Cyclamen, which is not difficult to care for at home, is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful indoor flowers. Its value lies not only in decorative qualities, but also in medicinal properties, thanks to which it is easy to cope with sinusitis without resorting to medical treatment.

Species and varieties

In nature, cyclamen, represented by 20 species, is found in the Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East. In a culture, as a rule, two varieties are cultivated.

Cyclamen Persian.

The species is most popular in indoor floriculture because of the high degree of decorativeness, which falls not only on the flowering period. Beautiful green leaf plates are large. With the onset of the flowering phase, which lasts from late autumn to early spring, pink, lilac, purple flowers with yawns of other tones bloom. Among the varieties, miniature representatives of the species are popular: “Pink”, “Victoria”, “Spring Moth”, “Striata”.

European cyclamen.

A view with a tuberous root system that prefers cool when in the apartment. It blooms with pink, white and carmine flowers from May to October. Among the varieties that can be purchased in stores are common: Purpurascens, Lake garda, Album.

Cyclamen: basic requirements for growing

To grow cyclamen only for pleasure, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of this flower.

  1. Regulations for storage of planting material. The storage of tubers of faded cyclamen should not be carried out in a refrigerator, otherwise the bulb may not awaken.
  2. Intolerance to the flower of heat and stuffy atmosphere in the room.
  3. The appearance of burns on the leaves as a result of exposure to direct sunlight, which leads to a loss of decorativeness.
  4. Agricultural engineering planting. When growing, the cyclamen bulb should protrude ⅓ above the ground.
  5. Intolerance of the plant to an excess of mineral salts.
  6. Pot selection. The culture container should not have too large a diameter.

Home Care

To ensure a healthy state and prolonged flowering of cyclamen, you should adhere to the agrotechnical regulations for flower care.

Lighting and location

The cyclamen flower must be kept on the windowsills with diffused light, where there is no access to direct rays. In the summer, it is recommended to take the pot out to fresh air. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to organize regular ventilation without drafts.


The optimum temperature regime at which lush and prolonged flowering is observed varies in the range of 6-15 ° C.

Therefore, the most decorative representatives of the genus are species and varieties, whose flowering occurs in the winter.

Soil and pot requirements

The flower prefers a loose, light substrate, which can be purchased at a flower shop or prepared independently from the substrate for cacti, leafy soil and peat in equal parts. The capacity for planting should not be too spacious: just take a pot, where when planting the bulbs between its edge and the wall of the dishes remain 2-3 cm.

Cyclamen watering and humidity

With the beginning of intensive growth, the flower needs regular watering, in which the soil must have time to dry out. For representatives of this genus, it is recommended to use the technology of lower watering, in which the pot is placed in a tray with water, where it is saturated with moisture until the topsoil gets wet. The application of this method will prevent water from entering the growth point, and, accordingly, minimize the threat of the onset of rot development.

At the same time, the plant needs a high level of humidity, which is provided by spraying. In the summer months, the regularity of the procedure allows you to lower the temperature by several degrees.

Attention! When growing a flower, it is worth avoiding both overmoistening and strong drying of an earthen coma.

Top dressing

During the period of active vegetation, cyclamen is provided with additional nutrition in the form of liquid complex fertilizers for flowering plants. The procedure is performed twice a month.

Caution! Due to the intolerance of the flower to a high concentration of mineral salts, the following rule is applied when feeding cyclamen: "it is better to underfeed than overfeed."

Care after flowering

After flowering, the culture shows yellowing of the leaf plates, which should be removed. Removal is carried out by twisting until the sheets are separated from the bulb. The pot moves into a shaded room, where it remains until awakening. Watering for a period of rest is reduced to a minimum.

Transplant at home

With an interval of a year before the start of active vegetation, the flower is transplanted into a new container with a pre-prepared substrate.

The procedure is as follows:

  • a drainage layer in the form of expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the selected pot;
  • the bulb by transshipment with an old earthen lump is placed in the tank;
  • the pot is filled with a new substrate so that ⅓ of the bulb remains on the surface;
  • at the end, the soil is compacted and slightly moistened.

Pest and Disease Control

The appearance on the flower of harmful organisms is noted in violation of cultivation agrotechnics.

  1. The development of fungal diseases, expressed by rot of the bulb, occurs with the systematic waterlogging of the substrate.
  2. In the event of a lack of moisture, the flower is populated by a spider mite.
  3. Also, in violation of the care requirements, cyclamen is affected by aphids, which in turn is a carrier of soot fungus.

As protective measures when signs of pests and diseases appear, insecticidal and fungicidal preparations are treated.

Important! The most dangerous pest of a plant is a cyclamen mite, with the appearance of which it is necessary to immediately carry out a double treatment with an insecticide with an interval of 10 days. Lost time can lead to the death of cyclamen.

Features of cyclamen reproduction

Cyclamen propagates in generative and vegetative ways.

Seed method

With this method of reproduction, the following manipulations are carried out:

  • seed is soaked in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 10-12 hours;
  • in the substrate for cyclamen, grooves are made 1 cm deep, where seeds are placed with a distance of 2-3 cm;
  • seed is sprinkled with soil;
  • the container is covered with glass and placed in a bright room with a temperature of 18-20 ° C;
  • after 1-6 months, depending on the variety, sprouts appear;
  • after emergence, the glass is removed;
  • when one pair of true leaves forms on the seedlings, the seedlings dive;
  • after six months, the seedlings are planted in separate pots.

Tuber division

Vegetative propagation is used only in cases where the tuber has more than one growth point:

  • young tuber is separated from the mother;
  • the neatly separated part is planted in a separate container.

Attention! Due to poor rooting, often the vegetative method of reproduction ends in failure.

The reasons why cyclamen does not bloom, leaves turn yellow

The cultivation of cyclamen is associated with certain difficulties, in which a number of questions arise.

Leaves turn yellow

Yellowing of leaf plates can be caused by such reasons:

  1. Violation of irrigation regulations. To avoid problems, lower watering is organized when the earthen coma dries up.
  2. The stuffy and hot atmosphere in the room is kept. To eliminate the negative factor, it is required to ensure regular ventilation and spraying of the potted culture.
  3. Preparation for the rest period. A natural process that occurs after flowering.

Cyclamen does not bloom

The main reasons for which there may be a lack of flowers on the crop are:

  • lack of soil and air moisture;
  • high temperature in the room where cyclamen is grown.

So, subject to simple rules of care, the flower grower will delight himself and his household with the long flowering of a spectacular plant, which will give a lot of positive emotions, especially necessary in winter.