Inflammation of the bladder is mainly a problem in the female part of the population, but symptoms of cystitis can also be found in men. One of the most characteristic signs of the disease is frequent and painful trips to the toilet, in severe cases, blood or pus may appear in the urine. The main group of medicines in the treatment of cystitis are antibiotics, which are selected after analysis, taking into account the sensitivity of the microorganism that caused inflammation.
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Does men have cystitis?
Despite the belief that cystitis is mainly a female disease, men can also develop inflammation of the bladder. Although this happens much less often, which is associated with the anatomical features of the structure of the urethra in women and men.
Often, the stronger sex confuses inflammation of the bladder with problems with the prostate gland, so as not to harm itself by self-treatment, at the first signs of cystitis in men, you should consult a specialist.
Cystitis - causes in men
Most often, cystitis does not occur on its own, but it is accompanied by other pathologies of the genitourinary system, for example, prostatitis, adenoma, and urethritis.
The most common cause of the disease is a condition during which a narrowing of the urethra occurs:
- urolithiasis with interference with the flow of urine;
- enlargement of the prostate in size;
- neoplasms in the bladder.
As a result of a violation of the flow of urine, mechanical cystitis develops, which usually disappears after the obstruction is removed. Infectious inflammation occurs due to damage by pathogenic organisms near the lying organs - the urethra, prostate, and kidneys.
Acute cystitis can occur after abdominal surgery, as well as after interventions on the urethra.
The main symptoms and signs of the disease
During the acute phase of the disease, the main symptoms that concern the man are severe pain and pain when trying to empty the bladder, as well as frequent urination. Sometimes a visit to the toilet is inconclusive, since only a small amount of urine is released.
In addition, the following symptoms appear:
- incontinence - usually incomplete, just before the man reaches the toilet, a few drops of urine are released;
- difficulty at the beginning of urination - it is difficult for a man to start urinating;
- constant, aching pain in the groin and in the pubic area;
- discomfort in the penis;
- sometimes there is an increase in body temperature, a violation of the general condition of the patient.
In severe cases, pus is released along with urine, this indicates a severe lesion of the bladder and the need for intensive treatment. Also, urine may have a reddish tint due to the presence of blood, usually this indicates damage to the walls of the bladder or ureter with calculus.
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With the transition of inflammation into a chronic form, the symptoms are dulled and lubricated. The pains are mild, rarely occur, usually only slight discomfort is felt. However, with hypothermia or re-infection, cystitis quickly aggravates and manifests itself with renewed vigor.
Diagnostic measures
When contacting a doctor, a man is prescribed a series of examinations that help clarify the details of the disease and determine the treatment tactics:
- blood test - leukocytosis and acceleration of SOE indicate an inflammatory process somewhere in the body;
- urinalysis - the presence of bacteria, blood, a large number of white blood cells;
- urine culture - helps determine the type of pathogen and select the most suitable antibiotic;
- Sowing a smear from the urethra - determines the presence of microorganisms in the urethral canal;
- an ultrasound examination of the prostate and kidneys is informative only if the patient is able to not go to the toilet for a long time, which is rare in acute cystitis;
- cystoscopy - a study of the bladder using a tube with a camera, allows you to determine the condition of the walls of the organ, remove the calculus that interferes with the flow of urine.
A full range of diagnostic measures is carried out only in severe, unclear cases. Usually, to make a diagnosis, it’s enough to carefully collect an anamnesis, listen to complaints and conduct laboratory tests.
The general treatment regimen for cystitis in men
The main place in the treatment of cystitis in men is occupied by antibacterial therapy, most often one of three drugs is prescribed:
- Monural - 3 g is divided into several doses during the day;
- Norfloxacin - twice a day, the patient is injected with 400 mg of the drug;
- Ciprofloxacin - twice a day for 250-300 mg.
Regardless of the antibiotic, the average duration of treatment is 7-10 days. The drug should be taken even after the symptoms disappear in order to completely destroy the pathogenic flora.
In addition to pathogenetic therapy (antibiotics), symptomatic treatment is also prescribed, which helps to alleviate the patient's condition:
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (Nimesil) - slightly reduce pain, relieve inflammation and local edema;
- antispasmodics (No-shpa) - are used to reduce the pain syndrome that occurs due to spasms of muscle fibers;
- antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol) - prescribed at high temperature (more than 38.5);
- weak diuretics, usually herbal remedies - help to quickly wash the infection out of the body.
In severe cases, the bladder is washed with antiseptic solutions and antibiotics are poured into it.
Folk remedies for the disease
Recipes of traditional medicine help to increase the body's immune defense, reduce pain, relieve spasm. However, you can resort to them only after consulting with your doctor.
Flax seeds
1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of seeds 200 ml of cold water, put on a small fire and bring to a boil, hold for five minutes, then set aside and cool. Take a glass of the mixture three times a day before meals.
Onion, honey, apple
Grate one large onion and apple, add a few tablespoons of honey. Eat once a day a freshly prepared product;
2 large tablespoons of dried hops, pour 400 ml of boiling water, let stand for 2-3 hours, then strain. Drink a glass before meals twice a day.
Nutrition rules
Proper nutrition for cystitis helps to avoid additional irritation of the mucous membrane of the bladder and accelerate recovery.
The following foods are not recommended:
- alcohol;
- salt;
- smoked meats;
- sour fruits and berries;
- fried foods;
- spicy spices;
- strong tea or coffee.
In addition to prohibited foods, there is a list of products that doctors advise eating with cystitis. They will help to quickly get rid of inflammation, boost immunity and improve digestion.
These include:
- diuretic products - watermelon, melon, cucumbers;
- milk based products;
- buckwheat and oatmeal;
- bran.
It is also important to monitor the drinking regimen, it should be carried out according to the principle - the more the better. The patient should drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day.
For the prevention of cystitis, it is important for men to observe the rules of intimate hygiene, to avoid accidental sexual relations, and also to treat diseases of the genitourinary sphere in time.
In addition, it is advisable to avoid hypothermia, stress. Do not wear tight underwear and ignore the urge to urinate. It is also important to drink enough fluid to empty the bladder every 3-4 hours.