This popular multivitamin is prescribed to every second patient. What does Kombilipen injections help from, is it not a simple waste of money - these questions are of interest to everyone who is prescribed a course of vitamins of group b. This publication is intended to answer these and other questions regarding “Combilipen”.
Material Content:
General description and composition of the drug
“Combilipen” refers to combination drugs and consists of 3 main substances that positively affect the central nervous system.
The main components are components:
- thiamine;
- cyanocobalamin;
- pyridoxine.
Thiamine is better known as vitamin B1. Of all the vitamins, it is this one that mostly affects the normal functioning of the nervous system. When B1 enters the body, it supplies the necessary amount of glucose to the nerve cells, it also helps in the correct conductivity of the impulses sent by the nerve endings. An insufficient amount of thiamine is fraught with the development of a severe and dangerous nervous ailment called Beriberi.
Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12 in the body plays an important role, it provides the production of many substances that ensure the efficiency of the peripheral and central nervous systems. The substance has the ability to accumulate in organs, and its insufficient amount leads to the development of anemia.
Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 is involved in many metabolic processes, without it, the circulation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body is impossible. Without pyridoxine, new red blood bodies are not created.
When used together, all of the described substances complement and enhance the effect of each other. Therefore, Kombilipen is so effective in the treatment of neuralgia.
There is also lidocaine in the Kombilipen solution, whose action is twofold:
- anesthetic effect;
- vasodilating effect, so that the active components are absorbed faster.
As auxiliary ingredients in the medicine, there are components due to which the preservation of vitamins in the preparation is possible, their best absorption by the body:
- water;
- sodium tripolyphosphate;
- potassium hexacyanoferrate;
- sodium hydroxide;
- benzyl alcohol.
Combilipen can be purchased in the following forms:
- ready-made composition for injections - 2 ml per ampoule (in a package of 5 or 10 pcs.);
- tablets for oral administration.
Most often, it is injections that are prescribed by doctors, since they act faster, vitamins are better absorbed by the body.
As a rule, when passing the course, the smell from the skin is felt, as from “Revita”.
What do Kombilipen injections help from?
This drug is applicable for the complex treatment of diseases of a neuralgic nature. And they can also recommend a remedy after previous illnesses as a prophylaxis.
Injections "Kombilipen" is prescribed for the following ailments:
- osteochondrosis;
- lichen;
- neuralgia;
- arthrosis;
- muscle cramps;
- neuritis;
- nerve palsy;
- pinched vertebral nerves;
- paresis.
“Combilipen” helps to combat the following manifestations of the disease:
- pain
- lowering blood formation;
- increased or decreased blood pressure (normalization);
- malfunction of the nervous system;
- violation of carbohydrate metabolism;
- increased blood levels of bad cholesterol and fats;
- decreased muscle tone;
- oxygen starvation;
- decreased immunity;
- reduction in myocardial contractions;
- deterioration in the synthesis of nutrients.
In addition, Kombilipen has a general strengthening effect on the body. Many people taking the drug noted an improvement in the condition of hair, nails and skin, a surge of strength.
Instructions for use
The tool belongs to a number of combined vitamin complexes, but it is still a very powerful drug, and it can not be used without a doctor’s prescription.
More often injections are prescribed, they have a stronger effect.
The minimum course is a week, the maximum is two:
- With a mild course of the disease and for the purposes of preventive measures, it can be prescribed by injection every other day for a week (3-4 pcs.). The volume of the drug administered is a whole ampoule of 2 ml.
- With a more serious illness, a five-day course is prescribed - an injection per day, then 2-3 injections per week (one every other day or two).
- In the most severe cases, it is recommended to put one injection daily for 10-14 days.
Injections are prescribed intramuscularly. Can be placed in the buttock or inner thigh. The agent in the injection zone remains for a long time, slowly and portionwise enters the bloodstream.
The tablets take a maximum of a month, and the doctor can prescribe from 1 to 3 pcs. in a day. It is recommended to consume pills on a full stomach.
It is impossible to use “Combibipen” in any form for longer than the prescribed course, this is fraught with the development of neuropathy.
The drug is not suitable for children due to the presence of benzyl alcohol in the composition.
During pregnancy and lactation
One injection contains 100 mg of B6, and this is a very high dose.
Vitamin in such a consistency has a negative effect on the fetus or a baby fed with breast milk in the form of:
- impaired mental development;
- pathologies of fetal development;
- growth retardation.
That is why expectant mothers and women during lactation are not allowed a multivitamin.
Drug interaction
“Combilipen” is not recommended for simultaneous administration with certain drugs. Some substances can adversely affect the absorption of vitamins, while others completely block their absorption.
The following medicines are not applicable in conjunction with Combilipen:
- The composition of which includes salts of heavy metals, tannin, mercury chloride, riboflavic and ascorbic acid, levodopa, copper.
- Means containing epinephrine and norepinephrine, since together with lidocaine they negatively affect the work of the heart.
- Other multivitamin preparations with vitamins B, overdose is possible.
In addition to all the prescribed, it must be remembered that the course of "Combiben" is completely incompatible with alcohol consumption, because all therapy is reduced to zero.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The instructions for use stipulate that the drug has some limitations for the purpose.
Not applicable "Combilipen" in cases:
- pregnancy
- lactation;
- children's age;
- heart and vascular diseases;
- individual intolerance by the body of the components of the drug.
Side effects are extremely rare when using injections.
In some cases, the following conditions are observed in patients:
- hives;
- blackheads;
- tachycardia;
- jumps in blood pressure;
- swelling
- headache or dizziness.
You can not take the drug more than the volume prescribed by the doctor, as this is fraught with an overdose, which is manifested by symptoms:
- allergies (characterized by skin rashes);
- beaten heart rate;
- dizziness
- nausea (when taking pills);
- excessive sweating.
If you suspect an overdose, it is necessary to discontinue the course of "Combiben". The patient is recommended to lie down, eat a fatty salty broth, drink a lot (soda is not allowed, only natural stewed fruit, juices, water, tea).
Analogues of Combibipen
Today in the pharmaceutical market you can find not only analogues of the drug, but also its synonyms.
Synonyms of "Combilipene" - drugs with the same active, but other excipients.
Not all of them are aimed at treating neuralgia, many of them are simple vitamin complexes that make up for the lack of substances in the body.
Synonyms that are prescribed for the treatment of neuralgia:
- "Trigamma";
- Vitagamma
- "Compligam."
Analogs - a product consisting of other or not all active substances, but with the same therapeutic effect.
Analogs of Kombilipen injections:
- "Citroflavin";
- “Binavit”;
- "Neurobion";
- "Vitaxon."
The use of analogues or synonyms must be agreed with the doctor, since the compositions with "Combilipen" vary.
If you follow the instructions, do not neglect contraindications, then from the drug you can get the maximum positive therapeutic effect. It is not recommended to be guided by personal knowledge about the medicine, and before applying it, you need to get professional advice.