With the onset of cold weather, the risk of not only getting a common cold, but also becoming infected with serious infections increases. Treatment of ARVI with folk remedies is not always justified. If the doctor determines that the infection is bacterial in nature and has prescribed an antibiotic, you should not delay taking the medicine. In the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia, otitis media and pharyngitis, cystitis and prostatitis, analogues of Ciprofloxacin are often used.

Composition, active substance and release form

The active substance of the drug is a compound with an antimicrobial effect, belonging to the group of fluoroquinolones. They are obtained by adding fluorine atoms to the molecules of synthetic antimicrobial agents.

They have a bactericidal effect, destroying microbes by tearing their cytolemma or inhibiting the formation of proteins.

"Ciprofloxacin" has a high activity against bacterial cells in the process of division and passive microbes. The drug is primarily used in the treatment of urogenital diseases.

It is also actively used in therapy:

  • skin diseases accompanied by purulent inflammation;
  • bacterial infections of the eyes;
  • pathological processes in the larynx and middle ear;
  • infections affecting the respiratory system;
  • gastrointestinal infectious diseases;
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases;
  • purulent necrotic lesions of the bones;
  • inflammatory processes of the meninges;
  • infectious diseases of the teeth and gums;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • septic arthritis.

Antimicrobial medicine is available in various forms:

  1. Tableted. The tool is presented in the form of rounded plates with a film coating. They differ in the dosage of the active substance, shape and color, depending on which pharmaceutical plant is manufactured. Auxiliary elements of the composition of the drug are usually lactose carbohydrate, a salt of magnesium and stearic acid, corn starch, povidone, a mineral from the class of silicates and cellulose. All components are considered harmless in the dosages presented, however, some of them can cause allergies.
  2. Solution for intravenous administration. The medicine is hermetically packed in transparent or dark bottles of 100 ml.
  3. Concentrate for the manufacture of a solution for injection. It is used if the drug is prescribed in the form of droppers. “Ciprofloxacin” is not given in injections.
  4. Eye drops. The active substance is presented in the form of hydrochloride monohydrate. The composition also includes alcohol aldit, antioxidant E 386, sodium salt of acetic acid, antiseptic, weak monobasic carboxylic acid. Before using the product, an ophthalmologist’s consultation is required, since the drug contains aggressive components that can cause an allergic reaction and corneal edema.
  5. Eye and ear drops. A universal drug that is suitable for the treatment of infections of both the organ of hearing and vision, is presented in a concentration of 0.3% of the active substance. The composition contains the same auxiliary elements as eye drops. To begin treatment using this dosage form is necessary only after an in-person consultation with a specialized doctor.

The drug in various forms is also used to prevent and treat infections in people suffering from immunodeficiencies.

Russian analogues of the drug

There are both exact substitutes for “Ciprofloxacin” that have the same active substance, as well as drug analogues similar to it by the mechanism of work in the body, affecting the same microbes, but differing in composition.

Full analogues of Ciprofloxacin in tablets are:

  • "Ziprolon";
  • Vero-Ciprofloxacin;
  • "Tsiprobaks";
  • Tsifloks-Alium;
  • Ecocifol.

In the form of a solution for droppers, domestic manufacturers produce only drugs under the names:

  • "Ciprofloxacin";
  • "Ciprofloxabol".

Drops of domestic production used in the treatment of infectious lesions of the organs of vision and hearing:

  • Betaciprol;
  • Ciprofloxacin-Akos.

Widely used in the treatment of various infectious diseases and drugs that differ from Ciprofloxacin in the active substance, but having similar properties:

  • Ofloks;
  • "Tariferid";
  • Lofox
  • "Ekolevid";
  • Leflobact;
  • Zarkvin;
  • "Moxifloxacin Canon";
  • Aquamox.

It is well known that Russian counterparts have a lower price. But, as experts say, domestic drugs are worse cleared of harmful impurities, and therefore, when used in treatment, undesirable hypersensitivity reactions and side effects often occur.

Imported substitutes for ciprofloxacin

This medicine is produced in many countries of the world at the largest pharmaceutical companies, as it is included in the list of vital medicines according to WHO. It is easy to use, quickly absorbed in the digestive tract, has passed many clinical trials, is used in the treatment of a large number of bacterial infections.

The list of foreign analogues of “Ciprofloxacin” for the main substance of the composition is extensive:

  • Tsiprobay (Germany);
  • Tsiprobel (Turkey);
  • Tsiprolet (India);
  • "Tsifran" OD (India);
  • Sispres (Kazakhstan;
  • Ciprinol (Slovenia);
  • Basidzhen (India);
  • Quipro (Spain);
  • Ciprofloxacin-Kredofarm (Latvia);
  • Quintor (India);
  • “Citral” (Macedonia);
  • Tsiproks (Italy);
  • Medociprin (Cyprus);
  • Flaprox (Turkey);
  • Zindolin (Cyprus).

The pharmaceutical market also presents complete analogues of the drug in the form of a solution for drip infusions:

  • Ciprofloxacin-Novofarm (Ukraine);
  • "Tacip" (India);
  • Athenoxin (Greece);
  • Tsiprocin-N (Ukraine);
  • Ififpro (India).

Ciprofloxacin eye drops also have many substitutes, which are available under the names:

  • "Tsiprolet";
  • "Tsifran";
  • Ciprinol;
  • Oftipipro;
  • Siflox.

Drops for the treatment of diseases of the organ of hearing:

  • "Afenoxin";
  • Quintor;
  • "Zindolin 250";
  • Microflox;
  • "Liprohin."

If there is a need to replace preparations containing ciprofloxacin, for example, in case of an allergic reaction to the active substance, the doctor may recommend the use of similar medicines that differ in composition, but work in the body in a similar way:

  • "Zanocin Od";
  • Zoflox;
  • "Nolicin";
  • Norbactin;
  • Moksimak;
  • Avelox;
  • "Zimar";
  • Xenaquin
  • Lofox

It should be remembered that when using a similar drug instead of the recommended one, it is necessary to recalculate the dose in accordance with the instructions for use of the drugs and the recommendations of the attending physician.

New generation generics

Modern similar drugs - drugs of the third and fourth generation - are more effective, have a wide list of indications, are quickly absorbed in the body, and negative side effects occur less often with their use. In the manufacture of such medicines, only high-quality raw materials are used.

Thus, if the doctor prescribed a drug belonging to the group of new generation drugs for treatment, there is no need to panic. Perhaps in a particular case, its use will be more appropriate.

List of new generation fluoroquinolone drugs

  1. Medicines, the active ingredient of which is levofloxacin: “Floratsid”, “L-Optik Romfarm”, “Ashlev”, “Flexid”, “Levotek”.
  2. Medicines containing gatifloxacin: Zarkvin, Zimar, Gatispan.

These antibiotics have an improved composition and way of working in the body, acting against microbes of different groups. However, it is not recommended to prescribe yourself drugs from this list on your own, since uncontrolled use of antibiotics can lead to the progression of the disease and its transition to a chronic form.

Similar remedies with less dangerous side effects

Common side effects of drugs with ciprofloxacin in the composition are:

  • failures in the digestive tract;
  • general weakness;
  • migraine;
  • fatigue;
  • ICP growth;
  • skin reactions;
  • liver damage
  • increase in heart rate.

It is believed that imported analogues of the drug cause less unpleasant phenomena and are easier to tolerate by patients. Foreign drugs undergo numerous clinical trials and several stages of purification.

It is noted that according to the data on the use of analogues of the medication for the treatment of patients in a hospital, the German “Tsiprobay” and the Slovenian “Tsiprinol” are recognized as the safest and least toxic. According to patients' reviews, side effects were more often observed when taking medicines of Indian and Russian production.

Brief instructions for the use of antibiotics

According to the instructions for use, "Ciprofloxacin" in tablet form is taken on an empty stomach, since food inhibits the absorption of active substances. The tablet is washed down with water, swallowed whole. The dose and duration of the therapeutic course vary depending on the type of infection, its severity, the individual characteristics of the patient and the accompanying chronic ailments. Usually, the drug is taken twice a day for seven days.

  • A drug in the form of a solution is used in the treatment of patients in a hospital. Usually it is administered through a dropper for half an hour or an hour, depending on the prescribed dosage.
  • “Ciprofloxacin” in the form of drops is applied every four hours, one to two drops in each eye, if there is a severe infection, the interval between instillations is reduced. The dose of the drug and the duration of the course are determined by the ophthalmologist.
  • Lightly heated drops are instilled into the ears three to four times a day, the duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the otolaryngologist.
  • Ophthalmic ointment "Ciprofloxacin" is laid over the lower eyelid at night. Treatment is usually carried out against the background of the use of drops with a similar active substance.

Is there a difference in formulations with a single active ingredient

Despite the fact that many of the preparations described in the article contain the same active substance, there are differences between them. When using the Russian medicines “Tsiprolon”, “Tsiprobax”, “Ecocifol”, the occurrence of negative side effects is more often recorded, in some cases even requiring drug withdrawal. Foreign-made medicines, in particular, Ciprolet, Ciprox, Afenoxin, are much easier to tolerate.

In domestic and foreign preparations, the same dosages of the active substance are presented. So, if necessary, replace “Ciprofloxacin” 500 mg, you will need “Ciprinol”, “Quipro”, “Citral” or “Zindolin” in the same dosage.

Currently, any drug with ciprofloxacin is dispensed from pharmacies strictly according to the prescription, in order to exclude the possibility of independent use of the drug.