Cycloferon is a popular Russian drug with antiviral activity. However, for certain reasons, in some cases, the selection of a quality substitute is required. Cycloferon analogs are represented by inexpensive drugs that have a similar pharmacological effect.
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Composition and dosage forms of cycloferon
As the main active compound, the immunomodulating therapeutic drug contains meglumine acridone acetate - it is a high molecular weight compound, whose action is aimed at enhancing the synthesis of interferon in the human body.
Cycloferon is represented by the following forms:
- 150 mg tablets
- 125 mg solution
- liniment (for external use) 50 mg
Additional components of the tablets are such compounds: povidone, propylene glycol, calcium stearate, polysorbate, hypromellose. The solution is water for injection. Cycloferon liniment contains benzalkonium chloride and propylene glycol.
Analogs of the drug for children
Anaferon tablets for children are an inexpensive domestic analogue of Cycloferon. This drug shows maximum activity against viruses if taken at an early stage of the disease. The drug has virtually no contraindications, and is also completely safe to use.
Another safe and effective immunostimulating drug is Amiksin Children's.The main active compound of this medicine is a synthetic compound, the action of which is aimed at the correction and normalization of humoral immunity. Children's Amiksin shows high efficiency during the treatment of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.
Also among the modern antiviral agents is tincture of echinacea. This drug acts as a natural stimulant of the human immune system. To date, Echinacea tincture is considered the best herbal preparation and Cycloferon substitute.
Substitutes for adults
It is worth noting that exact copies and synonyms of this drug do not exist.
However, a number of drugs are produced that have a similar structure, pharmacological effect and the number of indications for use. Some analogues are cheaper, but others may cost significantly more.
In pills
In tablet form, Lavomax is an effective analogue of Cycloferon, an immunostimulating drug that has a wide range of prescriptions. The active component composition promotes enhanced synthesis of interferons, bone marrow stem cells, as well as the restoration of the normal ratio of T cells. Among the adverse reactions, there is only hypersensitivity to individual components, which can manifest itself in the form of an allergic reaction.
Another substitute are Galavit sublingual tablets, which belong to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs. This drug contains the same list of contraindications and adverse reactions. Another well-known drug with antiviral activity and immunostimulating effect is Kagocel. However, there is a larger list of contraindications to Kagocel tablets.
Cycloferon analogues in tablets include the herbal medicine Imunnal, which has an immunostimulating effect. The main active compound is echinacea, which provides antiviral activity. However, the number of contraindications, as well as negative reactions, should be taken into account.
In the form of an injection
A rather well-known Cycloferon substitute in the form of a solution is Timogen, an immunostimulant that is used to increase cellular immunity. This medication has a wide range of prescriptions, and is also allowed for use for children. Another rather cheap synonym is Interferon ampoules, which have a similar number of indications, and also do not have adverse reactions.
An inexpensive solution for injections is Inflamafertin, a new-generation immunomodulating agent that is prescribed, as a rule, for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. Among the contraindications, there is only an allergy to animal proteins. It is also important to consider a number of conditions in which the use of immunotropic Inflamafertin is contraindicated.
Another synonym drug is Glutoxim, which is used for intravenous or intramuscular injections. This immunomodulator acts on intracellular processes, and is also able to restore anti-infection immunity. Despite the absence of side effects, Glutoxim is not used during pregnancy and lactation.
Ointments for external use
A rather inexpensive substitute is Viferon ointment. The medicine has an antiviral as well as immunostimulating effect. Often, this ointment is prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment for various diseases of viral etymology. The use of Viferon does not cause the development of undesirable reactions.
To strengthen the immune system, as well as the rapid elimination of a viral disease, Panavir ointment is often used.A small number of contraindications is due to the presence of active plant components. Among the undesirable reactions, only the intolerance of the individual compounds present in the composition of the drug is distinguished.
An effective antiviral ointment is Alpizarin, the active composition of which is represented by natural plant components. The pharmacological properties of this medication are to increase the level of interferon in the blood of a person. It is characterized by high activity against most bacteria, the absence of any contraindications, as well as a small amount of undesirable manifestations after application.
Instructions for use of the drug
For therapeutic treatment with this drug, a special scheme has been developed in which the days on which tablets should be taken are determined. And also for each individual case there are special instructions regarding the age and illness of the patient.
- with herpes, 2-4 tablets per day are indicated, the schedule for taking the drug is: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23;
- with ARVI, ARI and influenza, 2-4 tablets will be required, the schedule is standard, but in the case of severe forms, 6 pieces are allowed on the first day of treatment;
- in chronic hepatitis, 4 tablets per day are shown according to the standard schedule;
- acute chronic infection is treated with 2 tablets for the first five days, then they switch to 4 tablets for the following days;
- with CNS infection, therapy is indicated according to the standard schedule of 4 tablets per day;
- for HIV infections, 4 tablets are prescribed per day, and then a second course is done in two weeks.
Ointment for external use in cold sores should be used once a day for five days. With bacterial urethritis or fungal infection of the vaginal mucosa, up to 10 ml is introduced. In this case, the duration of treatment is determined by a specialist. Cycloferon in ampoules is used once a day.
For children, there is also a separate instruction for the use of a therapeutic agent. The tablet does not need to be chewed. Cycloferon for children under six years of age is prescribed one per day, from 7 to 11 years - two per day. Patients over 12 years old take three tablets per day.
Contraindications and side effects
According to the instructions for use, there is a list of contraindications in which the use of this drug should be limited.
Absolute prohibitions include the following cases:
- Inadequate response of the immune system to the main active compound (allergic reaction).
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Functional disorders and cirrhosis.
- Children's age up to 4 years (for tablets and solution).
- The patient's age is up to 19 years (for ointment).
With caution, Cycloferon is prescribed for patients with a history of the following diseases and disorders: erosion of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulcer, gastritis, dyskinesia, duodenitis. At the first manifestations of an allergic reaction, the use of the drug should be discontinued. The medication is not able to cause a feeling of drowsiness or lethargy. Since cycloferon is characterized by good tolerance, among undesirable reactions, only hypersensitivity.