Yarrow flowering begins in May and ends in September, offering mankind many benefits, allowing you to use almost all of its parts - stems, baskets and foliage. But most of all about the yarrow, its beneficial properties and contraindications are known to the military, since the plant has a pronounced hemostatic effect.
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The benefits and main indications for the use of yarrow
The yarrow's beneficial properties extend to many health problems, but it is especially famous for its ability to stop any bleeding.
Good grass also:
- increased blood coagulation, which helps the faster healing of wounds;
- antimicrobial action is used to get rid of bacterial infections;
- the ability of carotene to transform into vitamin A improves vision and positively affects the growth and condition of hair with nails;
- Vitamin C in the composition of the grass "is engaged in" strengthening immunity;
- the plant has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, which allows it to be used for burns and some skin diseases;
- the medicinal properties of yarrow herb also extend to an increase in the amount of milk during lactation;
- due to the diaphoretic action, the plant is indicated for normalizing body temperature in febrile conditions;
- the stomach and the entire digestive system also receive a lot of positive from taking yarrow, especially with diseases such as gastritis and colitis.And the active components in the composition of the herb have a stimulating effect on intestinal motility, also preventing diarrhea, if necessary. If you have a poor appetite, then it will help to solve this problem;
- the plant is known as an effective diuretic;
- allergy is also “within the power” of this herb;
- regular use of yarrow normalizes blood pressure;
- liver activity improves and excess bile is excreted.
If you need to get rid of extra pounds, then the plant will help in this due to the acceleration of metabolism.
Yarrow is also used in veterinary medicine as a remedy against worms, diseases of the stomach and intestines.
For women
Many women experience severe pain and heavy discharge during monthly bleeding. A prepared decoction of the herb will greatly alleviate these symptoms.
Another yarrow effectively solves the problem of lactation. And heals such diseases of the urinary tract as cystitis and pyelonephritis, and also removes stones and sand.
For men
For men, the plant is indicated for problems in the genital area, restoring potency, which is explained by a positive effect on the nervous system.
Also, the herb has a beneficial effect on the production of testosterone in the body of a man, which is again useful for sexual life.
For those who work in heavy production or with excessive intellectual stress, the plant is also shown, quickly restoring the body.
Regular use of the decoction will have a preventive effect against the development of diseases of the genitourinary tract, gastrointestinal tract and CVS.
During pregnancy
Pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, are strictly forbidden to take this plant in any form. The reason is the provocation of a miscarriage due to a significant increase in the contractility of the uterus.
Important: with the permission of the doctor, it is possible to use tinctures immediately before the start of labor to reduce pain and stop heavy blood loss.
And in general, the plant at any stage of pregnancy can adversely affect its course, causing premature birth or pathology in the newborn.
In cosmetology
Even in the era of ancient times, women knew about the positive effect of yarrow on appearance. And for this, both flowers and stems are suitable - both dry and fresh. And the juice also proved to be excellent in this direction, removing minor inflammation on the skin and as a care product for the epithelium.
A decoction of grass with regular use is able to relieve dry skin, filling them with health and beauty.
Important: too sensitive skin will require a cautious attitude, which is especially true for tinctures.
Starting to use the plant, you will get rid of peeling, blackheads and dandruff. And quickly heal existing wounds on the skin and cracks.
Hair problems are also treated with broth, filling them with shine and strength, for which it is enough to simply rinse them systematically after washing your hair.
Yarrow - general characteristics
The healing properties of yarrow are due to its composition with the presence of many elements that act differently on the human body.
Chemical composition
Yarrow contains:
- Hamazulen and esters.
- Camphor with thujone and achillein, borneol and cineol.
- Glycosides in the form of apigenin and luteolin.
- Tannins and resins.
- Amino acids and organic.
- Carotene and Vitamin K.
- Ascorbic and bitter substances.
The foliage of the plant contains poisonous elements (thujone and achillein), which can cause intoxication in large volumes.
Collection and Harvesting
The best time to collect grass is the beginning of June, cutting off the tops to 15 cm, and without touching more than 3 leaves. To do this, use a knife or secateurs.
Leaves to collect before flowering - at the peak of their development, cutting off at the base of the stem.
For the collection of flowers, the optimal period is June-August during the flowering period of the plant.They are cut off with shields, not exceeding a length of 4 cm. Before leaving them for drying, it is necessary to free from the receptacle and wrappers.
Important: if everything is done correctly and accurately, then the yarrow will recover itself, which will allow harvesting raw materials for 5 years in a row from one place.
For drying, grass with foliage needs to be bundled, hung in a room that is well ventilated and where there is a roof.
To prepare flowers, you need to prepare paper or spacing, spreading them evenly and leaving them in the heat. If you chose an oven for these purposes, then the temperature should be within 50 degrees.
Yarrow-based treatment fees and folk recipes
Yarrow can be prepared for therapeutic and prophylactic use in various ways - broth, tincture or infusion. It is recommended to mix it with other plants, such as a string or chamomile.
Decoction of the plant is indicated for douching and enemas, if you are tormented by the problems of the genitourinary sphere and constipation.
To get the maximum benefit, you need to correctly brew the grass:
- 2 large spoons of dry composition to fill with water (room temperature) and leave alone for several hours;
- pour into a bowl of water and boil for half an hour;
- strain and add water to the original volume (1 cup).
Taking a bath with the addition of such a decoction will help your body get rid of many gynecological and skin diseases.
The infusion is prepared almost as well, just do not need to boil, but only pour boiling water and let it brew until the composition cools completely.
To prepare a tincture, useful for the digestive system, lungs, for the speedy healing of wounds and eliminate blood loss, it will be necessary to pour dry or fresh grass in the ratio 5/1, respectively, with an alcohol composition. Take from 35 to 45 drops up to 3 times a day or apply a bandage moistened with the finished composition to a sore spot.
To get rid of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to drink tea, brewing 2 large tablespoons of the leaves of the plant in 1 liter of boiled water.
In the pharmacy you can buy yarrow extract, taking it three times a day for 5-7 drops, diluting with water. The composition is considered an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic. Another extract is effective for liver ailments with gall bladder and helminthic invasion, as well as neurasthenia and insomnia.
Read also:medicinal properties of the herb St. John's wort
Various herbs combined with yarrow
The practice of combining various herbs with yarrow, for example, with chamomile, is quite common in folk medicine, which will relieve acne.
From cholecystitis and liver ailments, a drink brewed in 1 liter of boiling water helps 1 large spoon of hypericum with yarrow.
The grass of the plant, together with nettles, taken in equal amounts (1 tbsp), and drenched in half a liter of boiling water, infused for 3 hours, are useful for menstruation if they are painful. Drink 4 times a day, 100 ml 7 days before the onset of menstruation and in the first days.
Celandine and yarrow are mixed from diseases of the inflammatory nature of the bladder and kidneys.
In case of malignant formations of the bladder or kidneys, the last composition is added with a tenacious bedroot, fireweed (flowers) and dried marshmallow. Such a composition will slow the development of the disease.
From gastritis, gastrointestinal spasms and various diseases of an inflammatory nature, mint with yarrow helps.
Trophic disorders due to a stomach ulcer with a duodenum are treated with a compound with calendula. Still similar diseases help to heal plantain, chamomile, St. John's wort and yarrow.
Read also: medicinal properties of the herb St. John's wort
Contraindications and special instructions for use
Any dosage form of this plant is able to have some toxic effect, which does not allow taking medications based on it without the advice and advice of a doctor.
Not shown and long-term use, as well as excess dosage for the same reason.
Yarrow has contraindications for use:
- Age to 6 years.
- Pregnancy.
- Individual intolerance to the components in the composition.
- And severe hypotension (low blood pressure).
If there is a tendency to thrombosis and increased secretion of the gastric glands, then eating the plant is also not recommended.
If medical recommendations are not followed and the dose is exceeded or the medication from the yarrow is too long, side effects may appear in the form of a skin rash and dizziness. And this is the reason for the immediate cessation of the use of medicines with yarrow, so be careful and responsible. Health to you and your loved ones!