A jealous spouse should not sound the alarm if another man kisses his missus in a dream. Indeed, according to the dream book, kissing in a dream does not mean changing in reality.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
If the girl had kisses, you need to pay attention to small details, because the correct interpretation of the dream depends on them. It is important to remember how, where, and with whom exactly the dreamer kissed, what feelings she felt.
Velesov's dream book interprets the kiss as a bad sign for a man. If a guy kisses a beautiful lady in a dream, he will be in trouble on a personal front. If at this time he is in a relationship, the chosen one can deceive him. According to Miller's dream book, kisses in a dream can be harbingers of financial turmoil, even if the object of passion was a loved one.
According to Freud's dream book, kisses with a stranger indicate a possible immoral behavior in the future. The dreamer will commit an indecent act or lead an unrighteous lifestyle, which he will subsequently regret. Also, passionate kisses on the lips can talk about the sexual dissatisfaction of the sleeping person. Perhaps the current partner is not careful enough and gentle. A person is deficient in love and passion.
Kisses in a dream can portend parting and tears. If a girl has a disturbing dream in which she hugs and kisses her parents, they may find health problems. You should advise your family to have an examination with a doctor to exclude this option.
There is a simpler explanation for such manifestations of feelings during sleep: such a kiss can symbolize a hidden desire for intimacy with a specific person.
Kisses with husband, boyfriend
Women rarely wonder why they dream of kissing a man on the lips if the spouse or lover acted as a night gentleman. But such dreams can have different interpretations.
Kisses with a husband or groom promise a sleeping girl harmony, happiness in family life, the implementation of plans. If the sleeping woman kisses her husband or boyfriend, and at the same time she is haunted by a heavy feeling, perhaps this person occupies a very large place in her life. The girl should reconsider her attitude to the chosen one, ceasing to “go in cycles” on him, because the meaning of life cannot be in one person.
Troubles can arise if the spouse's touch in a dream was repulsive. Such a dream can promise minor quarrels and troubles.
If the dreamer kisses her husband goodbye, then this can really mean a short separation. Some dream books regard such a dream as a signal of the possible infidelity of a lover in the future. A woman should pay maximum attention to her husband in order to protect him from this mistake.
If in a dream a girl kisses someone else’s husband, this can symbolize her secret desire to meet a man who would become her lover. Also, sleep can warn of serious disagreements in the family.
Kissing a stranger
When a sleeping girl kisses a stranger, she should pay attention to whether he was pleasant and pretty.
A handsome man is an auspicious sign. He talks about positive changes in a woman’s life. Passionate kisses with a stranger mean that the dreamer will soon have a pleasant surprise. The second half of the girl has nothing to worry about, there is no question of adultery. If a lonely girl dreams of a kiss, a pleasant acquaintance awaits her soon
If the kiss of an unfamiliar man was unpleasant or his appearance was repulsive, this could portend a quarrel with relatives and friends.
Had a kiss on the neck
Kisses on the neck are a signal of an upcoming disagreement in family relationships due to evil gossip and gossip. Perhaps there is an envious person in the immediate environment, so you should not be too gullible and frank with everyone.
If a girl kisses the neck of another man, she should reconsider the relationship with her soulmate. In addition, the dreamer may be disturbed by the lack of passion in family union.
When a stranger kisses a sleeping girl on the neck, this indicates her popularity with the opposite sex. However, such a dream does not portend treason in reality. And on the contrary, if a woman dreams that her husband kisses another on the neck, this signals that another girl really feels sympathy for him. If the wife surrounds her man with warmth and care in time, most likely he will not even notice this sympathy.
Kissing with ex-boyfriend
Sometimes a girl happens to kiss in a dream with an ex-boyfriend. Does this mean that she did not let him go and wants to renew the relationship? There is no definite answer to this question, since dream books interpret such dreams in different ways.
A kiss with an ex-boyfriend or spouse may indicate an unresolved issue from the past. She will not necessarily be in love. It can be debts, forgotten promises, old grievances.
If the bride dreams of a former lover on the eve of the wedding, she subconsciously searches for common features between the former and current chosen ones. Also, a major quarrel immediately after the wedding ceremony is not excluded. If in real life a girl broke up with a guy without scandals, his presence in a dream can promise the support of a loved one in solving minor problems.
The ex-boyfriend may also dream of a married girl. Such a dream portends a family quarrel, unreasonable nit-picking by the spouse, domestic troubles. Sometimes the meaning of the dream really lies on the surface - the sleeping woman misses her ex-boyfriend and wants to make peace with him.
The meaning of sleep with a woman
Sometimes a woman dreams that she had to kiss a girl.A kiss with a woman in a dream is always an unkind sign. The only exception is the kiss of mom. In other cases, such a dream can mean the appearance of a rival in the professional sphere. It is even possible that the two women will fight for the heart of one man. To respond in a dream to a passionate female kiss - to the appearance of envy.
If two women passionately kiss each other, and the dreamer acts as an observer, conflicts at work await him. Kissing a relative in a dream - to an early quarrel with her.
Mom personifies wisdom and love. Mom's kiss is always a good sign and means support and care. If the dreamer is going through hard times, such a dream promises a white streak in life and a solution to long-standing problems.
Kisses with the dead - which means
Contrary to popular belief, a kiss with the deceased does not bode well. A dream in which a girl or man kisses a dead person can have two meanings.
In the first case, such a dream symbolizes imminent changes in life. This may be the resolution of financial problems, getting rid of unrequited love, the denouement of a confused life situation.
In the second case, the sleeper simply misses the deceased, and the dream is a veiled reflection of real feelings. This is not to be afraid, because it is not for nothing that they say that sleep is the only opportunity to stay with those who are no longer around.
In any case, even if the meaning of sleep becomes negative, you should not give up. After all, a dream is just a clue about future events. This does not mean that they are inevitable. On the contrary, a dream gives a signal for action, so that a person gets ready in time and changes his life for the better.