It is believed that to see a ficus flower growing in an apartment is a rarity and luck for a grower. For some reason, a lushly flowering plant in natural conditions in a person’s home does not strive too much to demonstrate its beautiful flowers. But an attentive and persistent florist can achieve the desired, observing certain rules of agricultural technology of this culture.
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Origin and homeland of a houseplant
Ficus is rightfully considered the most popular domestic plant, whose genus has about eight hundred species.
This culture belongs to the mulberry family, its leaves in shape resemble lobes, shiny, smooth and glossy. There are varieties of plants with lowered leaves. Many specimens reach very impressive sizes.
Ficus is not a separate plant, it is a combination concept that includes shrubs, trees and even liana crops. Deciduous and evergreen specimens can be found in this family. The birthplace of ficus is the subtropics of Africa and Asia.
Varieties of ficus
Not every type of ficus is suitable for growing a house.
The following decorative items are popular among flower growers:
- Rubbery ficus. It can reach a height of 2 m. Dark green large oval leaves grow up to 35 cm. This species adapts to almost any conditions, but this ficus does not bloom when living in a house or apartment.
- Ficus lyre-shaped. A plant with light green large leaves resembling a violin in shape. The width of the leaves can be 30 cm, length - 60 cm.The trunk of the plant is erect, branched weakly, has no aerial roots.
- Dwarf ficus. Creeping plant with many shoots. The latter germinate in the soil, adhering to it tightly. The leaves of the plant are small, heart-shaped, about 10 cm long. Slow growth is typical for this variety, the culture does not tolerate much light, but it requires high humidity and elevated temperatures.
- Ficus retusa. Also called blunt, laurel, Cuban. Its leaves resemble the shape of a pointed egg and reach 10 cm in length. A bizarre stalk often allows you to use the culture for bonsai.
- Ficus Benjamin. One of the most famous home varieties of ficus. It is capable of reaching 2 m in length, crowned with large pointed ovate leaves. Shoots with proper fixation are gradually intertwined with each other in a pigtail and form an unusual beautiful trunk.
On a note. The following varieties of ficus are also considered popular: triangular, ivy, rooting, rough, variegated, sacred, and others.
Description and features of flowering
Blossoming of ficus is a special event, since at home this culture blooms quite rarely. In nature, a plant can bloom at any time of the year. Typically, the flowers are pink, cream, bluish, orange, red or bright yellow. Their number depends on the variety of culture. So, some ficuses bloom large bright flowers, but most are decorated with small flowers forming an inflorescence.
To ensure a flowering culture at home, a special approach should be followed.
Important Terms:
- appropriate place;
- light mode;
- humidity;
- soil composition;
- watering.
In the process of caring for ficus, it is important to follow the cultivation agricultural technique. Even the smallest deviation can provoke not only the lack of flowering, but also the death of culture.
Home Care
Caring for ficus is uncomplicated, because this culture is not too whimsical.
- Shine. It is ideal for a place on a well-lit window sill in the western or eastern part of the home. Located in the shade of the ficus will be drawn to the light and leaves on the culture will form a little. Ficus should be protected from drafts.
- Watering. It should be systematic, in the summer - more intense. The soil must have time to dry between the straits. Moisture accumulated in the pan should be drained. Watering the crop is beneficial with warm water. Periodically, you should erase the dust from the sheets with a damp cloth or sponge, or place the plant under a warm shower, after covering the soil with cling film. Additionally, you can spray the leaves of ficus with standing water.
- Temperature. The optimum temperature for ficus is not lower than 15 ° C and not higher than 30 ° C.
- Fertilizers The plant should be fertilized, especially during the breeding season. In summer and spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used. Nettle, mullein or ready-made mixtures, which are applied once a week, are also suitable for feeding. In winter and autumn, ficus dressing is not required.
- Transfer. Ficus is transplanted when the pot becomes cramped. However, even without a transplant, it is necessary to change the soil in the tank systematically (every 1 to 2 years). For this, purchased soil mixtures or prepared independently by mixing peat, sand and chernozem in equal quantities are suitable.
- Drainage. In order to prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil, it is permissible to use drainage, placing it at the bottom of the pea. The bottom of the tank is covered with a layer (1 - 2 cm) of charcoal or expanded clay, sprinkling with soil on top.
Flower propagation methods
Indoor ficuses propagate by stem cuttings. Usually this procedure is carried out in the spring, so that the culture takes root before winter.
Cuttings are made in the following way:
- With the help of a knife, the top of the stem (about 10-15 cm) with 2-3 leaves is cut obliquely.
- Speaking juice is removed from the cuttings and placed in moist sand.An alternative is to lower the cuttings into a container of water, dissolving activated carbon in it (1 tab.).
- Cuttings are placed in a moist, shaded and warm place.
- After 2 to 3 weeks, the cuttings take root. They should be relocated to prepared containers.
On a note. A ficus leaf cut with a “heel” may play the role of a handle. It is twisted into a tube, and then rooted in wet sand, covering with a cap from above. Periodically, the stem is aired and watered, after rooting, it is transplanted into a pot.
It is also acceptable to apply the method of transplanting shoots. To do this, choose the strongest shoots from which the leaves are removed. An incision is made on the shoot, which is filled with moss and wrapped with a film. The cut point is moistened daily. When the grown roots break through the film, the root is transplanted into the prepared soil.
Pest and Disease Control
Most often, in the process of growing ficus, flower growers encounter the following problems:
- Drying leaves, twisting them. Excessively dry air is often to blame for this defect.
- Leaf fall. It is provoked by a number of factors: a lack of light, too much watering, freezing. Do not sound the alarm when the ficus drops leaves from the lower tier - this process is quite natural.
- Formation of leaf spots of brown spots. This is a kind of signal, indicating that the culture lacks moisture, it is overly fed or located in a draft.
Additional factors that provoke ficus diseases are pests:
- Shield. The leaves affected by it lose their color and fall off. After examining the plant and finding small insects on it, similar to beige or black plaques, they are removed with cotton wool soaked in soapy water. When there are too many pests, Actellik should be used.
- Spider mite. The main sign of its appearance is a web between the leaves. You can defeat the pest by washing the ficus in the shower, as well as by increasing the humidity in the room.
- Mealybug. Often attacks ficus, "living" in rooms with dry air. You can remove the worms by wiping the leaves with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.
To avoid possible problems, the grower should systematically inspect the ficus and monitor pests.
Signs and superstitions associated with ficus
For many peoples, the indoor flower, called ficus, is recognized as a symbol of happiness and prosperity. It brings harmony to the energy of the house, making it cozy.
Ficus also helps eliminate the accumulation of negative energy in the home that visitors could bring with them.
When planning to acquire ficus, you should consider several tips:
- It is best to purchase the Black Prince ficus. It is believed that he has a more pronounced energy and this plant brings good news to the owner.
- It is useful to ask friends to give ficus. Thus, they wish the residents of the house the joys of a prosperous life. It is generally accepted that a ficus presented to a person will provide him with luck for life.
- Ficus in the bedroom will bring harmony to family life and, possibly, the subsequent addition, saving the couple from infertility. Ficus, grown in the workplace, increases the efficiency and initiative of workers.
Ficus is a familiar and common, but at the same time mysterious plant. A symbol of wealth and happiness in the house, he, however, rarely spoils the owner with the look of his flowers. However, gardeners should not be discouraged - careful care at home will help achieve the desired flowering.