Already getting ready for the beach season? Do not forget to take care of the beauty of your legs. Indeed, beautiful nails and pink feet, of course, are the subject of pride and sexuality of every woman. Sometimes the mood is overshadowed by cracks and corns, because today we will talk about methods of treating cracks on the heels and the reasons for their appearance.
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Cracks in the heels - causes
The skin of the feet is subjected to daily stress, therefore, it is very much in need of proper care. However, not everyone pays attention to subtle zones. Yes, the coarse heels are hidden from the eyes of others, but the discomfort that they deliver cannot be hidden anywhere.
Many girls are tormented by the question, where do these cracks come from? In fact, there are many reasons for this. Let's talk about everything in order.
- Improper nutrition. As a rule, consumed foods affect everything. From the health of our hair to the condition of the skin on our feet. Dry dermis is usually caused by a lack of vitamins A and E.
- Inconvenient shoes. Poor material, unstable heel, etc. - all this can provoke the appearance of cracks and not only. Rough skin is the most minor consequence of wearing “bad” shoes. And often the result of such savings is fungus and other problems.
- Diseases Diseases can be either dermatological or internal. Cracks can appear due to diabetes, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland and gastritis.
Finding out the cause of the disease, it will be easier to prescribe a course of therapy. Fortunately, there are many treatments.
Home Treatment
To eliminate a defect in the skin of the feet, it is not necessary to visit expensive salons. Due to the variety of drugs, you can carry out procedures at home.
Medicines for cracks on the heels are available in the following types:
- creams and ointments;
- pedicure socks;
- masks;
- fortified complexes (with the contents of A and E).
Creams and ointments
Cracking cream on the heels is the most common product to soften rough skin. This is an effective and affordable tool that is convenient to apply.
In pharmacies and cosmetics stores there are many drugs.
In this case, I would like to highlight a number of the most popular means:
- "Radevit";
- "Zazhivin";
- "BioAstin antifungal";
- Lamisil
- "Balzamed";
- Zinc ointment;
- "Gevol";
- Calendula ointment.
The action of ointments:
- Tissue regeneration.
- Moisturizing the skin.
- Normalization of the process of keratinization of the dermis.
- Skin softening.
- Food.
Use the products according to the instructions. Each drug has contraindications that should be carefully studied.
If the problem is acute, then you should resort to stronger ointments. This is Bepanten and regular petroleum jelly.
If you do not treat coarsening on time, then the problem may worsen.
We will also talk about how to get rid of deep cracks on the heels, but Bepanten is one of the simplest and most effective means. This is a deep-action preparation that should be applied twice a day to steamed cleansed skin. The tool is expensive, however, has a cheaper analogue of "De panthenol."
Petroleum jelly is a low-cost and at the same time very effective drug. The result of its use will be elastic, delicate skin, and the feeling of itching and irritation will go away.
Mask socks
A modern tool in the fight against rough skin is the use of special pedicure socks. They are made in the shape of a foot and made of waterproof material. Inside there is an insert that produces the effect of a mask. It is saturated with a special composition that eliminates dry skin and heals cracks.
These socks are best worn the night after the bath. Firstly, the dermis of the feet will be steamed. Secondly, the more hours of exposure, the better. At the same time, observe the measure - a maximum of 8 hours. The minimum time for socks is 2 hours.
Folk remedies for cracked heels
Not everyone prefers purchased drugs and wonders how to treat cracked heels with folk remedies. There are many methods and recipes for home therapy for this problem. We have selected the simplest and most effective.
Foot baths
Trays are designed for steaming the stratum corneum. So the skin is better suited to procedures to eliminate the coarse dermis. Such therapy is very pleasant and gives a lot of pleasure.
However, like any other methods, it has contraindications:
- sores, skin lesions;
- allergy;
- individual intolerance;
- the first day after the pedicure.
Baths are made very simple. Water at a comfortable temperature is poured into the pelvis, and funds are added, depending on the type of therapy. Then the legs are lowered into the pelvis and steamed for 10-15 minutes.
For therapeutic purposes, baths are done daily. Then - once a week to maintain the result.
Additives for baths in a ratio of 2 liters of water:
- peat oxidate;
- milk + starch 2 tbsp .;
- hot whey;
- 2 tbsp soda + a little liquid soap;
- 30 grams of starch;
- about 1 liter of a decoction of chamomile or calendula;
- Herbal collection of hypericum and nettle.
To soften the skin, the usual bath salt, which is sold in any cosmetics store, is also suitable.
Natural ointments and creams
Creamy products can be prepared by yourself.
Recipe 1. Ingredients:
- badger fat;
- a decoction of celandine and calendula.
- The fat is heated in a water bath.
- Ready broth is poured into heated badger fat.
- The ingredients are mixed together.
After the mixture has cooled, apply it to the affected areas. The ointment should be heated before each use.
Recipe 2. Ingredients:
- vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
- glycerin - 50 ml.
The components are mixed together and applied to the heels of bedtime. Cotton socks are put on top.
Recipe 3. Ingredients:
- petroleum jelly;
- a mixture of dried herbs calendula and plantain.
The ratio of petroleum jelly and grass is 1 to 10. The components are mixed together, and the finished mixture is applied to the skin of the feet.
You can add 1-2 drops of essential oil to ready-made home ointments for the best effect.
Compresses and masks
Compresses and masks are applied after baths or after a shower. As part of the course of therapy, procedures are done daily, and then 1-2 times a week.
There are 10 basic recipes:
- A mixture of glycerin and apple cider vinegar (2: 1).
- 100 gr. mix flour with 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil and 30 gr. melted honey. The mask is applied at night, socks are put on top.
- Curd compress from one ingredient.
- A mixture of any cosmetic oils. Olives, grape seed, corn and jojoba are best suited.
- Vitamin E Capsules
- Butter.
- A mixture of grated apple, beer and butter. For one fruit is 100 ml of beer and 2 tbsp. l oils.
- Mass from ammonia 10% and glycerol (1: 1).
- Medical bile.
- Chopped celery greens and butter (1: 1).
Natural cotton socks are recommended to be worn over compresses so that the skin breathes.
Essential oils
Natural oils help eliminate cracked heels. They are used in baths, massage and added to the composition of home creams. It takes only a few drops to achieve the desired result.
To make a foot massage, the following oils are mixed together:
- Coconut
- sesame seeds;
- olive.
2-3 drops of essential oil are added to the mass.
The following extracts are suitable for massaging:
- lavender;
- lemon;
- eucalyptus.
They have an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps prevent fungus and other infectious diseases.
A couple drops of any essential oil will fill your bath with aroma and additional beneficial properties. Each extract has its own characteristics. Choose the right product and use it in the procedures.
Mechanical removal of dead cells
The mechanical procedure includes the following steps:
- Steaming legs. To do this, baths are made with additives.
- Processing feet pumice and brush.
- Light massage.
- Antimicrobial wiping.
At the end, the skin of the feet is moisturized with cream, ointment or cosmetic oils.
Which doctor should I go to?
Which specialist to contact depends on the cause of the cracking on the heels. But do not engage in self-diagnosis.
Just visit a therapist who will assess the condition of your feet and, most likely, will write you a referral to a specialist:
- nutritionist;
- gastroenterologist;
- to a dermatologist;
- Beautician
- endocrinologist;
If you are sure that you do not have internal diseases, then you should contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist.
Preventive actions
Almost every girl faces such a problem as cracks in her feet. Therefore, it is very appropriate to devote time to measures to prevent the development of the problem.
The list of preventive measures:
- Acquire only comfortable shoes made of quality materials.
- Eat foods rich in vitamins A and E in sufficient quantities.
- 1-2 times a week to do home procedures for the feet (scrubbing, masks, baths).
- To treat feet with pumice a few times a week.
- Try to use foot cream daily.
- After visiting public places, it is recommended that you treat your feet with antifungal agents.
- Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or a tanning bed. All this leads to excessive dryness of the skin.
- If possible, allow yourself regular visits to the pedicure master.
Do not forget about proper nutrition.In order to sufficiently obtain the necessary vitamins, it is recommended to buy pharmacy preparations.
Cracks in the heels can bother all year round. If in summer these are usually the consequences of overheating in the sun, in spring the problem is more often caused by vitamin deficiency. At the same time, it is better to have time to heal the skin of the feet by the hot season, so that with pleasure you will wear open sandals and run barefoot along the beach.
- Yulia
- Vika
- Yulia