Cystitis during pregnancy not only gives tangible discomfort to the expectant mother, but under certain circumstances is dangerous for the developing fetus. Our article will tell you how to recognize, cure and prevent ailment while waiting for the baby, in detail and in an accessible way.
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Causes of cystitis during pregnancy
The body of a woman expecting a baby is especially vulnerable, so exacerbation of chronic or the occurrence of acute cystitis at this time is not uncommon. Often the cause of the disease is E. coli - a representative of a healthy human flora. Once in the ureter, the microorganism multiplies and rises into the bladder, causing inflammation of its walls. Also, the causative agents of the disease can be mycoplasmas, certain varieties of cocci, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms.
Factors causing cystitis during pregnancy are:
- Hormonal adjustment. The hormone progesterone, intensely synthesized during the gestation period, promotes a natural decrease in immunity. This is necessary so that the woman’s body does not reject the developing fetus. The weakening of the natural defenses favors the development of various infectious diseases, including cystitis.
- Fetal growth. An enlarging uterus compresses adjacent organs, including the bladder, because of which it may not be completely empty during urination. The remaining liquid is a favorable environment for the propagation of pathogenic microbes that provoke inflammation of the bladder.
- Inadequate hygiene or improper washing process. Due to the structural features of the female body, E. coli can easily enter the ureter and cause inflammation. More often this occurs as a result of improper washing. Wash the perineum in the direction from the genitals to the anus, and not vice versa.
- Wearing synthetic or uncomfortable underwear. Unnatural tissues can create the so-called "greenhouse effect", which is why a favorable environment for the multiplication of microorganisms is formed in the urethra. Thong panties can also provoke cystitis as a result of squeezing tissues and impaired blood flow in the pelvis.
- Hypothermia. Weakened by pregnancy, the body quickly responds to lower temperatures, as a result of which the likelihood of cystitis rises significantly.
In addition, bladder catheterization, local allergic reactions, and too frequent sexual contact can cause cystitis in both expectant mothers and non-pregnant women.
Symptoms and signs of the disease
Cystitis causes many inconveniences to pregnant women.
Its most characteristic features are:
- increased urination with a decrease in urine output;
- false urge to the toilet, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
- burning, soreness and discomfort during and after urination;
- sensation of a foreign object in the ureter;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- turbidity, redness of urine;
- incontinence.
An alarming symptom is an increased body temperature and a deterioration in overall well-being. This may indicate that the kidneys are involved in the pathological process. In this case, the woman should immediately see a doctor.
Diagnostic Methods
Treatment of cystitis during pregnancy begins after an appropriate examination. You can diagnose inflammation using a general analysis of urine and its bacteriological culture on a nutrient medium. Both research methods are mandatory for expectant mothers, even in the absence of complaints. The first is carried out monthly, before each visit to the gynecologist, the second - twice for pregnancy.
After analyzing the complaints of the pregnant woman and the results of laboratory tests, the obstetrician-gynecologist can suspect cystitis and refer the woman to a consultation with a urologist, who, if necessary, can prescribe the following diagnostic methods:
- Ultrasound of the bladder;
- cystoscopy (examination of the inner surface of the bladder using a special device inserted into the ureter);
- biopsy (according to strict indications).
It is interesting! Some gynecologists perceive cystitis as a sign of pregnancy, since in the first weeks, according to statistics, it develops in every second pregnant woman.
How and how to treat bladder inflammation
The treatment of cystitis during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that many effective drugs for its therapy are contraindicated in a certain trimester or throughout the entire expectation of the baby. Regardless of the term, pregnant women suffering from this ailment are recommended a special diet that excludes spicy, salty, pickled and acidic foods.
In the early stages
Therapy of cystitis involves taking antibiotics. In the early stages, specialists can prescribe expectant mothers amoxicillin, fosfomycin and other antibacterial drugs for which pregnancy is not a strict contraindication. Depending on the type of pathogen, instead of antibacterial agents, antiviral or antifungal drugs are prescribed.
A large role in the treatment of cystitis in expectant mothers is played by herbal preparations with a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect:
- "Kanefron";
- Brusniver herbal tea;
- lingonberry leaves.
To eliminate pain and discomfort, an antispasmodic (drotaverine) is prescribed.In some cases, instillation of the bladder can be carried out - the introduction of a disinfectant solution directly into the cavity of the organ.
In late terms
In later pregnancy, the range of drugs for treatment becomes somewhat wider. At this stage, the placenta, which plays the role of a kind of filter for the fetus, is fully formed, however, competent specialists give preference to the safest medicines. In general, the tactics of treating cystitis in the second half of pregnancy differs little from that in the first weeks.
Consequences and Complications
It is necessary to treat cystitis during pregnancy. Uncomplicated, timely detected and correctly treated inflammation, as a rule, does not adversely affect the health of the pregnant woman and the unborn baby.
In serious cases, with an advanced disease, the kidneys are also involved in the pathological process, and this can significantly increase the likelihood of the following phenomena:
- pyelonephritis (in pregnant women);
- increased blood pressure, swelling during pregnancy;
- premature birth;
- spontaneous abortion;
- lack of weight in a born child.
According to some sources, advanced cystitis increases the likelihood of intrauterine growth retardation and the birth of a child with cerebral palsy.
Infection prevention
For expectant mothers, the prevention of cystitis is especially important.
In order to prevent the disease, several simple rules should be observed:
- not supercool;
- follow the rules of intimate hygiene, use neutral means for it;
- wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics;
- follow a diet (exclude spices, spicy, salty);
- visit the toilet on time, do not ignore the urge to urinate;
- do not spend much time in a sitting position;
- regularly take urine for analysis and visit a doctor conducting a pregnancy.
These recommendations help prevent not only cystitis, but also vaginal candidiasis, and other infectious diseases of the genital organs.