A true blunt crocodile is a rare inhabitant of aquatorrariums. This is due to the high price of the reptile, as well as its special protective status. But for most exotic lovers, the cost of an animal is not a hindrance, the main thing is to create suitable pet living conditions for the pet at home.

Characterization of blunt crocodiles

This is the smallest representative of the crocodile family, its length with the tail does not exceed one and a half meters. Reptile inhabits freshwater bodies of tropical Africa.

To protect against large predators, the dwarf crocodile has an armored cover in the form of shields. The color from the back is black, on the stomach is yellow with black splashes. Young crocodiles can be distinguished by longitudinal brownish stripes on the body and yellow marks on the head. The face of a crocodile with a blunt nose, this gave the name to the species. Outwardly, it resembles a smooth-faced cayman.

This predator has a timid character, he prefers nocturnal activity, hiding during the day in dug holes or roots of coastal trees. It feeds mainly on fish, crustaceans, mollusks and carrion. During rains it can go far from the reservoir.

Description of the species and subspecies

Dumb crocodiles are not well studied. The population is gradually declining due to environmental degradation, but there are no special protection programs at the state level. Experts believe that reptiles are not threatened with complete destruction, and their skin due to bone scutes is not in demand in the market.

There are two subspecies:

  • West African (Osteolaemus tetraspis tetraspis);
  • Stupid crocodile Osborne (Osteolaemus tetraspis osborni).

The taxonomy of the species is a bit confusing.Until the middle of the last century, there was no division into subspecies. Then the Osborne crocodile, living in the Congo River, was recognized as a species of blunt crocodile, but now scientists again want to separate it into a separate species. It differs from the West African subspecies in a darker and more uniform body color and habitat.

Life span of small reptiles

In captivity, with proper care, blunt crocodiles can live more than 100 years if some kind of accident does not happen to him. Therefore, acquiring a reptile for home maintenance, you need to expect that the pet will need your care for many years.

Home Content

The smallest crocodile at home lives in an aquaterrarium filled with purified fresh water with a small plot of land. The exit from the pool should be gentle so that it is convenient to get out onto a hard surface.

Crocodiles themselves cannot maintain the desired body temperature, therefore, equipment for heating water, incandescent lamps over a land area, and a source of ultraviolet radiation are needed.

The bottom of the reservoir is covered with river sand, stones and driftwood, purchased at the pet store, are laid. It is desirable that the water occupy no more than 2/3 of the entire area allotted to the crocodile. The optimum air temperature during the day is about 30 ° C, at night, when the electricity is turned off, not lower than 20–22 ° C.

The dimensions of the terrarium should be 20 cm wider than the maximum length of an adult crocodile so that it can turn around freely. Standard aquaterrariums are approximately twice as long as wide. A pond is made with a difference of depths, so that in the deepest place the crocodile can completely immerse itself in water, standing on its hind legs.

Immediately after the purchase, a young crocodile may refuse food, but do not worry, this is normal. Usually he begins to eat on the fifth or seventh day. It is advisable to put him first in a terrarium with opaque walls, and less disturb, so he will quickly get out of stress. Food is left on a stone near the water in the evening, and in the morning they are cleaned if it is not eaten.

Crocodiles are fed 3 times a week with thawed beef, fish, chicken. Young individuals eagerly eat insects. They love predatory reptiles and live food - mice, partridges, frogs, fish. To maintain health, crocodiles are given vitamin supplements.

Interesting facts about blunt crocodiles

Small crocodiles are most vulnerable at the age of 1 year. They can be eaten by birds of prey, fish, turtles and even larger relatives. Therefore, the female guards the nest until the babies hatch, and then helps them survive, taking care of them until a certain age. To call a parent for help, crocodiles croak. The croaking sounds begin to make even in an egg, informing that they are ready to hatch.

In nature, males are significantly larger than females, but despite this, matriarchy dominates in a group of several crocodiles. The ruling female can beat the "competitors" to death. With successful cohabitation with the male, she annually brings numerous offspring.