Pumpkin with honey - products with healing properties. If used together, the beneficial effect on the body will only increase, and disease prevention will be more effective.
Material Content:
Chemical composition and calorie content
Pumpkin is a unique, the largest berry in the world, with a large number of nutrients. Tasty, inexpensive, it can be bought almost all year round.
- When eaten, the orange fruit saturates the body with vitamins A, B, C, E, K.
- Pumpkin contains sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, copper, fluorine, iodine and phosphorus, various organic acids, pectins, carbohydrates, fiber and proteins.
- In 100 g of crude product, about 25 kcal. But after heat treatment, this indicator increases to 37 kcal for boiled pumpkin and to 46 for baked pumpkin. The stewed berry has the highest calorie content - more than 150 kcal per 100 g of the finished dish.
About 75% of the chemical composition of honey is carbohydrates. It also contains various vitamins, sugars, acids, numerous minerals and enzymes. The structure of honey depends on the characteristics of the area where the bees live (soil, climate) and the type of plant from which nectar is collected. Calories 100 g of light honey - a little more than 300 kcal. Dark types of the product are more nutritious and contain more than 400 kcal.
Useful properties of pumpkin with honey
Both products are used in cosmetology, traditional medicine and cooking.
Substances in the composition of pumpkins are useful for the human body:
- Vitamin A improves vision, improves immunity;
- plant fibers stabilize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, destroy the pathogenic microflora in the intestines, improve the digestive tract;
- tocopherol increases vascular elasticity and fights inflammation;
- Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect, reduces the growth of tumors;
- pectin substances destroy toxins, salts of heavy metals;
- B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system, turn adipose tissue into energy, help in the fight against anemia, lower cholesterol and the risk of bleeding;
- simple carbohydrates increase the tone of the body, give cells fast food.
Honey is a natural product with healing properties.
Is he:
- Helps restore cell structure and prevent cell death
- fights pathogens, improves the digestive system;
- increases the body's defenses.
With honey, you can treat inflammation and burns on the skin, and honey masks for the face and hair help maintain beauty and a healthy appearance.
What diseases will help to cope with such a set of products
In combination with pumpkin honey:
- produces a laxative effect and a general strengthening effect;
- helps to cope with infectious diseases, colds;
- improves digestion.
Pumpkin with honey is used in the treatment of hepatitis (A-type), with heart and kidney diseases. These products prevent the development of diseases of the liver and biliary tract, stabilize the respiratory and excretory systems.
Pumpkin seeds with honey from prostatitis are also used. To prepare a healthy mixture, 250 g of raw peeled seeds need to be crushed and 200 g of honey added to them. Take a teaspoon of the medicine every day before bedtime. To maintain male health and the prevention of prostatitis, a course of treatment is carried out. To do this, such an amount of pumpkin mixture with honey is done twice.
Eating pumpkin seeds is also beneficial for women. During the period of extinction of ovarian function, they will help get rid of mood swings and hot flashes, protect against headache and depression.
Read also:candied pumpkin
Pumpkin with honey for liver treatment
The liver is an important human organ.
- produces bile;
- cleanses the body of toxins;
- neutralizes and removes excess hormones, vitamins, decay products;
- participates in the synthesis of substances at the cellular level.
To help the liver cope with vital functions for humans and restore its function, honey with pumpkin can. This method of cleansing the body will be safe and gentle. It can be carried out due to the fact that pumpkin has laxative, bile and diuretic properties, and honey is able to restore cell membranes and protect them from death.
Raw liver pumpkin is used to cleanse the liver.
- Take a clean, ripe small fruit.
- The top is cut off in it, the seeds are removed through the hole obtained.
- Then, honey is poured into the pumpkin, filling it halfway.
- Mix flour with water and tightly cover the hole obtained with the dough. The fruit is harvested in a cool dark place for 10 days. Then they take it out and pour the resulting pumpkin-honey pulp into a glass container.
Take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of liver treatment with pumpkin and honey is exactly three weeks. Then you need to take a break. A pause depends on the general well-being of a person, the presence of chronic diseases, the current state of health, but is at least 1 - 2 weeks.
Cooking methods
It is also useful to eat pumpkin after heat treatment. It can be boiled, baked, used as a filling for pies, made various pancakes, cutlets, jelly, added to salads, soups. For the therapeutic effect, honey is not heated above + 60 ° C before use - at high temperatures it loses its beneficial properties and can in some cases even cause harm to health.
Pumpkin in honey sauce is recommended for diet food.
For cooking you will need:
- 200 g pumpkin;
- a spoon of honey;
- half of Art. tablespoons of vegetable oil.
How to cook:
- Vegetables are washed, cleaned and seeds removed.The pulp is cut into small pieces.
- Combine honey with vegetable oil and mix until smooth.
- Dip the pumpkin in the resulting mixture.
- Place the berry slices in honey sauce in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 35 minutes.
Pumpkin porridge with honey is a universal dish. It is suitable even for baby food, but for kids it is cooked in water and honey is not added.
You will need:
- 500 g pumpkin;
- 1 apple
- 700 ml of milk;
- a quarter cup of cereal (rice, corn or millet);
- a slice of butter.
How to cook:
- Cut the apple and pumpkin into small pieces (wash the products first and peel them).
- Pour the cereal into boiling milk and boil it for about 15 minutes over low heat.
- Add sliced pumpkin and apple to the pan.
- Keep porridge on fire until cooked.
- At first, a little oil is added to the finished dish, and when it cools down a little - honey.
Contraindications and possible harm
The benefits of pumpkin and honey are not always immutable.
When and to whom it is not recommended to use these useful products:
- For allergies. Often a reaction in the form of various rashes, asthma attacks and more serious consequences causes honey.
- Patients with gastritis or stomach ulcers with low acidity.
- With individual intolerance.
- Suffering from diabetes.
In the presence of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, pumpkin should be taken with caution. Children under one year of age are given in limited quantities.
Honey is a high-calorie product, the hobby of which can lead to excess weight. The daily intake of this sweet is not more than 2 tablespoons per day. Kids under 2 years old can not eat honey. Such a contraindication for young children is due to the fact that it contains biologically active substances, and their effect on the child cannot be predicted.
You should also know:
- In healthy people, raw pumpkin can cause increased gas production.
- The number of products for the first use should be minimal, in the future, abuse honey and pumpkin is also not worth it. This can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
- It is important to buy high-quality products: not natural honey or pumpkin grown using chemistry may not harm your health, but cause harm.
Pumpkin and honey are products that can be called an invaluable gift from nature. When used correctly, they will help maintain good health, maintain good appearance and give a wonderful mood.