Bright sunny pumpkin soup will be a welcome guest on the dining table at any time of the year. In winter, it can be easily cooked on the basis of a frozen vegetable. All sorts of additional ingredients will make the treat even more delicious.

Classic Pumpkin Puree Soup

Ingredients: a pound of vegetable without peel and seeds, large carrots, onion head, a couple of garlic cloves, salt, water.

  1. All vegetables are randomly chopped and fried in hot oil in a saucepan. It is best to use an olive component for this purpose.
  2. Next, the resulting mass is filled with water. There should be enough liquid so that its amount is a couple of centimeters higher than vegetables. The mass is boiled until all the components are soft.
  3. The ingredients are salted to taste, chopped garlic is added to them.
  4. It remains to mashed the mass.

When serving, fat cream is added in portions.

With chicken

Ingredients: 2 any parts of chicken carcass for the broth (for example, wing and leg), onion, 320 g pumpkin pulp, carrots, red bell pepper, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. Chicken with a whole onion is cooked until tender. You can add laurel and any other flavoring ingredients to the broth.
  2. The remaining vegetables are cut into small cubes, placed in a pan, watered with water and stewed until soft.
  3. The resulting vegetable fry is transferred to the pan and gradually poured with broth. You need to immediately puree the vegetables and then choose the desired consistency of the soup, adding warm liquid.
  4. After adding salt and aromatic herbs, the food is brought to a boil and removed from the heat.

It is delicious to eat with fat sour cream or unsweetened yogurt.

Delicate cream soup with cream

Ingredients: 420 g pumpkin, carrot, 120 ml medium-fat cream, onion, a slice of butter, a couple of sprigs of fresh thyme, garlic to taste, salt.

  1. Onions and garlic are finely chopped, and then fried in butter. It is best to do it immediately in a saucepan.
  2. Thin circles of carrots are added to the already gilt onion. Cooking continues for several more minutes.
  3. The pulp of a pumpkin is randomly chopped and sent to the onion-carrot fry. A little water spills from above. It should only cover vegetables.
  4. Salt and spices are added. The basis for the soup is boiled until soft pumpkin.
  5. It remains to turn the mass into smooth mashed potatoes. Only after that cream is added.

Before serving, pumpkin cream soup with cream is once again brought to a boil.

With potatoes

Ingredients: 4-5 potato tubers, 330 g pumpkin, 2 pcs. onions and carrots, 2 liters of water or vegetable broth, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, salt, granulated garlic.

  1. Potatoes are boiled in water or broth (salted) until soft.
  2. While you need to do the rest of the vegetables. Pieces of onions, pumpkins and carrots are stewed in a pan. You can immediately sprinkle the mass with salt and garlic.
  3. Fried vegetables are transferred to the already softened potatoes.
  4. When all the ingredients of the future soup become soft, they can be mashed.
  5. It remains to add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the treat and boil again.

Served with finely chopped greens.

How to cook in a slow cooker?

Ingredients: 430 g of fresh pumpkin, onion, 330 ml of medium-fat cream, salt, carrot.

  1. First, large peeled pieces of pumpkin are laid out in a bowl, poured with a small amount of water and boiled in soup mode for 20-25 minutes. The vegetable should soften well. Then it is transferred to a separate dish.
  2. Shredded carrots and onions are laid out in a clean container of the device. Vegetables in oil are fried in a suitable mode.
  3. The ingredients from the first and second steps are combined, mashed and poured into a “smart pan”.
  4. The mass is diluted with cream to the desired consistency. After adding salt, it is brought to a boil in the "Soup" program.

Soup can be served immediately to the table.

With cheese

Ingredients: 650-690 g pumpkin, carrot, large ripe tomato, a couple of stalks of celery, 2 cream cheese, a couple of potatoes, salt, Italian herbs.

  1. Sliced ​​potatoes are boiled in salt water until tender.
  2. The cubes of carrots with finely chopped pumpkin are fried until soft. Next, tomato slices and chopped celery are added to these components. Together, the ingredients are stewed for 12-14 minutes, after which they are transferred to the potatoes.
  3. When the potatoes become soft, you can mashed the mass, add cheese to it and wait until its slices are completely dissolved.

Soup deliciously served with homemade garlic crackers.

Pumpkin and milk puree soup

Ingredients: 430 g pumpkin, carrot, a glass of fat milk, onion, salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. Onions with carrots are fried in a saucepan. It is best to cook them in olive oil.
  2. Pieces of pumpkin are added to the mass, a little hot water is added, and the components simmer under the lid until the next vegetable is soft.
  3. Next, milk is poured into the stewpan. When stirring, it is brought to a boil.
  4. The mass is mashed, salted, and pepper. It must again be brought to a boil.

Perfectly complemented with grated parmesan. The more you take it, the tastier the soup will turn out.

With ginger

Ingredients: 2 small onions, 750-790 g of pumpkin, 2 carrots, a pair of garlic cloves, a glass of medium-fat cream, a ginger root 4-5 cm long, salt, aromatic herbs. How to cook pumpkin soup with ginger is described below.

  1. Onions, pumpkin, carrots and garlic are chopped in arbitrary pieces. Together, all vegetables are poured into a stewpan, watered with any vegetable oil and thoroughly fried for 12-14 minutes.
  2. Ginger is peeled and cut into thin slices. With it, the soup will turn out spicy, so the amount of this ingredient should be adjusted to your liking.
  3. The prepared root is added to the fried vegetables. A liter of boiling water is poured on top.The mass is boiled until all the ingredients are soft. Instead, you can even take vegetable or meat broth instead of water.
  4. The finished soup is mashed, cream is poured into it, salt and herbs are added.

Served with croutons of Borodino bread.

With apples

Ingredients: 300-350 g of fresh pumpkin, 2 small potatoes, 2 sweet and sour apples, onions, a pinch of curry, sweet paprika, dried garlic, salt, 750-800 ml of filtered water.

  1. In a stewpan, onion cubes are first fried. As soon as a golden edge appears on the pieces, pieces of pumpkin are added to the container.
  2. When all the ingredients are softened, you can pour pieces of garlic and one apple into the stewpan.
  3. Then, for another 5-6 minutes, the mass is fried already with the potato bars. After that, salt and all the seasonings listed are added.
  4. Boiling water is poured into the stewpan. Under the lid, the base of the soup is cooked until the potatoes are soft.
  5. Softened components are mashed with a blender. It remains once again to bring the soup to a boil and try.

The remaining apple is cut into cubes, sprinkled with any sharp seasonings and fried in hot oil. Slices of fruit are laid out on plates and sprinkled with soup.

Recipe for children

Ingredients: 270 g pumpkin, potato, carrot, a glass of filtered water, a handful of peeled pumpkin seeds, a pinch of salt, a small spoon of olive oil.

  1. All vegetables are washed, peeled and arbitrarily cut. It is best to grind them as much as possible to speed up the cooking process.
  2. When the vegetables soften, along with water they need to be turned into a liquidy mashed potatoes.
  3. Already in the finished soup is added oil.

Served with pumpkin seeds fried in a dry pan.

With bacon

Ingredients: a pound of pumpkin pulp, a liter of filtered water, a glass of fat cream, 70 g of bacon, a handful of walnuts, a teaspoon of sugar, a slice of butter, salt, a pinch of ground chili and hazel.

  1. Pumpkin is cut into tiny pieces, after which it is poured with a small amount of water and brought to a boil. Then the fire is reduced to a minimum, and the vegetable is boiled for about half an hour until softened.
  2. In the process, spices and salt are added to the soup base. At the very end of cooking the pumpkin, cream flows into it.
  3. Sugar nuts are fried in butter in a skillet. And in the second container - thin strips of bacon.
  4. Ready soup is crushed to a puree state.

Served portioned with nuts and slices of bacon.

In English

Ingredients: 16 fresh sage leaves, 2 kg of pumpkin, 2 l of chicken broth, 2 red onions, carrots, sprigs of rosemary and celery stalks, chili pepper, sea salt.

  1. Sage leaves are fried in oil for half a minute. They should become crispy.
  2. The remaining oil is fried onions, celery, carrots, rosemary and chili.
  3. Pumpkin cubes in a pan are filled with broth and boiled until soft. After 10 minutes, the contents of the pan are added to them.
  4. Ready soup is mashed, salted.

Served with crispy sage.

Shrimp Pumpkin Soup

Ingredients: a kilo of pumpkin, onion, a liter of filtered water, 300-350 g of shrimp, dried garlic, curry and nutmeg, carrot, 130 ml of low-fat cream, salt.

  1. First, chopped onions and carrots are passaged together.
  2. Then the vegetables are cooked for a couple of minutes already with pumpkin cubes.
  3. The contents of the pan are transferred to the pan and filled with water.
  4. Soft vegetables with mashed broth. Cream is poured into them, all the recommended seasonings and salt are added.
  5. Shrimp without shells are fried over medium heat until cooked.


Soup is poured on bowls and complemented by seafood.