Changes in the emotional level, behavior or well-being of women are often associated with deviations in the hormonal sphere. And not without reason - this is possible if the TSH norm in women is exceeded or reduced.

Read also: TTG increased what does this mean in women

Symptoms accompanying such violations do not always differ in severity and intensity. Sometimes even drowsiness or the appearance of excess weight can be signs of the development of serious thyroid gland pathologies.

The best way to stop the progress of thyroid disease in time is to pay attention to the appearance of early signs of its development.

What is TTG, its functions and features

The abbreviation TSH stands for “thyroid-stimulating hormone” - a biologically active substance produced by the pituitary gland and stimulating the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones of internal secretion.

In medicine, the hormone TSH is also known as thyrotropin or thyrotropin. The regulation of substance production is controlled by groups of neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus - a part of the brain.

The importance of hormone functions for the physiological processes of the body can not be overestimated if we take into account what the hormone TSH is responsible for:

  • the production of proteins, phospholipids and nucleic acids;
  • metabolism;
  • thyroid cells iodine intake;
  • stimulation of the production of triiodothyronine and thyroxine, which are responsible for the energy level in the body;
  • increased lipolysis - the process of splitting fats;
  • the functionality of the digestive tract, as well as the organs of the cardiovascular and genitourinary system;
  • psychosomatic processes;
  • red blood cell production.

Thus, the quality of a huge number of vital processes in the human body is determined by the intensity of production and exposure to TSH.

The level of thyrotropin in the blood depends on the time of day - the peak concentration of the substance occurs at night, provided that the person is sleeping. During wakefulness, the synthesis of a substance slows down even at night. The maximum decrease in hormone levels is observed in the evening, from 17 to 19 hours.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone test

The process of thyrotropin secretion is inextricably linked with the functionality of the thyroid gland and its interaction with other organs. All deviations from the norm are the result of pathological processes.

To determine the amount of thyrotropin, doctors examine blood samples taken from a vein.

Indications for testing

Doctors prescribe a referral for a blood test for TSH if the patient has the following health problems:

  • mental problems, neurosis, state of causeless depression or apathy, irritability or aggression;
  • intense hair loss;
  • infertility:
  • delayed child development;
  • the presence of painful seals in the thyroid gland;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • muscle damage.

In addition, endocrinologists prescribe an analysis for TSH for all types of hormonal therapy, as well as for the diagnosis of some autoimmune diseases.

Along with the determination of thyrotropin, studies can be conducted on antibodies to TSH receptors, which are regarded as a marker of many diseases. The main task of TSH receptors is the interaction of all body systems. If internal organs and systems need protection, antibodies are produced that block the secretion of TSH.

A decrease in thyrotropin levels leads to an increase in the production of other hormones and the development of pancreatic atrophy.

How to prepare for the analysis?

Preparation for blood donation for thyrotropin begins three days before the date of the procedure. First of all, you should remove fatty foods and alcohol from the diet, as well as adjust the level of physical and emotional stress, reducing them to a minimum.

Also banned from smoking and taking any medications, especially hormones - their effect on the body can distort the results of the study.

Blood sampling for analysis is carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach. The last meal before the procedure is allowed no later than 12 hours. Directly before the event, only water is allowed to be drunk.

For women, the fifth, sixth, and seventh day after the onset of menstruation are considered the optimal period for blood TSH.

Patients with diagnosed thyroid pathologies are advised to undergo a study twice a year.

Table of TSH hormone norms in women by age

Endocrinologists compare the results obtained after the study with the data in the table in which the established norm correlates with the age and condition of the woman’s body. Thyrotropin indicators are measured in units per volume - mU / L.

Age, conditionThe norm of the hormone TTG, honey / l
Pregnancy planning2,5
Pregnancy period0,2-3,5

In addition to age, when studying the results of the study, the doctor must take into account all factors affecting the health of a woman - the general hormonal background of the body, a history of illness, and the condition of internal organs.

As can be seen from the table, with age, TSH in the blood decreases. The exception is only periods associated with pregnancy, when the natural hormonal levels increase.

TSH is elevated, or lowered relative to normal: what does this mean?

Any deviations of TSH indices from the norm can be regarded as evidence of pathological processes.Diagnostic findings depend on in which direction relative to the norm the thyrotropin level has changed - to a greater or lesser extent.

Thyroid stimulating hormone lowered

If a blood test showed that TSH is low, this may be a sign of the following diseases:

  • encephalitis;
  • Sheehan syndrome - postpartum heart attack or pituitary necrosis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • meningitis;
  • benign thyroid tumors;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome associated with an excess of adrenal hormones.

A decrease in thyrotropin is also observed with illiterate intake of hormonal drugs, stressful situations, and starvation.

The female body reacts sharply to a decrease in TSH - there is insomnia, trembling in the extremities, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, facial swelling, gastrointestinal upset, and even speech retardation.

TSH increased

If the TSH hormone level is elevated, the reasons for the deviation should be sought in:

  • adrenal dysfunction;
  • tumor processes in the pituitary gland;
  • complicated pregnancy;
  • mental disorders;
  • tumor processes in the lungs or mammary gland;
  • inflammation of the thyroid gland.

In addition, an increase in thyrotropin levels may be due to the use of certain drugs, iodine deficiency, contact with lead, removal of the gallbladder, hemodialysis, as well as the result of heavy physical exertion. Less common is a genetic predisposition to increase TSH.

The fact that the level of thyrotropin in the female body is increased is usually indicated by increased sweating, fatigue, weight gain, sleep problems, a thickened neck, and too low a body temperature.

Euthyroid Syndrome

Abnormal indicators of thyroid functionality are often associated with euthyroid pathology syndrome. The disease is characterized by both an increase and a decrease in TSH, which complicates the diagnosis.

Therefore, doctors tend to give a clinical assessment of pathology only in the absence of signs of hypothyroidism, which is characterized by a significant increase in thyrotropin.

Among the reasons contributing to the development of a syndrome of euthyroid pathology are stresses, excessive physical exertion, iodine deficiency.

Norm during pregnancy

Bearing a child is accompanied by a powerful change in hormonal levels. Accordingly, the TSH norm during pregnancy differs from the amount of hormones in the normal state of the female body.

Hormonal substances produced by the thyroid gland are vital for the full development of the fetus. In the early stages of pregnancy, the fetus receives the necessary substances from the mother’s blood. As the child forms her own thyroid gland, the hormone levels of the pregnant woman stabilize and return to normal.

Since the embryo is nucleated and attached to the uterine wall, the level of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone that affects thyrotropin, increases in the mother’s body.

The higher the hCG, the smaller the amount of thyrotropin produced by the pituitary gland, which in turn leads to pathological abnormalities in the functionality of the internal organs of the pregnant woman.

Therefore, a blood test for TSH is considered to be one of the most important tests that are prescribed during pregnancy.

TSH level - the norm in women during pregnancy

Minor deviations of TSH from the norm are not yet cause for concern - the body's response to pregnancy can be different. But if the level of hormones has changed to a large extent, it is urgent to establish the cause of such a violation.

The indicators of thyrotropin norm in the blood of pregnant women at different stages of fetal development are different.

TrimesterNorm TTG, honey / l
The first0,1-0,4

High TSH in pregnant women

An increase in thyrotropin during pregnancy is expressed in:

  • daytime sleepiness, against a background of nighttime insomnia;
  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • the appearance of swelling of the neck;
  • lack of appetite;
  • lowering body temperature;
  • intensive weight gain;
  • irritability.

The listed symptoms during pregnancy are not uncommon, therefore, one should not rush to conclusions. It is better to do a blood test in time and prevent the possible consequences of pathology.

An increase in TSH in the first trimester is especially dangerous when all the basic systems are born in the fetus and the formation of vital organs begins. The most dangerous consequences of hormonal abnormalities are brain dysfunctions.

Decreased TSH in pregnant women

The deviation of TSH downward is accompanied by:

  • high blood pressure;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • headaches;
  • blooming eyes.

Subsequently, low levels of TSH in the blood of the mother can affect the development of the child and cause many diseases.

Normalization of thyrotropin level is possible only after elimination of the main cause - the disease that provoked the pathology. Self-medication is unacceptable. Restoring the natural hormonal balance requires competent help and only professional endocrinologists can do it.