Zinc paste is a popular and affordable anti-inflammatory drug for external use. Its composition is very simple, and almost nothing is indicated in the list of contraindications and side effects.
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The composition and benefits of zinc paste
In appearance, the paste is a thick creamy substance of white or beige color with a uniform consistency.
The composition of the drug includes a minimum of components:
- the main active ingredient is zinc oxide;
- petroleum jelly;
- starch.
Zinc oxide has antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory effects. Vaseline, as an additional substance, has a softening effect and protects damaged skin from drying out and excessive tension. Potato starch has a pronounced adsorbing effect.
The pharmaceutical industry produces the product in small jars of glass or in tubes of aluminum.
The drug has only a local effect on the skin, without penetrating the bloodstream and not being absorbed by the digestive organs. Therefore, it is considered safe for use by older people and children.
What helps paste
Zinc paste has a wide range of actions and at the same time performs a considerable number of functions:
- dries and disinfects the skin;
- reduces the inflammatory process;
- restores skin cells;
- destroys pathogens located on the surface of the skin;
- softens the hardened layer of the epidermis;
- eliminates irritation, redness, rash;
- neutralizes an itch.
It has an antiseptic effect and is capable of destroying various types of harmful microorganisms, however, with a stormy infectious process it turns out to be powerless. For this reason, it is not recommended to be used to treat infected purulent wounds and erosions. But in cases of minor damage to the skin on its surface treated with a paste, an invisible film is formed, which plays the role of a sterile dressing, protecting the skin from further damage and irritation.
Indications for use
Knowing what pasta helps from, you can not spend money on advertised expensive funds, but simply buy it and use it for its intended purpose.
Indications for use:
- sunburn;
- cuts and scratches;
- acne
- pressure sores;
- diaper rash;
- pink lichen;
- streptoderma;
- minor burns;
- dermatitis;
- eczema.
The drug is used to treat “diaper” dermatitis in newborns and babies up to 1 year old. Before use, the skin of the child is cleaned and dried, then a thin layer is applied to the paste with light rubbing movements. This should be done at least 3 times a day or during a diaper change in order to protect the epidermis as much as possible. After the procedure, you don’t need to immediately put on the baby - let it lie naked for 15-20 minutes, this significantly increases the effect of the drug.
Zinc paste: instructions for use
The general instruction says that the drug should be applied in a thin layer to the damaged area of the skin. We will consider specific cases below.
Acne Zinc Paste
The drug can be applied only pointwise to inflamed areas. It is impossible to lubricate the whole face with a dense layer - this will only do harm.
When using zinc paste for acne, a problem often arises, how to wash off the remnants of the drug. The product is thick and oily, so it is poorly removed with cosmetic gel or foam. In such cases, it is recommended to use tar soap, which also has a pronounced therapeutic effect. But if the skin is dry, then after washing it is necessary to apply a light moisturizer on it.
For best effect, salicylic-zinc paste is often used. Despite the rather low concentration of salicylic acid in it (only 2%), it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
- The drug dries oily skin.
- Regenerates epidermal cells.
- Regulates sebum production.
- Relieves irritation and disinfects.
The tool can also be applied to acne, but only pointwise up to 6 times a day. During treatment, it is better not to use cosmetics.
Also use salicylic-zinc paste for psoriasis.
Help with chickenpox
Zinc paste with chickenpox is quite effective, as it dries up the watery pimples that appear on the patient's body, relieves itching and discomfort. The remedy does not affect the cause of the disease itself, but only relieves the symptoms.
However, to dry pimples on the face with chickenpox, it is better to use other drugs. The fact is that with excessive application of acne paste, damaged skin can dry out very much, and then a scar or a pigment spot will remain in this place.
From age spots
Also, the drug helps to even out the tone of the face and remove excessive pigmentation. It is recommended to be applied to pre-cleansed skin 2-3 times a day until the darkened area is lightened.
Since the drug dries the epidermis very much, you can make it softer by adding a little melted butter. You can also introduce a little hypoallergenic baby oil into a certain amount of paste and mix well until uniform.
Herpes Zinc Paste
As a result of studies, it was proved that the preparation itself does not contain substances that could affect the pathogenic virus, but the use of paste for herpes can relieve inflammation, dry out erosive areas and accelerate their healing.
Special instructions for use
In acute inflammatory processes, doctors do not recommend rinsing off the paste more often than 1 time in 3 days. The film that forms after its application promotes rapid healing, so you do not need to remove it. For 2 to 3 days, the applied layer becomes quite dense, so before removing it is desirable to soften it with any vegetable oil.
The duration of treatment depends on the degree of skin damage and the general condition of the person. As a rule, the drug is canceled with the complete disappearance of symptoms.
This drug has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance and allergies to its components. It is also not recommended to use paste to treat areas in which pus is present. Its presence indicates infection, for the elimination of which other means must be used.
In rare cases, during the use of the drug in question, patients complain of local skin allergic reactions in the form of spots, redness, peeling and increased dryness. If such symptoms occur, then you need to stop using the medicine and consult a doctor for advice.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
Neither lactation nor pregnancy are contraindications to the use of paste. The components of the drug do not penetrate into breast milk, so if necessary it can be used without any concern.
What is the difference between zinc paste and ointment
The main difference between ointment and paste is consistency. Pastes always have a thick texture, and ointments - a liquid, more like a cream. In the process of making pastes, a large number of powder components are used. This is necessary so that the active substances penetrate the skin slowly and cannot get into the blood.
Dosage form in the form of a paste is prescribed for acute inflammation of the skin, and ointment for chronic, when the lesion is located deep.
Of the most famous analogues of the described means, the following should be mentioned:
- Desitin. This is an ointment or cream made in the USA (USA). It differs from zinc paste in a higher concentration of zinc oxide and the presence of additional components. This is talc, which is known for its adsorbing properties, and cod liver oil with a softening and moisturizing effect. The drug has a specific smell. It is used to treat diaper rash, dermatitis, acne, burns. It costs 12 to 15 times more expensive than zinc paste.
- Tsindol. The cost of this tool is 4 to 5 times higher than zinc paste. The people call this drug a talker. According to the dosage form, this is a suspension, which must be shaken before use in order to evenly distribute a suspension of insoluble small particles in the liquid. The composition includes zinc oxide (12%), talc, starch, alcohol, glycerin and purified water. Due to alcohol, the drug has a stronger antiseptic property, in comparison with paste. It is used to treat mild burns, rashes of a different nature and diaper rash.
But still, zinc paste remains the most affordable and no less effective than other drugs similar to it. A simple and well-known tool helps to cope with many skin problems, it is safe and allowed for use in both the smallest and elderly patients, as well as in pregnant women and nursing mothers.