Combilipene injections belong to a multivitamin preparation, which is used for neurological diseases, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, to fill the deficiency of B vitamins. Due to the high concentration of vitamins, the drug is not prescribed for the treatment of children, pregnant women, and also during lactation.

General description and composition of the drug

Instructions for use include Kombilipen to the vitamin complex and adaptogens. Against the background of its intake, the deficiency of vitamins of group b is eliminated, nerve cells are restored, the body tones up, and resistance to infectious diseases and adverse environmental effects increases. Most often, injections are used to treat neurology with damaged nerve endings.

Kombilipen consists of the following active ingredients:

  • 100 mg benfotiamine, which is a derivative of thiamine;
  • 100 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride;
  • 100 mg cyanocobalamin;
  • 20 mg lidocaine hydrochloride.

In addition to the active components, Combilipen for injection consists of alcohol, special water, and sodium.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Since this drug is a combined remedy, it not only positively affects the nervous system, but also completely on the body. The medication helps to restore damaged tissues against the background of a degenerative, inflammatory process, saturate organs with vitamins, and improve metabolism.Moreover, the active components enhance the action of each other, providing a more powerful effect for combating various pathologies.

  • B1 allows nerve cells to recover, improves the conductivity of glucose into the brain. The substance is an antioxidant, providing the necessary myocardial contractility;
  • B6 is used to normalize metabolic processes, hormonal synthesis, improve nerve conduction, normalize sleep, increase appetite, mood;
  • B12 is used to ensure normal blood formation, the metabolic process, the synthesis of amino acids, and hormonal production. The substance does not allow premature aging of the body, normalizes blood pressure;
  • lidocaine is an analgesic that provides a painless injection. In addition, with the help of this component, the digestibility of the vitamin complex is improved, and an anti-inflammatory effect is obtained.

Combilipen is prescribed to obtain the following therapeutic effects:

  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • improving metabolism;
  • removal of the inflammatory process of nerves;
  • relieving pain;
  • normalization of nerve conduction;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • protect the body from the negative effects of the environment.

Doctors prescribe injections of this drug for the treatment of neurology, considering it one of the most effective medications.

What are the injections of Combilipen prescribed for?

Combilipen helps in combination with other medicines to treat the following diseases with a neurological status and prevent their development:

  • convulsive syndrome;
  • neuritis
  • arthrosis;
  • nerve palsy;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pinched nerves;
  • paresis.

In addition, Combibipen injections are widely used to eliminate the following symptoms with its pronounced manifestation:

  • pain syndrome;
  • increase, decrease in blood pressure;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • hypoxia;
  • decrease in the immune system;
  • loss of appetite.

It is noted that after treatment with the presented remedy, the general condition of the patient, as well as the skin, nails, hair, improves, a surge of strength is noted.

Method of application, dosage for children and adults

Combilipen is administered intramuscularly, it can not be used without the strict prescription of a doctor, since the medication belongs to the category of potent drugs. With pronounced symptoms, an injectable form is prescribed. For mild pain, treatment with tablets is recommended.

Important! Injections are given only to adults, since the drug contains ethyl alcohol.

To eliminate mild symptoms, if the disease is not so severe, injections are administered three to four times a week, 1 ampoule. With a serious course of the disease, injections are given one ampoule every day. After feeling better, this is done every other day. Therapy of extreme cases is carried out daily for 2 weeks. Next, the use of tablets is prescribed to maintain the further state of the course for one month.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

As a result of a large concentration of the vitamin complex, the presence of ethyl alcohol, Combilipen is contraindicated in injections during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Active components easily penetrate the child’s body through breast milk, the placental barrier. The combined vitamin complex can lead to impaired mental development, slowing the growth of the child.

Interaction with other drugs

Since Combilipen is a complex tool that contains several active ingredients, the medicine must be carefully used with other medicines to avoid a negative reaction from the body. The combination with sulfites can lead to a decrease in the therapeutic effect of the vitamin complex.

Important! The simultaneous use of a medication with ascorbic acid is prohibited.

Simultaneous administration with penicillin antibiotics, iodine preparations, sulfonamides leads to an increased number, a more vivid manifestation of side effects. With copper, antiparkensonic agents, the vitamin complex loses its effectiveness. And also, you should not take any alcohol-containing medications in parallel with injections, since this combination negatively affects the nervous system, complicating the course of neurological diseases.

Contraindications, side effects, overdose

Kombilipen in injection form is distinguished by its concentration.

It is undesirable to apply in the following cases:

  • pregnant, lactating women;
  • heart failure patients;
  • for children;
  • in the presence of hypersensitivity to the vitamin complex.

Typically, patients tolerate injections well.

But, in exceptional cases, the manifestation is possible:

  • nausea
  • Dizziness
  • headache.

This situation does not require the abolition of injection drug treatment.

If the following symptoms appear, it is necessary to stop the injection or to reconsider the dosage of the drug:

  • skin rash;
  • heart palpitations;
  • heart failure;
  • itchy skin;
  • persistent nausea;
  • vomiting
  • tachycardia.

With prolonged treatment with a large dosage of Combilipen, signs of an overdose may occur, which are manifested by a brighter course of side effects. In this situation, the abolition of injections, the appointment of a treatment that relieves symptoms is required.

Analogues of the drug


In case of intolerance to the drug, analogues of Combilipen are selected. For this purpose, group B vitamins in injections are recommended.

Usually prescribed the use of the following medicines:

  • Trigamma, which has a composition similar to Kombilipen, but in a lower concentration. Injections are given for degenerative processes, inflammation of the musculoskeletal system. The drug restores the nervous system, improves the work of the cardiovascular system, muscle toning. It is usually used to treat neuralgia, neuritis, myalgia, shingles, herpes;
  • Compligam B. The drug is used in inflammatory, degenerative processes that occur in the central nervous system, to fill the deficiency of B vitamins, relieve pain. The medication is indicated for the treatment of neurology with polyneuritis, pain, lumbago, ischemia, decreased muscle tone, convulsive syndrome;
  • Vitagamma, which is used to normalize carbohydrate, protein, fat metabolism. Against the background of its use, motor activity and nerve sensitivity are normalized. Injections are an excellent antioxidant, improve the conductivity of nerve impulses, the synthesis of myelin;
  • Milgamma. This drug is an absolute analogue of Combilipen. Injections are used to eliminate pain caused by neurological diseases, produce hemoglobin, and improve carbohydrate metabolism. Against the background of treatment with this drug, hematopoiesis is corrected, the relationship of the central, peripheral nervous system.

The selection of analogues should be carried out by the attending physician taking into account the patient's condition, his age, type of disease and its degree, the presence of side effects.

Combibipin injections are widely used to treat many neurological diseases. But, against the background of a high concentration of active components in ampoules, the drug is prohibited during pregnancy, in childhood.