine the use of tinctures, douching, the use of baths for washing.

Prevention of ureaplasmosis

A reliable preventive measure is a correct, healthy lifestyle. And it includes:

  • protection against accidental sexual intercourse;
  • annual examination by a gynecologist;
  • timely treatment of bacterial vaginosis, thrush, sexually transmitted infections;
  • proper nutrition and active life;
  • genital cleanliness, personal hygiene.

And if the disease is still under suspicion, it is better to check for ureaplasmosis and take timely measures to combat this insidious parasite.

In order not to get sick again, you need to treat a sexual partner.If a woman has pathogenic microflora, then the partner also has it, without exception. Only after being treated together, the couple can be confident in their health.