It is difficult to find an adult or a child who is unaware of the benefits of dairy products. But it’s quite difficult to control the quality of store products, especially if, for example, cottage cheese is sold by weight. Therefore, more and more housewives come to the conclusion that healthy sour milk - cooked on their own. So, cottage cheese in a slow cooker is not only useful, but also tasty, since certain functions from the list of programs exclude overheating of the milk mass and make its heat treatment uniform.
Material Content:
Homemade milk cottage cheese in a slow cooker
To make cottage cheese with your own hands, for the basic recipe you will need only two components: milk and sourdough.
To ferment milk, you can use a special dry sour-milk sourdough or sour-milk products, such as kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk or yogurt, at the rate of 60 ml per 1 liter of milk.
A serving of cottage cheese weighing 350 - 450 g will require:
- 3000 ml of milk with a fat content of 2.5 to 5%;
- ferment in the amount recommended by the manufacturer for a given volume.
Basic recipe for cooking in steps:
- If homemade milk is used to prepare the cottage cheese, then it must first be boiled. For this purpose, you can also use a slow cooker.
- Cool boiled milk to 40 - 42 degrees. And the ultra-pasteurized, purchased in the store, on the contrary, is heated in the multicooker to the desired temperature. Mix warm milk with sourdough or any fermented milk product in the right proportion.
- Next, start the device in the "Yogurt" mode for 8 hours or in manual mode, select a temperature of 40 degrees for the same time that the milk is fermented.
- After this, a white curd clot forms, which must be kept in the “Heating” mode for another 2 hours so that the serum leaves.
Then the cottage cheese is transferred to a colander covered with gauze and squeezed out well. The product is ready.
How to make kefir
Kefir cottage cheese using a slow cooker can be cooked in just 10 minutes. Such a home-made product is ideal not only for preparing various second courses and pastries, but also as a first food for children.
For 300 g of ready-made home-made cottage cheese according to this recipe you will need:
- 1000 ml of kefir 3.2%.
Working process:
- Pour kefir into a clean multi-pot. Select the program "Milk porridge" or any other with a heating of 80 degrees. Set cooking time 10 minutes.
- Lower the cover and start the program.
- After the beep, raise the lid and fold the white curd lumps onto the gauze section or loose fabric.
After a quarter of an hour, the tender curd will be ready.
From sour milk
Sour milk can be disposed of using it for baking, like kefir. But it is also a good basis for making cottage cheese. The final product may be tender, pasty or more granular.
In addition to the slow cooker, colander and gauze, for cottage cheese at home you will need:
- 1 - 3 l of sour milk.
The sequence of actions:
- For tender, more homogeneous cottage cheese, let the sour milk in the slow cooker stand in the “Heating” mode for 60 minutes. Then decant the separated serum through cheesecloth.
- To obtain a granular product, milk in a multi-pan is heated for 10 minutes using the "Milk Porridge" or "Multipovar" modes at 80 degrees. Next, the curd flakes are also squeezed in a gauze or cloth bag (nodule).
Since home-made cottage cheese is prepared from natural products without the addition of any preservatives, it should be used within 72 hours after cooking.
Ryazhenka cottage cheese in a slow cooker
In a slow cooker, cottage cheese from ryazhenka can be cooked according to the same algorithm as in the recipe above, having obtained a cream-colored product with the aroma of baked milk.
And you can use the following recipe, which allows you to get a real treat with a rich, thanks to spices, taste:
- 1000 ml of ryazhenka;
- 1000 ml of milk;
- 15 ml of liquid bee honey;
- 15 ml of soy sauce;
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 star anise.
- In a multi-pan, mix the fermented baked milk with milk and start one of the programs, which will not allow the mixture to warm above 80 - 95 ° С. It can be “Milk porridge”, “Stewing” or “Heating”. Do not close the appliance cover.
- When the milk and ryazhenka begin to curd, spices should be put in the bowl, pour soy sauce and honey. Stir the mixture with a plastic spatula until completely dissolved.
- Next, turn off the multicooker, cover the lid and leave everything to cool completely. After that, carefully remove the anise and cinnamon from the curd and squeeze the whey.
Cooking from yogurt
Curd from milk, which has already turned into yogurt, turns out to be excellent. And if you add it with herbs and spices, then comes out excellent spicy and piquant appetizer.
For this dish you will need:
- 1500 ml of yogurt;
- 6 to 13 g of fresh garlic or 3 to 4 g of dried;
- 50 - 100 g of dill;
- salt pepper.
Cooking method:
- Sour the curdled milk in a slow cooker using the “Stewing” / “Milk porridge” option for 10 to 15 minutes before separating the whey. Then allow the contents of the bowl to cool completely.
- Meanwhile, finely chop the herbs and garlic if a fresh vegetable is used. Mix the cooled curdled yogurt with dill and garlic, salt and pepper to taste, and then pour into a gauze bag to separate the whey.
Step-by-step recipe from yogurt
It is worth mentioning right away that a store-bought drinking product with various excipients is not suitable for cooking home-made cottage cheese.But natural yogurt, ideally prepared with your own hands, is perfect.
Would need:
- 1000 ml of fat milk;
- 150 ml of natural yogurt;
- 5 g of sugar;
- 2.5 g of salt.
Algorithm of actions:
- Mix all the ingredients listed above in a multi-pan. Then run the program "Milk porridge" for half an hour. This time will be sufficient not only for the fermentation of milk, but also for the separation of whey.
- In a saucepan or deep bowl, set a colander and cover it with gauze folded 2 to 4 times. Pour the contents of the multicooker bowl on top and wait for the remaining whey to drain.
Whey is a by-product of the preparation of cottage cheese, but also has excellent taste.
Therefore, it can be used for making okroshka, kneading dough for pancakes, pancakes, bread, or simply quench your thirst on a summer day by cooling it before use.
Cooking from milk and kefir
This cottage cheese from milk is incredibly delicate, silky. If you cook it from homemade fatty milk, it will perfectly replace Mascarpone in many desserts. The main thing is to strictly observe the proportions of the ingredients and follow the cooking instructions.
For a serving of "silk" cottage cheese should be prepared:
- 2000 ml of milk;
- 100 ml of kefir.
How to make cottage cheese in a slow cooker from such components:
- Pour milk into the bowl of the multi-pan and lightly heat it by turning on the “Baking” option for three to four minutes. Not more so as not to overheat!
- Kefir at room temperature, mix with warm milk and cover the slow cooker with a lid, forget about the milk base for the night or 10-12 hours.
- During this time, milk with kefir will turn into one whole white fermented clot, which should be kept on the “Heating” for 120 minutes.
- Next, remove the bowl with the contents from the multicooker and quickly cool in a larger volume of ice water tank.
Squeeze out the cooled base using a colander and gauze. Mascarpone homemade cheese is ready for serving!