In the autumn-winter period, human immunity especially needs protection and support. Cycloferon may come to the rescue. It is a well-known medicine for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, but you need to know how to take cycloferon.

Composition, release form and packaging

The immunomodulatory effect is provided by the active component in the composition - meglumine acridone acetate.

The drug is made in the form of tablets with a dosage of 150 mg and a solution for injection of 250 mg. In the latter case, only purified water is auxiliary components.

The solution is supplied in 2 ml ampoules of 5 pcs., Tablets are available in packs of 10, 20 or 50 pcs.

Why Cycloferon is prescribed for adults and children

Cycloferon is a powerful immunostimulant. Its feature is a wide range of actions.

In addition to the immunostimulating effect, it has:

  • antiviral - prevents the creation of RNA molecules in viral cells, and also blocks the synthesis of protein, which is part of foreign agents;
  • anti-inflammatory - reduces the inflammatory process;
  • painkiller - reduces pain, suppressing autoimmune reactions;
  • antitumor - slows down or completely stops the development of cancer cells;
  • antiproliferative - inhibits cell growth, thereby inhibiting the spread of the tumor in the body.

The principle of the effect of the drug is to enhance the production of natural interferon, and accordingly stimulate the body's immune defense.

Note. The tool is most effective in immunodeficiency and autoimmune conditions.

Cycloferon tablets in adults are especially popular among infectious disease specialists and therapists during the cold season. This is due to the pharmacological effects of the drug. It can be used both as part of complex treatment, and as a preventive measure.

An antiviral drug is prescribed for such conditions:

  • SARS and flu;
  • viruses (hepatitis, herpes)
  • bacterial and fungal infections;
  • HIV

And also, the medication is used to treat intestinal infections, rheumatic diseases and viral pathogens that affect the central nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis). It is sometimes used in children with enlarged adenoids and tonsils, but only as an adjunct as part of complex therapy.

Note. The drug has good compatibility with all medicinal substances, including antibiotics.

Cycloferon is prescribed in the fight against cancer pathologies. It is distinguished by good tolerance by patients, low toxicity and the absence of side effects. The drug is most effective in the first stages after irradiation.

Instructions for use

Cycloferon is prescribed in accordance with an objective examination and data from diagnostic studies. Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor draws up a schedule for taking the drug. Frequency and dose are determined according to the age of the patient and health status.

The basic treatment regimen looks like this: 300-600 mg per dose (depending on the purpose) for 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23 days. If the day of therapy is suddenly missed, then treatment is carried out further according to the schedule. Dosage does not change. The course can be repeated a month after the end of the first, but only in severe conditions.

Note. If after the start of therapy on day 2-3 no improvement is observed, treatment should be adjusted.

With herpetic infections, the course takes 1-2 packs of 20 tablets, with ARVI one is enough. Treatment should be started as soon as possible when the first symptoms of malaise appear. But it is best to take a preventive course during a flu epidemic. Cycloferon to prevent infection, you need to take 2 tablets per day at a time. A total of 5-10 receptions.

Instructions for use look like this:

  • the first 5 receptions every other day;
  • a break of 3 days;
  • on day 11, the course continues, tablets are drunk at intervals of 2 days.

Cycloferon children are prescribed from 4 years. Scheme depending on age:

  • 4-6 years - 1 pc.;
  • 6-12 - 2 pcs.;
  • over 12 - 3 pcs.

Tablets should be taken in 30 minutes. before eating, swallowing and drinking 100 ml of water. You can not chew, otherwise there is a damage to the protective shell, which entails the interaction of the active substance with the aggressive environment of the stomach.

The course of treatment for acute respiratory viral infections is determined by the pediatrician, depending on the diagnosis, on average 5–9 days. With hepatitis, herpes, intestinal infections, you should adhere to the basic scheme.

During pregnancy and lactation

Gynecologists prohibit the use of the medication for pregnant women and during breastfeeding. The main reason for the ban is the lack of clinical studies in this group. Pregnancy should be planned no earlier than 2 months after treatment.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose


  • the period of gestation and lactation;
  • children under 4 years (due to imperfect swallowing function);
  • intolerance to drug components;
  • cirrhosis of the liver in the stage of decompensation.

Therapy should be carried out with caution in case of allergic reactions in history, diseases of the digestive tract during exacerbation (erosion, ulcers, gastritis).In case of impaired thyroid function, the medication is administered under the supervision of an endocrinologist.

Adverse reactions are possible in the form of such allergic manifestations as itching, rash, urticaria, redness and swelling of the skin, difficulty swallowing. If an allergy occurs, immediately stop using the drug.

Cases of overdose are not registered. In case of accidental use of excess volumes, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Antiviral drug analogues

The drug Cycloferon is an antiviral and immunomodulating drug aimed at getting rid of many ailments.

The most common analogues include:

  • Anaferon is a homeopathic remedy intended for the treatment and prevention of viral and infectious diseases, for the stimulation of immunity in frequently ill patients.
  • Amiksin - a medication for the complex treatment of viral infections, restores the disturbed balance of the immune system.
  • Lavomax is a drug for the treatment and prevention of diseases of viral and bacterial origin.
  • Galavit is an immunomodulating agent with anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Timogen - used for diseases that are accompanied by depression of immunity.
  • Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic remedy for colds.
  • Immunoflazide is one of the optimal drugs for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections in children.
  • Echinacin - the cheapest analogue, has an immunostimulating effect, is used to prevent and treat acute and chronic respiratory diseases.

All questions about how to take Cycloferon should be addressed with your doctor.