Making fertilizer from a banana peel for indoor plants or seedlings is very simple. Few people know that its use gives noticeable positive results.

What is useful banana peel fertilizer for plants

The peel of these tropical fruits makes up more than 40% of the mass of the banana itself. Everyone knows that it is in the skin of many fruits, both fruits and vegetables, that a considerable amount of useful elements are concentrated. The banana peel contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and other nutrients that strengthen the roots of domestic and garden plants, contribute to their active growth, abundant flowering and prolonged fruiting.

Magnesium is very useful for indoor flowers, which experience a constant lack of light, as it promotes photosynthesis.

The main rule: before eating fruits must be washed with hot water to remove chemicals on the surface of the skin, which they are processed for better preservation. These substances penetrate inside the peel, but on top of them there are especially many. On plantations, they are sprayed with chemistry dozens of times a year, so you need to take this seriously.

What indoor plants such a fertilizer is not suitable

Begonias, cyclamens, violets, ferns, all kinds of roses and ficuses respond especially well to top dressing with banana. 7-8 days after the start of the "banana" top dressing, these plants become stronger and healthier. The rest of the plants must be monitored by checking their reaction.

Garden crops are also not all positive about this type of fertilizer. Cabbage, root vegetables and greens react poorly to such top dressing. But tomatoes, eggplant and sunflower after fertilizing with banana waste grow well.

How to make fertilizer without drying

The easiest way to consume is to cut the skin into small pieces with a knife and drip it. This fertilizer completely disappears in 1.5 weeks, since bacteria eat it, and the plant becomes stronger, gives green foliage. The main thing is to bury the skins deeper. If they remain above, the process of decay and the spread of an unpleasant odor will begin.

For this reason, it is problematic to use such top dressing for indoor plants, so many use other methods.

It is very easy to make fertilizer by roasting in the oven.

The procedure looks like this:

  1. Put banana waste on the foil-coated form, yellow side down so that they do not stick.
  2. Put the form in the oven (to minimize costs, it is best to do this when something is being prepared in it at that time).
  3. Cool the fried product.
  4. Grind into powder, transfer to a tight bag or glass jar and store in a dry and dark place.

This fertilizer is very convenient to add to flowerpots for 1 tbsp. l for every plant.

Sometimes it is recommended to cut the waste into pieces and freeze, consuming as necessary.

Banana peel water extract

You can also make an infusion on the peel. Three skins are taken on a three-liter jar and poured to the top with water. After 2 days, the concentrated infusion is ready. It is filtered, diluted with water in equal proportions and watered plants that need feeding. Banana skins for infusion can be used repeatedly.

To make the infusion even more useful, a handful of onion husks and dry nettles are added to the skins.

In urgent cases, it is recommended to use a banana shake. For its preparation, one skin is ground in a blender with 200 ml of water until smooth. 2 tsp are used per plant. fertilizers.

Dried fertilizer

It is convenient to harvest fertilizer by drying in winter. It is best to dry the raw materials naturally, not in the oven or microwave. For preparation in this way, it is desirable to select only intact skins of yellow or greenish color without dark spots and rot.

For long cold months, it is recommended to dry the banana skins, after cutting them into small pieces, and with the onset of heat, grind in a coffee grinder. During the planting of tomatoes, 1 tsp is recommended to be added to each well. crushed dry raw materials. The result will be noticeable to everyone: the fruits will be sweet and juicy.

Properly dried raw material acquires a brown-black color and becomes brittle, breaks when pressed.

You can also prepare fertilizer in another way: banana waste is dried on a battery and put in paper bags. When growing seedlings, such fertilizer is always placed at the bottom of cups or pots.

Banana Skins Compost

The peel of these tropical fruits makes excellent compost. It is enough to mix the collected raw materials with the ground, pour in the special Baikal preparation and mix well. After a month, repeat all the actions again. If possible, it is advisable to launch earthworms into the earth. The result is a loose and nutritious compost that many plants and flowers need so much.

With the addition of eggshell

Even more useful will be fertilizer made from banana peels and eggshells.


  • skins - 4 pcs.;
  • crushed shell - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • magnesia powder - 20 g;
  • water - 4.5 tbsp.

Pour crushed dried skins and shells with water and add magnesia. Stir until completely dissolved. After insisting, strain the solution and pour into a spray bottle. This spray is sprayed on the leaves and soil 1 time in 7 days.The product can not be used if sunlight enters the plant.

All fertilizer using banana skins is a good way to get rid of aphids. These pests do not tolerate large amounts of potassium in the soil, and it is with this substance that these tropical fruits are especially rich.

The peel is still used to cleanse the leaves of plants, wiping them with the white side of the skin. It removes dirt, returns natural shine and rich color.

Banana peel as a fertilizer is a cheap, affordable and effective tool. Therefore, do not throw waste from bananas in the bin, you can get a lot of benefit from them.