Unabi or jujube is a Chinese date, to which eastern folk connoisseurs gave the name "tree of life." Often use fruits to treat respiratory diseases. The beneficial properties and contraindications of unabi are known, which you need to know about before you start using.
Material Content:
Unabi - what is, description
The tree has a height of up to nine meters, a sprawling crown and a powerful root system. The shoots of a young tree are covered with many thorns, which disappear over the years.
Fruits in appearance resemble olives, but depending on the variety in shape, they can be:
- cylindrical;
- spherical;
- pear-shaped;
- bottle-shaped.
Their size is also diverse. There are from one to four centimeters. Despite the fact that the tree is a long-liver, it bears fruit only in the first 50 years. Fruiting occurs in the third year after planting.
Fruits remind in taste - dates. Use not only fresh, but also in a processed form. To their taste and aroma revealed, it is recommended to slightly wither in the sun.
Fruits and decoctions based on them are used as a diuretic, soothing and restorative, to normalize blood pressure and treat infectious diseases.
Detailed chemical composition
The fruits contain:
- sugar (30%);
- organic acids (2.5%);
- fatty oils (3.7%);
- proteins (3%);
- tannins (10%).
In addition to the above, the composition also contains other equally important substances:
- tocopherols;
- carotene, riboflavin, folic acid;
- thiamine, nicotinic acid;
- pectin, which helps to remove lead, mercury and copper salts, radioactive isotopes, bactericidal toxins from the body;
- phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium;
- ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin R.
Vitamin C is found in fruits in large quantities and exceeds the content in lemon by 20 times. But unlike lemon, unabi is not at all sour.
The roots contain:
- triterpenoids;
- tannins;
- white blood cells.
In the leaves:
- Sahara;
- malic acid, as well as tartaric and succinic;
- vitamins (P, C, B);
- folic acid;
- coumarins;
- alcohols;
- saponins;
- carotene.
Useful and healing properties of jujube for humans
The healing properties of the Chinese date are diverse. All parts of the tree are used to treat various diseases, but the most commonly used are fruits that are used dried all year round.
- Normalize blood pressure. In countries where dates grow, fruits are consumed more often, which is why cases of hypertension are extremely rare in the population. If you suffer from hypertension, then use unabi (20 dates) every day after eating (3 times a day).
- Fruits help fight insomnia. Use as a sedative.
- With regular use, health will improve, cholesterol levels will decrease, pain in the heart and head will stop.
- Contribute to weight loss due to the diuretic effect.
- Unabi is able to recover after a long infectious disease.
- Fruits are recommended for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and liver, for diseases of the stomach and stomatitis.
- Well help with toxicosis. Used to increase lactation.
- Fruits have anti-inflammatory, emollient, antitussive properties. Therefore, they are used to treat the respiratory tract. It helps with bronchitis, shortness of breath and whooping cough.
- They help strengthen the body's resistance to infections and the immune system.
- Ripe fruits help fight constipation and cleanse the intestines.
- They help to saturate the skin with moisture, thereby rejuvenating it.
The use of Chinese dates in traditional medicine
The date was appreciated many centuries ago, but since then, folk recipes have not changed much.
- To treat respiratory diseases, pour berries (20 g) with water (310 ml). Put on fire and cook until the amount of liquid is reduced to 100 ml. Take such a decoction of two tablespoons.
- Due to its antibacterial effect, the decoction is used to wash purulent wounds. Helps with bone tuberculosis, gastritis, tuberculosis of the skin and eyes, tuberculous lymphadenitis. To do this, mix the bark, leaves and branches of the plant in equal proportions, then add water and boil.
- The infusion of leaves helps to fight lung diseases and hypertension. To do this, the leaves must be crushed. Measure out a tablespoon and pour 360 ml of boiling water. Set aside for an hour. Then strain and consume 55 ml (three times a day).
- To cope with hysteria, insomnia and dizziness will help tincture of stones. To do this, grind 100 grams of seeds and pour half a liter of water. Boil a quarter of an hour. Then pour 96% alcohol (200 ml). Insist half a day and strain. Take a tablespoon four times a day.
- Fresh leaves are good for making ointments. They are mixed with olive oil (proportion 1: 5). Heated to 90 degrees and insisted for two weeks. Filter and use in the treatment of abscesses, tumors and ulcers.
It is interesting:pumpkin good
The benefits of bark, leaves, fruits, unabi seeds
Fruits help tone the nervous system, soothe and provide an anesthetic effect. A decoction of dates treats diseases of the genitourinary system, respiratory diseases.
Leaves anesthetize and help treat stomatitis. Chewing them will reduce toothache. They block the sensitivity of taste buds. After their use, you will not be able to feel the taste of bitter and sweet, and you will perceive the salty and sour at the same level.
A prepared decoction based on bark and roots helps with hair loss, strengthens and stimulates their growth.
Seeds help tone digestion and have a sedative effect.
Use in cosmetology
Date is actively used for the preparation of cosmetic preparations. The result is especially noticeable when caring for facial skin and hair.
Helps to combat dandruff, hair loss and blockage of the sebaceous glands - a decoction of bark, roots and leaves. Which regenerates the hair follicle and thereby strengthens the hair.
Regular use of the decoction helps to grow baby hair faster.
An ointment made from fresh leaves and vegetable oil (1: 5 ratio) helps to get rid of:
- acne;
- abscesses;
- acne
- irritations on the face and other skin diseases.
To do this, the mixture is heated to 90 degrees. It is important to monitor the temperature and prevent overheating. Then insist two weeks. Store in the refrigerator and lubricate problem areas if necessary.
Cooked jujube
Although the fruits are reminiscent of dates, their taste qualities are quite specific and not to everyone's taste. Gourmets agreed that the tastiest thing is unabi, which were dried in the sun. It is very difficult to dry them in the oven, most often the fruits are overdried, although this does not affect the healing properties.
From a dry culture, flour is prepared, mixed with wheat, and used for baking. In the Oriental cuisine, pies, sauces and rice are added to the filling of pies. Wine is also made.
In China, for a properly cooked Peking duck, only unabi wood is added to the oven.
Jam, preserves and fruit syrups earned great popularity. Unabi retains all the useful qualities in them. That in the winter provides an opportunity not only to feast on a sweet preparation, but also to improve the body.
To make jam, you will need water (1 liter), sugar (850 g) and fruits (1100 g). To mix, mix sugar and water. Boil. Then place the berries and sweat for seven minutes. Cover and insist for half a day. Get seeds from the fruits and beat with a blender. Boil another five minutes. Then roll up.
If you have low blood pressure, then you can not use unabi in any form, and the bones are contraindicated during pregnancy.
Due to the part of the anesthetic substance, when chewing leaves, it becomes impossible to taste the sweet. After a few minutes, the side effect disappears.