Unithiol in the instructions for use is characterized as a highly active pharmacological detoxifying agent (antidote), designed to stop the effects on the body structures of organic and inorganic hazardous substances in severe poisoning, which threaten life, as well as to eliminate the effects of toxic compounds and their removal from blood and tissues. The medication is included in the group of the most important and vital medications.

Composition and form of release

Unitiol in ampoules is made in the form of a 5% clear detoxification solution (with a pinkish tint), which has a faint smell of hydrogen sulfide, intended exclusively for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection.

The basic therapeutic substance in the drug is dimercaprol (international name) in the form of sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate.

In 1 milliliter of the substance is 50 mg of dimercaprol.

Inactive components are also introduced into the solution - disodium edetate, sulfuric acid (as an additional antidote), purified water.

Unithiol in 5 ml ampoules is placed in a contour package of 5 units. In a paper bundle along with medical instructions are 10 ampoules.

Medicinal properties and indications

The therapeutic effect of Unithiol is detoxification - the destruction and neutralization of various toxic substances that enter the body.

Dimercaprol binds thiol poisons present in antimony, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and other heavy metals that have penetrated the body, forming upon interaction non-toxic compounds that dissolve in water and are removed with urine.This allows you to restore the function of cellular enzymes that are exposed to toxins, weakening or eliminating the signs of poisoning. Activates the removal of copper and zinc cations from metal-containing cellular proteins.

The medication shows high activity in pathological conditions of the following type:

  • acute, long-term poisoning with antimony, gold, arsenic, copper, cobalt, mercury and other unspecified substances;
  • intoxication with cardiac drugs that enhance myocardial contraction (Digoxin, Korglikard, Celanide, Adonis, Lantozide, Strofantin) and pharmaceuticals with a similar therapeutic effect;
  • hepatolenticular degeneration (Wilson-Westphal-Konovalov disease) - a genetic inherited disorder of absorption, absorption and excretion of copper, leading to severe neurological disorders;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy (medication reduces pain, stabilizes neurogenic connections, normalizes the condition of small vessels);
  • ethanol addiction (alcoholism) and alcoholic liver damage;
  • withdrawal state and alcoholic psychosis.

After injection, Unithiol is actively absorbed into the plasma, reaching a maximum level after 20-30 minutes. It does not accumulate in the blood and organs; it is removed with urine in 7–11 hours.

Instructions for use Unitiola

The drug composition is injected into the muscle or subcutaneously. To obtain the maximum detoxification effect, therapy is started as early as possible.

In case of poisoning

As an antidote for poisoning after toxic substances (metals, antimony, arsenic) enter the blood, Unithiol is prescribed to the patient according to the following scheme:

  • on the 1st day of therapy - 3-4 injections with 250-500 mg of the treating substance (which equals 5-10 ml), with a particularly serious condition, up to 8 injections may be required in 24 hours;
  • on the 2nd day - 2-3 injections in the same single dose;
  • further - 1-2 injections in 24 hours.

The exact single amount of the injection solution is calculated based on the norm of 5 mg of dimercaprol per kilogram of patient weight or, in a simplified manner, 1 ml (50 mg of active substance) per 10 kg.

For example, with a weight of 75 kg, the exact dose for a single administration is 5 mg x 75 kg = 375 mg or 75/10 = 7.5 ml of the injection composition.

Injections are done until the manifestations of intoxication are completely eliminated, but not less than 6-7 days.

In case of poisoning with Korglikon, Digoxin, Strofantin in the first 48 hours of treatment, the patient should receive 5-10 ml of the drug 3-4 times, then Unithiol injections are done less often, reducing the frequency of administration of the drug to 1-2 times a day until all signs of cardiotoxic effect subside .

With alcohol intoxication

Unitiol for alcohol intoxication is used 2-3 times a week. A single volume of the solution is prescribed in accordance with the severity of the manifestations, usually 3-5 ml, which is 150-250 mg of the active substance. As a rule, this medicine is used if the patient is diagnosed with ethanol poisoning against a background of chronic alcohol dependence. In acute damage to the nervous system with alcohol, other drugs are often prescribed.

To stop the development of delirium, the patient is injected once into the muscle 4-5 ml of pharmaceuticals.

Other intoxication conditions

If a diagnosis of hepatocerebral dystrophy is established, the therapeutic course involves daily intramuscular administration of 5-10 ml. In less severe cases, the treating specialist may prescribe an injection every other day. The course number of injections is usually 25-30. As prescribed by a specialist, therapy can be repeated after 3-4 months.

In diabetic polyneuropathy, the patient is given one injection of 5 ml (250 mg) for 10-12 days. A second course is carried out according to indications.

Contraindications and side effects

Unitiol is prohibited to use:

  • with intolerance to sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate or any inactive components of the drug;
  • lactating and pregnant patients;
  • if a severe degree of liver failure is detected;
  • with severe persistent arterial hypertension;
  • Persons under the age of 16 years.

Although the instructions say that it is forbidden to use the medicine up to the specified threshold, it should be noted that in children's hospitals the medication is used, accurately calculating the dosage according to the body weight of the child.

Side undesirable effects that occur during treatment with Unithiol include: nausea, palpitations, increased blood pressure, overexcitation, dizziness.

The most serious of the undesirable results is a severe allergic reaction to the drug: itchy rash on the skin and mucous membranes, swelling of the larynx, respiratory tract.

Signs of an overdose: difficulty breathing, lethargy, involuntarily occurring movements of the body, limbs, mouth, tic, cramps (when the patient receives a dose 9-10 times higher than recommended in the instructions).


The concomitant use of Unithiol with medicines containing alkalis or heavy metals is not shown, since with the pharmacological interaction the therapeutic effect of dipercaprol is neutralized due to its rapid cleavage. It is also forbidden to use the medicine at the same time as the carbon monoxide antidode (Atsizol).

Analogues of the drug

Similar in action to Unithiol and containing dimercaprol are R-IKS1 and Zorex (in capsules). Other detoxifying medicines with other active substances are Desferal (Deferoxamine, Sodium Thiosulfate.