Cerebrum Composite is a comprehensive homeopathic medicine used in the treatment of various diseases of the central nervous system. The tool has a complex natural composition, but it is well tolerated by the body, so it has practically no contraindications. The medicine can be used both for the treatment of various brain diseases as part of complex therapy, and for prevention.

The composition and description of the dosage form

A homeopathic remedy is available in the form of a solution for injection. The composition of the drug is complex, the instructions indicate the Latin names of the components. One ampoule contains more than 20 homeopathic medicines that primarily affect the central nervous system, metabolic processes in the brain, and cognitive abilities.

The medicine contains cerebrum suis, placenta total suis, acidum phosphoricum, aconitum, ruta, arnica and even more than 10 homeopathic remedies of 22 micrograms each.

The preparation contains biologically active components of plant and animal origin. The medicine is completely natural, made without the use of artificial colors and preservatives.

An auxiliary component of the composition of the drug is a solution of sodium chloride. It is necessary to provide a form that allows the use of an injectable.

Each ampoule contains 2.2 ml of solution. The drug is available in packs of 5 and 100 ampoules.It is made in Germany, dispensed by prescription.

Therapeutic effect

The effect of the drug is due to the substances that make up its composition.

  • The drug improves the processes of cortical-subcortical interaction in the brain, normalizes the metabolism of catecholamines, and has an antiparkinsonian effect.
  • Taking homeopathy enhances the body's immune response. At the same time, a positive effect on the tone of the vessels of the brain is manifested - the drug increases the elasticity of their walls. The manufacturer claimed a weak vasodilator effect of a homeopathic remedy.
  • In addition to affecting the central nervous system, taking Cerebrum Compositum has a positive effect on the condition of the whole organism. Homeopathic remedy helps to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body, has an antioxidant effect.
  • The medicine improves metabolic processes, normalizes the endocrine system, strengthens the general immunity and has a pronounced tonic effect.

The pharmacological effect of homeopathy has not been thoroughly studied, so the exact mechanism of the drug is not known.

Indications Cerebrum Compositum

There is an impressive list of conditions and diseases for the correction of which the discussed homeopathic solution can be used.

Indications for use are due to the specific action of the drug:

  • improvement of blood circulation of the brain;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and increasing their elasticity;
  • stimulation of the production of immune cells;
  • improving cognitive functions of the brain;
  • normalization of venous outflow;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes and tissue trophism.

At the same time, the official instructions do not provide specific diagnoses in the treatment of which Cerebrum Composite will be most effective.

The absence of approved therapeutic indications is a distinctive feature of most homeopathic remedies.

Traditionally, a homeopathic solution is used in the treatment of encephalopathies of various origins.

The drug may also be indicated in the following cases:

  • head injuries;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • brain damage due to severe intoxication;
  • cerebral ischemia;
  • high intracranial pressure.


  • In neurological practice, the drug is often prescribed for the treatment of neuralgia, vegetovascular dystonia, cervical osteochondrosis. The effectiveness of the use of homeopathy in such diseases is explained by its restorative and tonic effect.
  • Also, the medicine is used for migraines, dizziness, cephalalgia tension. The natural composition of the drug allows you to use it for the prevention of migraine attacks.
  • In cardiological practice, the drug is used as part of the complex therapy of hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease. It is also advisable to use the drug to accelerate the recovery of the body after a recent myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke.
  • Often, the drug is prescribed as a general strengthening agent to reduce the effects of encephalopathy and encephalitis.
  • Homeopathy is prescribed for elderly patients with Parkinson's disease, senile dementia, an age-related decrease in cognitive abilities.
  • The use of the drug for the treatment of various psychopathological syndromes, including depression, asthenia, neurasthenia, neurosis and anxiety disorder, is justified.

Instructions for use for adults and children

In order to avoid the negative consequences of taking the drug, you must clearly follow the instructions for its use.


The drug must be taken one to three times a week, one ampoule. The solution may be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

Intravenous infusions are given only as directed by your doctor.

Oral administration of the solution is also allowed.To do this, the contents of the ampoule must be mixed with 50 ml of water and drink. The solution itself has no taste or smell, so oral administration does not cause rejection.


Important! The drug is available only in ampoules, which can be used in different ways. Cerebrum Composite is not manufactured in tablet form. Having met a tablet form of release, we can say with confidence that this is a fake of the original drug.

Due to the lack of data on the safety of homeopathy, the drug is not used in pediatric practice, which means that children under 18 years of age cannot be taken with Cerebrum Compositum.

During pregnancy and lactation

Homeopathy is not well understood, so it is not known whether the remedy can cross the placental barrier and affect the fetus. There is no data on the likelihood of penetration of the components of the homeopathic remedy into breast milk. In this regard, Cerebrum Compositum should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women.

Interaction with other medicines

The principle of action of homeopathy is strikingly different from the action of medicines used by official medicine. This explains the absence of any negative interactions with other drugs. Thus, the intake of Cerebrum Compositum does not impose any restrictions on therapy with other drugs.

Given the fact that a homeopathic medicine is most often prescribed for prophylaxis, or as an adjuvant in the treatment of various diseases, you can safely combine it with other drugs prescribed by your doctor.


Cerebrum Composite has no exact analogues in composition. It contains a large number of components that provide the therapeutic effect of the drug, which is not found in any other medicine in this group.

The Cerebrum Compositum analogs can be selected on the basis of several homeopathic remedies at once, either with separate similar components of the composition, or with a similar pharmacological effect.

Among homeopathic remedies with the same indications for use:

  • "Aconite";
  • "Diskus Composite";
  • "Echinacea Compositum";
  • Notta
  • Galium-Hel;
  • Guna Cell;
  • Kindinorm.

A qualified homeopath will be able to pick up analogues. Such drugs have no contraindications, however, they can cause an allergic reaction. Since the composition of homeopathy is not entirely clear to the average patient, it is necessary to trust the doctor when choosing a medicine.

Contraindications and side effects

The tool has no absolute contraindications. Side effects when taking medication almost never occur. The only exceptions are the occurrence of allergies due to individual intolerance to the individual components of the composition.

When an allergy occurs, the drug should be stopped.

It is imperative to consult a doctor if the symptoms of existing diseases worsen during therapy with homeopathy.