Delicate, juicy biscuit is obtained with the addition of cottage cheese. But how to bake a cottage cheese sponge cake so that the dough is completely baked, and the cottage cheese is not burnt? We offer 7 original options.
Material Content:
Curd biscuit - a classic recipe
Essential Ingredients:
• standard pack of cottage cheese;
• a glass of flour;
• a glass of white sugar;
• butter 82.5%;
• 2 chicken eggs of category C1;
• 1 tsp food soda;
• salt - for contrast.
Your steps to create an air cake - a classic recipe:
1. Allow the oil to melt until it is at room temperature. Transfer to a large bowl and beat with a hand blender until an airy, lush consistency.
2. Add sugar to the butter. If desired, you can also add a bag of vanillin or chopped vanilla pod.
3. Get the cottage cheese out of the pack. If time permits - put on several layers of kitchen napkins to get rid of excess serum. Then pass through a fine grater or sieve. Add to the whipped butter and mix thoroughly for a long time.
4. Wash and break the eggs. Pour into a bowl with butter and cottage cheese and beat again with a blender until lush and smooth.
5. Sift the flour.
Even if the flour is sifted, it does not hinder to repeat the procedure. So the flour is saturated with oxygen and does not make the dough heavier.
6. Mix the flour with soda and add to the curd mass. Cottage cheese will extinguish soda. Knead the dough until smooth.
7. Prepare a baking sheet - cover with baking paper or foil, spread with melted butter.
8. Pour tender, soft dough.
9.Bake for 40 minutes.
Cover the biscuit with a dense kitchen towel for half an hour, so that it remains soft.
How to bake in a slow cooker
In a slow cooker, it’s not a biscuit, but a cake - it’s about form.
You need:
• a pack of cottage cheese of medium fat content;
• a glass of white sugar;
• flour (preferably whole grain, so the biscuit will be not only pleasant, but also harmless) - 1 glass;
• 100 g of premium butter;
• 1 tsp vanillin;
• 2-3 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
• egg of category C1;
• 1 tsp baking powder or soda;
• half tsp salts;
• for decoration - chocolate, nuts, etc.
Your actions:
1. Cut the creamy component to thaw faster, put in a large bowl. Pour in regular and vanilla sugar. Leave to soften the oil.
2. Wash the eggs, beat, add salt and mix with cottage cheese.
3. The consistency of cottage cheese is up to the hostess. You can grind, then the biscuit will be homogeneous, or you can knead a little with a fork, and then in the cupcake you will see cottage cheese pieces that are very pleasant in the tongue.
4. Add baking powder to the curd and gradually add flour, constantly stirring.
5. Beat softened butter until lush and transfer to dough. Remove the residue from the bowl with a silicone spatula.
6. Lubricate the multicooker form with plenty of vegetable oil. Pour the flour.
7. Set the “Bake” mode for 1 hour.
Remove the cake with a silicone spatula. Allow to cool and decorate with any sprinkle.
Read also:sponge cake syrup
According to Ducan
What is needed:
• 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
• 80 g fat-free kefir;
• 2 chicken or 4 quail eggs;
• 3 tbsp. l oat bran;
• 5 sweetener tablets;
• 1 tsp lemon juice + a handful of mashed lemon peel;
• you can do without it, it is needed for splendor - 1 tsp. baking powder;
• cinnamon or vanilla.
Cooking curd biscuit in a slow cooker:
1. Wipe the curd, mix with kefir.
2. Beat the eggs with a mixer.
3. Combine the composition and go again with a mixer or blender.
4. Pour into a bowl and bake according to the Baking program for about 10-20 minutes.
Cottage cheese and creamy sponge cake on squirrels
An unusual sponge cake comes with whipped squirrels. It is important to follow the instructions, otherwise the sponge cake will be either wet, or fall off, or burn. And most importantly - it takes less than half an hour to cook! And disappears from the saucer instantly.
Tasty recipe:curd cream
What products will be needed:
• a pack of cottage cheese;
• 200 g of white sugar;
• 200 g flour;
• 2 chicken eggs of category C1;
• 100 g butter 82.5%;
• quarter tsp salts;
• baking powder in a small bag;
• vanilla extract - a pinch;
• one third tsp soda.
It is very important - put all the ingredients on the table and leave them so that they are the same temperature at the time of cooking.
Execution Actions:
1. Beat the butter with a submersible blender with sugar until medium splendor.
2. Add cottage cheese to the oil and mix vigorously to obtain a uniform and smooth consistency.
3. Wash the eggs, and separate the whites from the yolks. Beat squirrels on a powerful mixer until strong foam.
4. Mix the yolks with the remaining sugar. You can do this with a regular whisk.
5. Mix all the ingredients and knead the dough for at least 5 minutes.
6. Bread a lot with butter and pour the dough.
7. Turn on the oven.
8. Bake a biscuit cake for 40-50 minutes. Check with a match.
Ready cake can be glazed, or garnished with coconut. Let it stand for 2 hours, and then serve it to the table!
The secret is that the middle of the biscuit may fall. To prevent this from happening, you need to turn the form over, pre-pressing something to the surface of the cake so that it does not completely fall out. So the middle does not sag when cooling.
Such a curd cake sponge cake is an excellent basis. It is good to divide it into 2 cakes, grease with cream, or put fruits inside, for example, bananas.
With sour cream
• a pack of cottage cheese;
• a glass of whole grain flour;
• 2 large spoons of sour cream;
• butter 82.5% - 50 g;
• egg;
• a glass of white sugar;
• half tsp soda;
• a pinch of salt.
1. Melt the butter on the stove.
2. Mix the egg with sugar.
3. Gradually add the remaining ingredients to the egg and continue to beat.
4. Knead a homogeneous dough - without lumps.
5. Take a silicone mold, coat with vegetable oil, pour out the dough.
6. Send the biscuit to the oven for 35 minutes.
With curd
• curd mass - 400 g;
• white sugar - 2 glasses;
• flour - 2 glasses;
• eggs - 4 pcs;
• butter 82.5% - 400 g;
• flour - 2-3 glasses;
• baking powder - 1 sachet.
Your actions:
1. Beat the curd with eggs. First in a blender, then with a mixer.
2. Do the same with butter and sugar.
3. In the second stage, add the remaining products and mix well.
4. At the bottom of the form, put the flour mass and spread it with your fingers, slamming it firmly to the bottom. It is necessary to make flows on the edges.
The secret is that the dough does not stick to the form - pour semolina onto the bottom of the form.
5. Put the curd and egg mixture.
6. The oven is half an hour.
Cool the finished cake, sprinkle with any nuts, dried fruits - whatever, and serve.
Oven curd biscuit with apples
What you need for the test:
• flour - 250 g;
• premium butter - 200 g;
• white sugar - 100 g;
• vanilla extract - sachet.
What you need for the filling:
• cottage cheese - 2 packs;
• sugar - 2/3 cup;
• egg .;
• medium apples - 6 pcs.;
• vanillin;
• cinnamon.
1. First make the curd filling - beat the ingredients for the filling with a blender or mixer, except apples and cinnamon.
2. Next, prepare the dough - mix flour, sugar and vanillin. Grate frozen butter on a fine grater. Hands rub into crumbs.
3. Wash, peel and grate the apples. Stir with a pinch of cinnamon.
4. Prepare the form - sprinkle with a small amount of semolina.
5. Divide the dough into 4 containers. Pour the first part into the mold and press down a little. Put half the apples. Sprinkle dough on top again. Lay out the curd layer. Sprinkle with flour again. Then evenly and evenly make a layer of apples and sprinkle with the remaining flour.
6. Bake for 1 hour.
You can only remove it from the mold after it has cooled completely.
At the finish, a very interesting result is obtained - a cake made from shortcrust pastry with a white layer of cottage cheese and a barely noticeable layer of apples. The cake is not only tasteful, but also very satisfying.