Mildronate, injections of which are prescribed for many patients, is a preparation of Latvian production. It is effective in the treatment of chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory and nervous systems, pathologies of the organs of vision. It accelerates the rehabilitation of patients with brain diseases, restores the central nervous system tone, and also reduces coordination disorders, normalizes motor reflexes. The medication normalizes the imbalance of somatic and autonomic processes in alcoholics, relieves withdrawal symptoms. The medicine adapts to extreme loads and quickly restores energy.

Release form, composition of the drug

Mildronate injection is a clear, colorless liquid in 500 mg / 5 ml ampoules. In a package of cardboard - two blisters of five ampoules.

The product is made in the format of syrup and capsules. The composition of the drug includes meldonium dihydrate and an auxiliary component of sterile water for injection.

Pharmacological properties

A medicine with the generic international name Meldonium blocks the production of carnitine, improves the metabolism and energy supply of cells, dilates blood vessels, and effectively saturates tissues with blood and oxygen in a state of hypoxia.

Mildronate is a synthesized analogue of gamma-butyrobetaine with a proven wide therapeutic effect.

  1. Antianginal effect prevents angina attacks.
  2. Cardioprotective effect improves the activity of the heart muscle.
  3. Antihypoxic property prevents oxygen starvation of cells.
  4. Angioprotective qualities strengthen the walls of blood vessels, optimize blood microcirculation.

Injections of the drug Mildronate are prescribed when the patient needs:

  • restore performance and increase endurance;
  • improve intellectual productivity;
  • relieve the symptoms of VVD, psychosomatic and physical overstrain;
  • improve the immunity of tissues and humoral fluids (blood and lymph);
  • protect the heart muscle.

Mildronate-cardioprotector activates the metabolism of damaged myocardium in an attack of acute ischemia:

  • inhibits necrotic processes;
  • shortens recovery period;
  • restores the cellular balance of oxygen metabolism;
  • provides transport of adenosine triphosphoric acid;
  • reduces the concentration of carnitine for enhanced synthesis of vasodilator gamma-butyrobetaine.

Heart failure rates after injections are improving markedly. The patient has the following clinical picture:

  • less frequent attacks of angina pectoris and anginal pain;
  • myocardial contractile activity normalizes, cardiac output increases;
  • load tolerance increases.

Due to the effect of Mildronate, the ischemic zone in acute pathological conditions of the brain becomes a priority, blood circulation increases in damaged areas.

Why are injections administered intramuscularly and intravenously?

Injections are preferred to tablets, given the disease and the severity of symptoms, the personal opinion of the doctor or patient. IV or IM injections are prescribed when maximum and rapid improvement of a person’s physical capabilities is expected. Then the treatment continues with Meldonium capsules.

When a quick effect is required, intravenous injections are carried out in a jet manner. If the immediate effect of the drug on the patient is not provided, the solution is injected into the vein infusion using a dropper. Intramuscularly, the drug is administered in the chronic course of the disease, when there are no acute conditions.

Instructions for use with Mildronate injection

To exclude excessive agitation and insomnia, Mildronate is administered shortly before bedtime. The drug is prescribed for input by the following methods: intramuscularly (i / m), intravenously (i / v) and parabulbar (to the lower eyelid region in the treatment of organs of vision).

The concentration of the substance in the plasma reaches a maximum within a few minutes after parenteral administration. The bioavailability of the drug is one hundred percent.

Dosage for various pathologies

The injection area, the intensity of the course, the volume of doses and the choice of complementary drugs are determined by the doctor, based on data on the patient's condition, taking into account the indications for the use of the drug and the expected goal.


1. Vascular and heart diseases:

  • iv injection in a jet of 5-10 ml once a day (or twice, 0.5 dose);
  • in / m 5 ml 1-2 p. / day.

The average course of treatment is about 14 days. Then, capsules are prescribed. The total duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks.

2. Violation of brain activity and blood circulation:

  • in acute conditions: iv injection of 5 ml of 1 r. / day. - 10 days, then capsules of 0.5-1 g; general course 4-6 weeks;
  • in chronic diseases: i / m or iv injection of 5 ml of 1 r. / day. 10 days, continued treatment orally 0.5 g; general course - 4-6 weeks.

A second course is carried out after consultation and a doctor’s recommendation two to three times a year.

3. Treatment of ocular pathologies: parabulbarno 0.5 ml - 10 days.

4. Elimination of the effect of overloads, increase in endurance threshold: i / m or iv 5 ml 1 r. / Day., 10-14 days. If necessary, repeat the course after 2-3 weeks.

5. Treatment of the consequences of chronic alcoholism: in / m or in / in 5 ml of 2 r. / Day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Sports application

The course of Meldonium accelerates metabolic processes. Exercise muscle tissue regenerates faster.

The drug gives a positive result in sports, but is especially effective for hardy athletes with aerobic exercise. It retains a cardiac tone, allows to achieve high results in an environment with insufficient oxygen concentration.

Bodybuilders value Mildronate as a means to nourish muscle. Strength training becomes more effective during the injection period. With high overloads in the body, the concentration of fatty acids - energy sources, decreases and the athlete quickly becomes tired. The drug expands the boundaries of physical capabilities. In addition, it does not allow harmful forms of unoxidized fatty acids to accumulate.

Mildronate has a wide range of effects. With sports loads, the valuable qualities of the drug are confirmed by:

  • performance leap;
  • acceleration of psychosomatic processes;
  • improving the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • resistance to stress during responsible competitions;
  • return to previous physical condition after sports injuries;
  • optimal glucose delivery to cells, providing them with the necessary energy;
  • enhancing metabolic processes and removing toxic decay products from the body;
  • increase in speed and coordination of movements.

Mildronate contributes to the rational consumption of energy and accumulates it in the body. It helps to reveal the athlete's potential capabilities in conditions of maximum stress, improves its effectiveness.

It is important to use the drug in sports in the right dosage. The optimal scheme: 1 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight - 1 r / day 30 minutes before the start of the workout.

Injection or capsule course: from 6 weeks to 3 months. Then the inevitable addiction to the drug begins, so they take a four-week break. The maximum daily oral norm is 2 grams. It is believed that injections of Mildronate intramuscularly are doubly more effective than tablets. To improve the quality of exposure, a useful combination with riboxin or L-carnitine is recommended.

In 2016, Mildronate was recognized as a doping drug. The fact of using the drug leads to disqualification of the athlete. The elimination half-life of meldonium and metabolites through the kidneys is about 5 hours. How much time is needed for the absolute exit of the substance from the tissues after completion of the course is not yet established.

Contraindications, side effects, overdose

Meldonium is not approved for use when the patient:

  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • internal tumors detected;
  • venous outflow is disturbed;
  • age has not reached the age of majority;
  • diagnosed excessive susceptibility to the components of the drug.

In renal and hepatic diseases, especially the chronic course, injections are carried out with caution.

It was found that the substance is able to penetrate the hematoplacental barrier. The safety of use in pregnancy is not officially confirmed. To absolutely eliminate the negative impact on the formation and vital activity of the fetus, injections are better to postpone.

There is no data on the ability of Meldonium to concentrate in breast milk. If there are indications for injection during lactation, you can not put the baby to the chest.

The manufacturer did not provide information about the undesirable effect of the drug on driving ability to adequately drive a car.

An overdose of the drug is diagnosed with the appearance of characteristic signs:

  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure in combination with a severe headache;
  • palpitations and sudden weakness.

Side negative effects are rare. There are manifestations of allergies (itching and redness of the skin, urticaria, angioedema), tachycardia, drops in blood pressure, increased nervous irritability. Extremely rarely observed changes in blood counts (increased levels of eosinophils) and general weakness.

Interaction with other medicines

The combination of Mildronate and other drugs has been established during special clinical trials.

It turned out that injections of the drug enhance the effect of cardiac glycosides, coronary-dilating drugs, and drugs for lowering blood pressure.

It is permissible to combine meldonium with drugs of the following pharmacological groups:

  • anticoagulants;
  • antiplatelet agents;
  • diuretics;
  • bronchodilators;
  • antianginal drugs;
  • antiarrhythmic drugs;
  • nitrates of prolonged action.

To control the decrease in blood pressure, nitroglycerin and antihypertensive drugs are used with caution.

Mildronate's analogs in injections

With varying degrees of success, solutions with the same therapeutic effect can replace Meldonium:

  • Midolate;
  • Cardionate;
  • Meldonium organic;
  • Idrinol

Mildronate injections are often prescribed by a neurologist, therapist or cardiologist. Injections are recommended to improve cardiac activity, increase stamina, strengthen the general tone. Patients feel better after the first course of use.

Whether a drug is needed or not - this decision requires the advice of a qualified professional. Only a doctor will determine how necessary a course of injection. You can only entrust the selection of the optimal treatment regimen to a professional.