The pharmaceutical agent Cycloferon refers to effective immunostimulants that help patients - usually as part of complex therapy - to fight serious diseases.
Instructions for the use of injections Cycloferon contains a basic description of the drug and the rules for its use.
Material Content:
- 1 Composition, release form and packaging
- 2 Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- 3 Why prescribe Cycloferon injections for adults and children
- 4 Antiviral treatment baseline
- 5 During pregnancy and lactation
- 6 Drug interaction
- 7 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 8 Analogs of Cycloferon in ampoules for injections
Composition, release form and packaging
The active component of the drug is meglumine acridone acetate (125 mg per 1 ml of solution), along with which water for injection is contained in ampoules.
The contents of the ampoules are yellow; in a cardboard package - 5 pieces, each 2 ml.
The solution is administered intramuscularly or intravenously.
Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Cycloferon is a representative of antiviral and immunostimulating agents. It is able to suppress the autoimmune reaction, eliminate inflammatory processes.
It activates stem cells, penetrates into soft tissues, including the brain, and induces the synthesis of interferons. Stops the reproduction of viruses, increases the body's defenses.
In blood, the maximum concentration reaches 2 hours after application. The active substance is excreted from the body within 24 hours by the kidneys.
Why prescribe Cycloferon injections for adults and children
Cycloferon is prescribed for the development of certain viral infections and the presence of the following pathologies:
- meningitis;
- herpes simplex virus;
- Lyme disease;
- viral hepatitis;
- secondary immunodeficiency conditions;
- autoimmune diseases;
- degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints;
- cytomegalovirus;
- chlamydia.
Antiviral treatment baseline
Cycloferon adults and children should be administered 1 time per day. The introduction of the drug can be daily, or can be carried out every other day - depending on the diagnosis.
The doctor determines the amount of the drug for a single injection, the time interval between injections and the duration of the treatment course. Children require a special approach - you can not assign them a dosage on their own.
The instructions say that daily administration of the solution is necessary for herpes virus, connective tissue diseases, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus. The course should last 10 days.
With hepatitis, HIV, meningitis, 2 ampoules of the drug are used at a time. The duration of treatment is 12-14 days, if necessary, repeat the course.
If we take the basic scheme as a basis, then the medicine must be administered on certain days: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29.
During pregnancy and lactation
The use of cycloferon for injection during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is contraindicated, since it has not been studied how the drug, affecting the woman’s body, will affect the baby.
Drug interaction
During the use of Cycloferon, the use of antiviral and antifungal agents, cytostatics, antibiotics is allowed.
Cycloferon injections can partially reduce side effects after chemotherapy, radiation exposure.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The medicine is not prescribed for cirrhosis of the liver and individual intolerance to the components.
Cycloferon injections for children under 4 years of age are contraindicated.
For patients with thyroid diseases, the use of Cycloferon is possible after consultation with a specialist and under his supervision.
Side effects are rare, but the likelihood of their occurrence cannot be completely ruled out.
They can appear in the form of:
- subfebrile temperature;
- allergic rash;
- symptoms that occur with the development of influenza (fever, muscle pain, headache);
- infiltrate, hematomas in the injection area.
Information about an overdose is not reflected in the instructions for the drug.
Analogs of Cycloferon in ampoules for injections
The following drugs have similar therapeutic properties:
- Galavit;
- Thymogen;
- Interferon
The active component of Galavit is sodium aminodihydrophthalazinedione (100 mg per vial). The drug has two actions: it helps to restore immunity and cope with inflammatory processes. Used intramuscularly.
The drug is prescribed for:
- weakening of the immune system, which is caused by various reasons, including a deficiency of vital substances in the body);
- skin lesions;
- hepatitis;
- herpes;
- oncological diseases (to support the body and slow down the growth of the tumor);
- mental disorder;
- infectious diseases of any localization.
Galavit is contraindicated in the following cases:
- the presence of individual intolerance to the solution component;
- during pregnancy;
- during breastfeeding.
The drug is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.
One of the advantages of Galavit is the relatively low likelihood of side effects. They can manifest as allergic reactions.
The specialist will select the necessary dosage and duration of treatment individually, based on the diagnosis.
The instructions indicate how many injections will be required for various diseases:
- With purulent skin lesions, 20 injections are recommended: the first 5 days - 1 injection per day, starting from the 6th day, the drug is administered 1 time in 2 days.
- To restore and maintain the immune system, 20 injections are necessary: 1 injection once every 3 days.
- In case of failures in the digestive tract with the development of intoxication, the number of injections will depend on the severity of the disease. For moderate lesions, an injection three times a day (between the injections of the drug, a time interval of 5 hours is observed). When the symptoms disappear, the course is continued, reducing the dosage to 2 injections per day (the solution is administered in the morning and evening). The same scheme can be used to combat infectious diseases of any localization.
- With herpesviral lesions, 1 injection per day is prescribed. The duration of therapy is 14 days, but in some cases the treatment is prolonged.
- In gynecological diseases, the drug is used for a week (1 injection every day), after which they take a short break and again carry out a similar treatment. How many days should the interval between courses last, the doctor will specify.
- Application for diseases of the prostate gland consists in the administration of a drug during the first 5 days (by injection per day). Then the dose is reduced to 1 injection in 4 days. The specialist will individually tell you how long the therapy will last.
Timogen is another drug that has a positive effect on the immune system. The active ingredient in the solution is alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan sodium. Use the drug intramuscularly.
The use of Timogen is possible in the following pathological conditions:
- viral hepatitis;
- severe atopic dermatitis;
- pneumonia;
- bronchitis;
- various lesions of the skin;
- complications after surgery;
- after chemotherapy, radiation therapy, prolonged treatment with antibiotics.
Thymogen is usually not prescribed for pregnant patients due to a lack of detailed information on how the drug can affect the fetus. In some cases, if treatment was nevertheless prescribed, the patient should be under the constant supervision of a specialist.
The medicine is not used to treat children under 6 months of age and for those patients who have intolerance to the constituent components.
In addition to allergic manifestations, other side effects have not been recorded.
For each patient, the desired dosage and treatment time are selected - they will depend on the diagnosis and age. The maximum duration of therapy is 10 days.
Interferon is used to eliminate the immunodeficiency state, treat viral diseases, as well as for preventive purposes, in order to prevent the weakening of the body's defenses.
The solution is prepared from lyophilisate, in its composition - alpha-interferon of natural origin.
Indications are:
- viral hepatitis;
- human papillomavirus;
- herpetic infection;
- consequences of chemotherapy, radiation exposure, antibiotic treatment;
- flu.
Interferon is contraindicated in patients suffering from:
- heart and vascular diseases;
- intestinal bleeding;
- serious thyroid pathologies;
- diseases of the kidneys, liver (including cirrhosis);
- disorders of the central nervous system;
- intolerance of composite components.
Breastfeeding and pregnancy are a separate moment, the appointment of the drug during these periods is possible, but special care and control of a specialist will be required.
Sometimes adverse reactions may occur:
- allergic rash;
- nausea;
- backache;
- dizziness;
- temperature rise;
- myalgia;
- heart rhythm disturbance, increased blood pressure;
- malfunctioning of the liver;
- anemia.
The specialist determines the doses and duration of the course individually, taking into account the condition and age of the patient.
As a prophylaxis of viral diseases, dry Interferon is diluted and instilled into the nose (for each nasal passage, 2 drops - up to 5 times a day). The preventive course usually lasts about 7 days.
Patients with cancer are recommended to administer Interferon intramuscularly.
The use of immunostimulating drugs makes it possible to quickly deal with viral infections and strengthen the body's defenses.