Homeopathic medicines are gaining more and more popularity every year as effective and safe remedies. Despite the ambiguous attitude of doctors towards such medicines, many patients prefer natural medicines rather than synthetic drugs approved by official medicine. One of the most popular drugs is the ubichinon compositum solution. It has a multicomponent composition and a wide spectrum of action.
Material Content:
Release forms and composition
Ubiquinone compositum is a complex homeopathic medicine, available in the form of a solution. It is intended for injection, but oral administration is often practiced. The composition of the drug is incomprehensible to an ordinary person, since the Latin names of complex compounds used in homeopathy are presented in the instructions.
Among the components: Acidum acetylsalicylicum, Coenzym A, Ubidecarenonum, Magnesium gluconicum, Ubichinonum and other substances of plant and animal origin. In general, the composition includes more than 20 kinds of natural remedies in equal proportions that have a complex effect on the body. In addition to the active substances, each ampoule contains sodium chloride and water for injection as binding and forming components.
A homeopathic remedy is available in ampoules of 2.2 ml each, in packs of 5 and 100 ampoules. The medicine is prescription. You can buy it in both conventional and homeopathic pharmacies.
Pharmacological action and indications for use
The tool has a broad therapeutic effect. The range of tasks includes:
- activation of the enzyme systems of the body;
- improved cellular respiration;
- stimulation of immunity;
- antioxidant protection;
- detoxification;
- improved metabolism.
The homeopathic medicine also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the stimulation of immune processes, the solution improves the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria, so it can be used as part of complex therapy of various diseases, including infectious ones.
Interesting! Due to the stimulation of cellular respiration, the solution positively affects the condition of the skin, preventing premature aging.
The antioxidant effect of the drug is manifested by inhibition of degenerative processes in cells and organs, due to which the drug is effective in osteochondrosis and other diseases associated with thinning of cartilage.
Indications for use of the product:
- infectious diseases;
- cachexia;
- atherosclerosis of blood vessels;
- metabolic disorders;
- intoxication of the body;
- calculi in the kidneys, gall bladder;
- gouty arthritis;
- nutrient deficiency;
- hypoxia;
- stressful conditions.
It is advisable to take the tool as part of the complex therapy of atherosclerosis, gout and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders.
In infectious diseases, the drug acts in two directions at once - it stimulates the immune system to fight infection and has a detoxifying effect, freeing the body of toxins formed during fever and severe inflammatory processes.
Since the tool improves cellular respiration, it is advisable to take it with hypoxia, migraine, neurological diseases, including neuralgia and myalgia. Homeopathic medicine has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, helps fight stress, improves sleep quality.
Instructions for use Ubiquinone compositum
The solution is used for injections. Injections can be done subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Homeopaths recommend injections at acupuncture points. Injections of the Ubiquinone compositum should be done every three days. The average course of treatment is from 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the indications.
The standard ampoule is designed for one injection to an adult or child over 12 years old. However, the drug is allowed for use by children over 6 years old, but in this case the recommended dosage is 1.5 ml of solution.
The drug should be injected, but in some cases, oral administration is possible, for example, if the person does not tolerate injections or there are problems with blood coagulation. Homeopaths suggest taking the solution by mixing it with a small amount of water. The effectiveness of the drug when taken orally is reduced.
The use of the drug in cosmetology
Homeopathic solutions are often used in cosmetology. Ubiquinone compositum is widely used as an anti-aging agent that helps in the fight against premature aging. There are two ways to use the drug - enrich the cream with a solution or make injections.
In the first case, you need to mix your favorite face cream with the ampoule of the drug. It is important to choose only natural creams with a safe composition, otherwise chemistry in a cosmetic product may worsen the effect of a homeopathic preparation.
The most effective method of using homeopathy in cosmetology is mesotherapy. In other words, the drug is simply injected under the skin with an ordinary syringe with a thin needle. You can do injections yourself. If difficulties arise, it is better to consult a beautician.
Each woman determines the duration of such therapy herself, but in general it is recommended to give injections weekly for a month. You can start the course again in six months.
Alcohol compatibility
The official instructions do not say about the compatibility of the drug with alcohol, but homeopaths recommend giving up alcohol during the treatment. The fact is that the Ubiquinone compositum removes toxins, while alcohol intake contributes to their accumulation. In other words, drinking just negates the therapeutic effects of homeopathy. Given that this drug acts cumulatively, it becomes clear that it is better to refuse alcohol.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The only contraindication is the individual intolerance of one or more components of the composition. Allergy sufferers are advised to consult a doctor first. In other cases, an individual sensitivity test should be performed before starting a course of injections.
The drug is well tolerated by the body, side effects are possible only in case of an allergic reaction and are manifested by a rash and itching of the skin. As a rule, no negative reactions are observed at the injection site, but people with sensitive skin may experience a slight burning sensation after an injection, which disappears after a few minutes.
An overdose of a homeopathic remedy is excluded. The drug is not forbidden to use during pregnancy and lactation, but you must first consult with your doctor.
Analogs Ubiquinone compositum
Complete analogues of the drug can not be selected, since the Ubiquinone compositum is the only medicine with such a wide composition. You can pay attention to the Russian drug Edas-111, which contains some components of the composition of the drug Ubiquinone compositum and has the same indications. Another drug with a similar mechanism of action is Actovegin.
Before you start taking homeopathy, you should consult your doctor. It is important to remember that homeopathic remedies must be used in addition to drug therapy, but not to replace it.