Hemorrhoids refers to the type of disease that is very difficult to tell about to native people, and even to a doctor. But if you do not start treating the disease as soon as possible, much more dangerous consequences are inevitable. A very serious complication of hemorrhoids, which occurs extremely often, is hemorrhoidal thrombosis.

What is hemorrhoidal thrombosis

By this term is meant the complicated course of hemorrhoids, with blood clots accumulated in the near-canal vessels.

But this complication does not occur by itself. In order for thrombosis to begin to develop, the presence of a hemorrhoidal node containing a blood clot inside is mandatory.

About 80% of such complications occur due to chronic hemorrhoids.

If you gradually describe the appearance of thrombosis, it will look something like this:

  1. In the plexus of veins inflamed from hemorrhoids, which are located in the anus, damage to the vascular networks occurs.
  2. A blood clot forms that stops the bleeding.
  3. Blood begins to stagnate due to a blood clot disturbance.
  4. Gradually, in the place where the clot is located, swelling occurs, and inflammatory processes soon appear.
  5. In the rectum, severe pains are felt, the intensity of which will be the same both with a slight inflammation, and with a more complex form.
  6. Pain frightens a person, because of which he is afraid to empty himself "for the most part", which only exacerbates the situation. Constipation occurs.
  7. At the time of defecation, cones with blood clots are injured, which causes even greater pain.

Types and degrees of disease

There are three types of thrombosis: mixed, located inside the rectum, as well as outside, in the area of ​​the sphincter, so to speak, visible.

An external hemorrhoid is the most common manifestation of a complication.

The disease is divided into 3 degrees:

  • 1 degree. The blood clot is small and retains an elastic structure. The color of the node turns red. The pain is tolerable, mainly it is felt in contact with the node. Puffiness is almost absent, there is no blood discharge either. This form is treated most quickly.
  • 2 degree. At this stage, the node becomes medium in size and becomes less elastic. Color can range from dark red to bluish. Pain sensations become pronounced. The node, as well as the skin around it, become swollen and inflamed. A rectal spasm begins to appear periodically, and in the rarest cases, bleeding occurs.
  • 3 degree. The most difficult and painful. The node becomes large, and the pain becomes unbearable. The skin around the anus and the node is inflamed, has a dark blue tint. Inflammation extends not only to the surface of the skin, but also to deeper lying tissues. An internal hemorrhoid can occur along with an external. Spasms of the rectal valve are constantly present and only intensify. Bleeding becomes a companion of the disease. This condition is called "acute hemorrhoidal thrombosis."


We said above that the first and main reason for the appearance of an ailment is damage to the walls of the vessel.

You can provoke this process:

  • intense stress (in particular, childbirth, weight lifting, constipation);
  • damage to the rectum;
  • hypothermia.

Thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes is associated with hemorrhoids, as it is its consequence. Therefore, the reasons why this complication occurs may lie in common factors. For example, in sedentary work, regular weight lifting, problems with housing and communal services, malnutrition, pregnancy, etc.

Symptoms and signs

To get treatment on time, it is worth knowing how the disease manifests itself at the initial stage. Symptoms usually appear from the very beginning of its course and it is extremely difficult to miss them.

The first symptom that cannot be overlooked is soreness and discomfort in the anus. Since the node is growing all the time, it is impossible not to feel it. The feeling of a foreign body in the rectum can accompany the patient constantly or occasionally.

How to distinguish thrombosis from normal hemorrhoids? With hemorrhoids, pain occurs at the time of defecation. With thrombosis, it appears spontaneously and may become non-passing.

Another sign is bleeding. In some cases, the blood sac is damaged by hard feces, and the blood exits by itself through the wound. After this, a noticeable relief is felt. But most often, bleeding occurs in the last stage of the disease. Then we can say that the necrotic process begins, and the vein is covered with small bleeding sores.

If at least one of the listed signs and symptoms occurs, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Diagnostic measures

To make a diagnosis in this case is a matter of minutes. The clinical picture will be pronounced, and even a visual examination will indicate a disease.

But experts rely on three types of diagnostic measures:

  • visual;
  • finger;
  • instrumental.

Visually, you can consider the external nodes and evaluate the degree of the disease. And with the help of the finger method, the structure of cones is examined. As a rule, they are dense, the skin around them is inflamed and changes color.

If the bumps are external, local anesthesia is used for palpation.It allows you to reduce pain and allows the doctor to examine the patient without causing him discomfort.

At more serious stages or with internal / combined thrombosis, rectoscopy is done - a study with a special rectal mirror. Most often in this case, anesthesia is used.

Treatment of hemorrhoid complications

The choice of treatment method depends on the severity and neglect of the disease. It can be medical or surgical.

The first two degrees are usually treated with medication. Usually, these are drugs that place and systemically affect the body. This approach allows you to comprehensively address the problem: it stops the inflammatory process, promotes resorption of the blood sac, improves blood circulation.

  • The list of systemic drugs includes drugs whose action is aimed at increasing the tone of blood vessels. Among them are Detralex, Troxevasin and other similar medicines.
  • To dissolve blood clots, you need other drugs, the so-called anticoagulants. These include rectal suppositories, as well as ointments with heparin in the composition. Among them are Hepotrombin, Proctosedyl, and others.
  • If severe pain is present, then drugs are prescribed that can reduce it. They usually contain anesthetics and hormones. It can be “Proctosan”, “Aurobin”, etc. If the pain is unbearable, then special blockades can be prescribed. The procedure should be carried out several times a week under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Many drugs contain hormones that should not be taken by pregnant women. Therefore, a consultation with a doctor is obligatory for the ladies!

The treatment of hemorrhoidal thrombosis should be under the strict supervision of specialists. The third degree of the disease, unfortunately, can only be treated with surgical methods. Very often, an operation is performed immediately after diagnosis because of the danger posed by the infringement of the node.

  • Thromboectomy is considered a type of surgical intervention. It is carried out on the recommendation of the surgeon. During the operation, a blood clot is opened, after which it is released, and the wound heals independently. The advantages of this method are the speed of the manipulation itself and further healing.
  • In more complex variants of the course of the disease, hemorrhoidectomy is performed. In this case, the affected area is located and simply cut off. Such a procedure is considered the most frequent, because in the process of its implementation, a person completely gets rid of the hemorrhoidal sac.

Hemorrhoidal thrombosis during pregnancy

This disease is today the diagnosis of every eighth pregnant woman. It mainly manifests itself in the third trimester when intra-abdominal pressure increases.

Surgery is contraindicated during pregnancy, therefore, treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist directly with medication. The main group of drugs includes those that have a plant basis.

The causes of thrombosis during pregnancy can be:

  1. Genetics.
  2. Weak vessels.
  3. The tendency to varicose veins and thrombosis.
  4. Chronic hemorrhoids.
  5. Constipation
  6. Big fruit.
  7. Polyhydramnios.
  8. Multiple pregnancy.

To avoid the occurrence of such an ailment, specialists usually prescribe a diet in advance that serves as prevention. Also, at the first manifestation of the disease, in order to avoid constipation, drugs are prescribed that normalize the stool.

Forecast and consequences

If treatment does not start after a blood clot occurs, there will be very sad consequences, which, at best, will be cured after many months. First of all, the lack of therapy is fraught with necrosis of the hemorrhoids, suppuration and even sepsis.

Sepsis is a consequence that in many cases leads to death!

If you go to the hospital on time, the forecasts are favorable.Drug therapy or surgical intervention will lead to an improvement in the condition and to complete recovery in the future.

Approximately 30% of people familiar with the problem of hemorrhoids sooner or later face complications. Therefore, it is better to prevent the development of such a serious disease by starting therapy in a timely manner.


It’s easier to prevent than to treat a serious illness later. Therefore, preventive measures should begin in advance.

  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Eat right.
  • Do not lift weights.
  • Do not stay in one place at work.

Constipation should also be avoided. There are special diets that are selected individually by specialists.

Remember, even the most serious diseases that are not customary to speak out loud can be treated promptly. It is much easier to go to the doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear than to lie down on the surgical table in the future, becoming a victim of prejudice and constraint.